Avengers x Reader

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This Avengers x Reader takes place during Captain America: Civil War!!

Dedicated to beautygirl701.

Up next: Peter Parker x Reader

Later: Francis Freeman x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  My name was Y/N Rogers, daughter of Steven Rogers and Peggy Carter. Yeah, I was a surprise all right, but Dad and Mom did everything they could to keep me safe and feel loved. Sadly, Mom passed away, and it was the worst thing I ever had to go through.
  No one ever wanted to lose their mother; especially, if she was a big impact on their life. Right now, my dad was in a relationship with Sharon Carter, who should I mention, was related to me. I did not have enough to confirm that they were a thing, but it appeared to be that way. I refused to call her my mother, though.

  I mean, she was nice and all, but I already had a mother...and I was still trying to cope with having her gone. Dad did not know about me at first, since his whole incident with the whole defrosting thing and trying to get back into the world.
  Imagine being asleep for almost 70 years and waking up to finding out you have a daughter, who may just be like you. I was not that old, still a young adult, but only because I was experimented on as well. Mom was not in control of what happened to me, but I was sure under lockdown for many months after the incident.

  Right now, I had found myself panicking and rushing to my Dad's side. Thanks to my daydreaming and constant talks with myself, I forgot I was in the middle of a fight.
  How did you forget you were in the middle of a fight? Only me. I was knocked down by an agent, before I groaned in pain, and Dad threw me his shield.

  I yelled,"THANKS, CAPTAIN!"

  Dad just chuckled, before he resumed going after the rest of the agents. I noticed Dad getting closer to Crossbones. I rolled my eyes, because he was very irritating. Rumlow had a habit of hitting on me from time to time, but I sure enough showed him what happened when he hit on Captain America's daughter.
  I used Dad's shield and quickly took down the idiot, before someone hit me in the back of my leg. I groaned again, then I heard a shot go off. I turned and saw Dad fall back.

  I yelled,"NO, YOU-"

  I ran towards Crossbones and punched him multiple times, before a soft and gentle hand pulled me back.

  Tears formed in my eyes, and Wanda said,"No, Y/N, this is not the way. We need to get your father some medical attention."

  I rushed over to Dad's side and gently moved the part of his uniform where the bullet hit.

  I put my hand over his wound and applied pressure to it, while Dad weakly said,"Y/N..."

  Tears poured down my face, while I cried saying,"No, please stay with me, Daddy. I love you so much. You...you have to make it."

  Dad gave me his hand, while I held it to my face. Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam rushed to my side, and Dad's eyes closed. I instantly broke down in Uncle Sam's arms.

  He held me close and whispered,"Everything is gonna be okay. You are not alone, okay? I got you, I promise."

  I nodded and just held onto Uncle Sam. I noticed Uncle Buck putting his hand over Dad's and put his head down, before tears fell down his face. He actually started to cry, which I could completely understand. Dad was always there for him.

  We heard more gunshots in the distance, before I heard a commotion. I turned to see the Director and Maria Hill running into the room.

  They noticed Dad, and Director Fury immediately sent me a sympathetic eye and said,"Hill, make sure Rumlow knows what is good for him. We just lost one of our greatest heroes and this did not have to happen this way."

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