Various! Avengers x Reader

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Dedicated to The_Insane_Reaperess.

Up next: Scott Summers x Reader

Later: Tony Stark x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I made my way down the stairs and ran into Natasha, which I did apologize for.

  Nat laughed and sent me a soft smile saying,"It's fine, L/N. Are you looking for Steve?"

  I shook my head saying,"Steven is not my concern right now."

  I felt strong arms wrap around me, before I laughed at Steve pouting at me.

  Steve just smiled and said,"Nice to know how you feel, sweetheart."

  I kissed Steve's jaw and said,"Oh, you know how I feel about you, Rogers, so there is no reason for your feelings to be hurt."

  I heard a groan, before I saw Tony and Bruce rolling their eyes.

  Steve just made me look at him and said,"I don't mind, Y/N."

  I smiled up at Steve, before I gently pulled away from his embrace and sat down on the sofa. Thor was playing Dance Central, and I was amused by his dancing.
  No one would believe me, but Thor chose Crank That Souja Boy and he was killing it right now. I turned and saw Steve moving from side to side a little bit.

  I giggled and said,"Baby, you want to join Thor? I am sure he won't mind. Thor?"


  I laughed and said,"You're doing great, Thor!! C'mon, Steve. There is no reason to be embarrassed. We are all family here."

  Tony grunted and said,"Well..."

  I rolled my eyes, and Steve stood beside Thor. Nat and I encouraged him, before Steve started dancing and I recorded him. This would be a great video to show the kids someday.
  When Steve and Thor got done dancing, everyone cheered, and I gave Steve a kiss for being brave. Steve blushed and cleared his throat, which just made me smile and he sat down beside me.

  I looked over at Tony and Bruce, before Bruce said,"No, no. I don't dance."

  I raised an eyebrow at Bruce and Bruce laughed, before I smiled saying,"You just made a High School Musical reference."

  Tony got up saying,"I will take the challenge, Y/N, but only if you do it, too."

  Bucky and Sam came walking into the room, before I laughed at the two of them trying to beat each other to the other sofa.

  Sam tackled Bucky to the floor, before T'Challa just shook his head at them saying,"I thought they would be more civilized than this."

  Natasha said,"We thought so, too, but obviously they are not. This is the best they can do."

  I smiled, before Tony chose Whip My Hair, and I squealed yelling,"THIS IS MY JAM!! STARK, GET READY TO LOSE!!"

  Tony chuckled and Steve sent me a wink, before T'Challa pushed Tony out of the way. He began to whip his hair. I giggled and joined him, before Nat, Thor, Wanda, and Pietro joined in, too.
  When it was almost over, Nat whipped a little too hard and bumped heads with Wanda. I made sure they were both okay, before we took a little break from the dancing.

  Unfortunately, Tony and I could not tell who won, because everyone joined in before we could see our separate scores. It was fun, though, which was what mattered.
  Tony and I hugged it out, before I said,"Consider this a warning, Stark. Next time, we will have a real match and I will win."

  Tony smiled and said,"I look forward to it. Pietro, the song is over."

  Pietro was still singing and whipping his hair, which caused me to die in laughter. Pietro just did his thing, and we let him. 
  I sat back down beside Steve and pushed him off of the sofa, before Tony said,"It was about time you showed him you were not interested."

  I laughed and helped Steve up, before I held Steve's hand saying,"Tony, no one would date you; especially, if Steve was the other choice. Look at Steve."

  I squeezed Steve's cheeks, which caused him to groan and gently push my hands away. I leaned in and gave him a kiss, before he kissed back and pulled me closer. I felt wet, before I turned and saw Bucky with a water balloon in his hand.

  Sam immediately pointed at Bucky and ran, before I ran after Bucky and yelled,"YOU WON'T GET AWAY THIS TIME, WINTER!!! EVEN IF YOUR HAIR IS PERFECT!!"

  Bucky laughed at the last part, before I managed to catch up with him and knocked him down. Bucky groaned in pain, and Steve held him down while I grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it on Bucky.

  Bucky yelled,"Y/N?!! UGHH, I JUST DID MY HAIR!! NOW, I LOOK LIKE SAM!!"

  Sam looked at Bucky, before he chuckled saying,"Thank you, man. You know, I really try to look hot, but no one ever seems to notice. I mean, we look almost identical. I don't see the difference."

  I smiled and said,"Right. There you go, Wilson. It all starts with confidence and encouragement."

  Sam smiled back at me and blew me a kiss, before Steve sent him a look and Bucky said,"Steve, you are so mean. You are supposed to be on my side. Just because Y/N is your girlfriend doesn't mean you mess up our friendship and throw me down the drain. C'mon, Steve."

  Bruce said,"I think the two of you should hug it out."

  Steve got up and hugged Bucky, before Bucky hugged back and said,"I really needed this hug."

  I giggled, while Nat laughed saying,"Bucky, I think you are making Steve uncomfortable."

  Bucky pulled away from the hug, and Steve just shook his hand before I said,"Whose ready for another round of Dance Central?"

  Before I knew it, everyone was pushing each other and trying to get in line first. It was times like these where I loved the Avengers.

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