Tony Stark x Reader

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 Up next: Black Panther x Reader Part 2

 Later: Peter Parker x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I watched as Tony paced back and forth inside his office. He had been doing this for the last few hours, and it was really bothering me. I was about to walk in, but someone gently grabbed my arm.
  I looked to my right and saw Steve. Steve held open the door for me, but he looked like he had to go.

  I awwed and sent him a smile in thank you saying,"Wow, Captain, I am so honored right now. Thank you for your long-term service and respect to women like me."

  I felt like I had to say that, because Steve's personality was VERY rare to find anywhere.
  Steve nodded and sent me a smile back, before he jogged out the door. I smiled to myself, before I walked into the small office.

  Tony did not notice I was in here yet, so I just sat down in the open chair. I crossed my legs and patiently waited for Tony to notice me, though, I did get a pretty good idea about what has been on his mind lately.

  Tony said,"You know we killed innocent people, don't you? Some were kids, teenagers, family that did not get the opportunity to live out their dreams."

  I was not even aware Tony knew I was in here.

  He laughed to himself, while he played with his watch saying,"The Avengers were supposed to be making a difference, beautiful, but why can anyone not see that? Ultron, I did not even see it coming. I should have known not to do it, but I thought he could be what the world's never seen before."

  Tony sat down on the table right in front of me, before he looked at me for a minute. I did not know whether to speak or stay quiet, but Tony chose for me. He kissed me softly, and I quickly responded.

  Tony pulled me into his lap, before he sighed against my lips saying,"I am so sorry, baby. I did not know he was gonna-"

  I pushed away the tears that threatened to fall, but I put a finger on Tony's lips saying,"No, don't you dare start blaming that on yourself. You could not have possibly known my brother was down there. Tony, you had no control over that."

  Tony cut me off by saying,"Yes, yes, I did. That's why we need this, Y/N!! In order for us to stay together, we need to sign this. This document could end up saving the team and the world."

  I sighed and realized Tony was not hearing me. I really wished my mom did not say that to him at his conference thingy, but she did.
  Tony really took her words to heart, but this was not just about what she said. This was about me, our future together.

  Tony pulled me close and rested his forehead on mine.

  I kissed his nose and said,"I love you, Tony."

  Tony stroked my cheek slowly and said,"I love you, too, baby. I love you, too."

  Tony pulled me in for a hug, before I hugged back.

  He kissed my cheek and mumbled,"You are so beautiful, and you have always been here for me. Would you keep Vision company, until I come back?"

  I nodded and gave Tony multiple kisses, before he smiled and kissed my forehead. Tony held on, and I closed my eyes for just two seconds.
  Tony slowly pulled away and sent me a wink, before he followed Natasha and the others to the meeting.

  I turned to Vision and asked,"What do you want to do, Vision?"

  Vision said,"Will you teach me how to cook something? I am not really that familiar with your choice of materials. Mr. Stark does not quite have the..."

  Vision seemed like he was struggling to find the word, and I giggled saying,"Patience? Yeah, I know what you mean, Vision. Sure, let's get this started. I would be honored."

  Vision sent me a genuine smile, and I sent him one in return. Once I pulled out the ingredients, I began to give Vision lessons on the different recipes I normally used to make meals for Tony.
  Tony loved them all, but I was sure it was because I was not afraid to spice things up every now and then.


  This day had been pretty long, but Vision and I got to spend some time together. As I sat in Tony's office, I overheard the news about his parents' murder.
  I told Mom I would be staying with Tony instead of coming over, and I was sure she knew that it was important. Once Tony walked through the door, I immediately pulled him in for a hug. Tony went to pull away, but I held him so tightly he could not pull away.

  Tony held me tighter, and I could feel his tears falling down my back.

  I rubbed his back and whispered in his ear,"Everything will be all right, Anthony. I will be right here comforting you. I promise."

  Tony gave me a quick kiss, before he gladly told me what he was feeling. I smiled in the hug, but I made sure Tony knew I was going to be here for him. I knew Bucky was hurt over it too, because he had no control over his actions. Eventually, I knew Tony would come to realize it as well, but he learned it in the worst way possible.

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