Loki x Reader

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Up next: Grant Ward x Reader

Later: Various! Avengers x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I rested my head on Nat's lap, while Wanda softly said,"Darling, it will be okay. Have you eaten anything?"

  I shook my head and continued to cry, before Tony asked Steve,"Is she still crying? Geez, women are so emotional for no reason."

  I took the glass cup on the table and threw it Tony, before he quickly dodged it and said,"How rude. I still love you, though, Y/N."

  Steve rolled his eyes and more tears formed in my eyes, before Steve said,"Tony, leave her alone. She has had a rough day. Don't you have a suit to go work on?"

  Tony just looked at Steve, before he rolled his eyes and headed towards the elevator. Steve sat down beside me; however, Nat and Wanda made their way towards their rooms.

  I was deeply confused, before Steve nudged me and asked,"You all right, ma'am?"

  I sniffed saying,"N..No. Steve, w..what if Loki f..forgot about m..me? M..Maybe that is w..why he has n..not came b..back yet."

  Steve shook his head and put his hand over mine saying,"You cannot think like that, Soldier. You remember what I told you when we found Bucky?"

  I smiled a little saying,"Yeah, Cap, I do. You said that we cannot lose hope, because he may just need our help, too. Steve, what does that have to do with Loki? Did you just call me "Soldier?"

  Steve ruffled my hair saying,"Yes, I did. It's a nickname or title that suits you, Y/N. You are brave and will do whatever it takes to be heard. That is what makes you special, and I am sure it is why Loki adores you, Ma'am."

  I nodded, before I kissed Steve's cheek saying,"You always know how to cheer me up. Thank you, Rogers. You are the older brother I never had. Thanks for getting Tony to leave for me. He can be aggravating."

  Steve laughed and said,"I agree, Soldier, but let's just enjoy the peace and quiet. I better go check on Sharon. Do you need me to stay?"

  I shook my head and kissed Steve's cheek again saying,"Thank you, Steve. Y...you better go. S..Sharon may n..need you."

  Steve wrapped the covers around me, before I continued to lay down on the couch and think about Loki. The reason I was hurting so much was because Loki meant everything to me. He may not be a Bruce Banner or Steve Rogers, but he was the one I truly wanted in my life.
  Loki and I met during the battle of New York, after he managed to destroy half of Stark Tower. We were not fighting for the same side, but we did share a common emotion that drove us together: Pain...It was different for everyone, but it was the fact that Loki and I both came from places where we never really were the best.

  When Loki and I were fighting each other, he held back and I knew why: He realized we both shared a common interest, even if it meant he had to stand down to get to know me. I thought that was sweet, even though he technically killed many people that day.
  I buried my face in the covers and watched Moana, while I heard a voice say,"Now, Darling, what did I tell you about being lazy?"

  I immediately jumped up and saw my prince staying only a few inches away from me.

  I squealed and attacked him in kisses, before Loki laughed and asked me,"Did you really miss me, My Love?"

  I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck saying,"Of course, I did. I missed a few days of work and may have cried a little, but I am just glad you are finally back!"

  Loki frowned and lifted my chin saying,"Darling, what did I tell you about crying? I hate when you are upset, because no beautiful mortal like you should be in distress. You are too magnificent to cry over someone like me, okay? Understand?"

  Loki rubbed my side, while I softly said,"I am sorry, Loki. I just...What are you doing to me?"

  Loki smirked saying,"I ask myself the same thing, My Queen, but I have yet to figure out what it is that always brings me to my knees for you. You are not like any other mortal I have ever met, and I like that about you. We can rule Asgard together, My Queen. Take back the throne from Odin, who knows not what it means to be a real king."

  Loki placed kisses all over my face, while I could not help but smile and think about Loki's words. Of course, I loved him, but I was always afraid of that rage of his. Loki needed my support and I had tried millions of times to talk him out of it, but I was never successful.

  Loki waited for me to speak, before I gave him a kiss and said,"I would do anything for you, My King. Loki, all I ask is this of you."

  Loki took my hands and asked,"What, Y/N?"

  I put my hand over his heart and said,"Whatever happens from now on, I need you to promise me that you will not forget what made you what you are. I know you are mad at Odin and Thor, but they are still your family. They may not be your real family, but somewhere in there, I know you care about them. You may try your hardest to deny it, but there is only so much you can keep from me, Loki. Do not act from your pain, but from this. Promise me."

  Loki pulled me in for a hug and said,"I promise, My Queen, I promise."

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