Natasha x Child Reader

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Dedicated to SkyDragonHeaven.

Up next: Peter Parker (T. Holland) x Reader

Later: Steve Rogers x Reader


  I smiled as I watched Y/N sleeping from my bedroom door. She had fallen asleep while watching Sofia the First, so I gladly turned off the TV and carried her up the stairs.
  Y/N was not my actual child, since you were all aware of my dilemma. Bruce and I could not have asked for a better daughter to have as our own. Bruce was at the Avengers Tower working with Tony on an important project that they both had to present to the authorities, but I knew he would be home soon.

  I finally made it to Y/N's bedroom, before I gently laid her down and tucked her in tightly underneath the covers.
  She was known for doing a lot of moving around in her sleep, so I tried to make sure she would not fall off the bed again.

  As I went to leave, I heard Y/N softly say,"Momma?"

  I said,"Yes, darling?"

  Y/N sat up and held out her hands.

  I smiled and put mine in hers, before she leaned on me and yawned saying,"Will you lay with me? I know you are busy, but I want you to stay."

  I nodded, and Y/N smiled so big. I laid down with her, while she wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her forehead and rubbed small circles on her back. Y/N snuggled into me, but I noticed she was not really going to sleep.
  I chuckled slightly, before she played with my fingers and kept on looking towards the doorway.

  I sighed, because she was looking for Bruce. She would not go to sleep if she did not see him either. Bruce and Y/N were really close. Y/N felt like she could tell him anything; especially, if it involved making Bruce smile or laugh.

  I said,"He will be here any minute, but do not forget to give him your gift."

  Y/N scrambled out of bed, before she moved her stuffed animals and many toys out of the way. She pulled out a book, along with her present for Bruce. She ran back to me and did her best to write her name. Her name was still a work in progress, when it came to writing it down.

  Once Y/N was done, I heard the doorbell going off. Y/N and I made our way down the stairs, before Bruce walked through the front door. Y/N immediately attacked him in a hug, which caused them both to fall down.

  Bruce chuckled and kissed her cheek saying,"I missed you, too, Princess. Aww, is that for me?"

  Bruce sent me a smile but also a wink. I blushed and smiled back, before Bruce set down his bags and examined Y/N's gift. It was a picture she drew of Bruce and her that day they spent together as officially being father and daughter.
  Bruce actually had tears forming in his eyes, before Y/N wiped them and hugged his neck. Bruce hugged back, while I smiled at their moment.

  Bruce slowly pulled away and cupped Y/N's face saying,"Thanks, Y/N. This is the best gift anyone has ever given me. I will make sure I will put it somewhere very special."

  Y/N smiled so big, before she yawned again and started to lean a little.

  Bruce laughed lightly and gave her a kiss, before he put Y/N over his shoulder and said,"It is someone's bedtime. Tell mommy you love her."

  Bruce leaned Y/N towards me, before she gave me a kiss and said,"Night, Mommy. I love you."

  Bruce sent me a genuine smile, while I stroked Y/N's cheek and said,"Mommy loves you, too."

  Y/N smiled and waved at me as Bruce carried her to her bedroom. I chuckled and waved back, before I got ready for bed. 
  I walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch. Shortly after, I soon felt Bruce's arms around me.

  I leaned into Bruce's touch, while he said,"You all right? You have not said much."

  I nodded and gave Bruce a weak smile saying,"Yeah, just a little tired from training today. How did Stark and you do today with the presentation?"

  Bruce chuckled and looked me in the eyes saying,"It went well, thank you. I am sorry I have not been at home as much. I guess I am just afraid the other guy will come out and hurt you. From now on, I will do my best to be here with you and Y/N as much as I can. Plus, she keeps on sending me voicemails."

  I giggled at Y/N's doings, before I noticed Bruce leaning in. It was bold of him to do, but I would not turn him down. I smiled and leaned in, too, before I brought Bruce closer. Bruce smiled in the kiss and stayed there for the longest.
  Once we pulled away, he stroked my cheek and said,"I love you, Natasha."

  I smiled and said,"I love you, too, big guy. I love you, too."
  Bruce went to kiss me again, but I heard Y/N calling his name.

  Bruce chuckled and went to go by himself, but I grabbed his hand and said,"We will do it together."

  Bruce smiled and kissed my hand, before we both went upstairs and checked on Y/N.

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