Sam Wilson x Reader

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Up next: Avengers x Teenage Reader Part 1

Later: Avengers x Teenage Reader Part 2

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I was running from Sam Wilson, my husband of 4 years now. I ran into Sam from my best friend, James Buchanan Barnes. I knew about their bromance, so I made sure I did not intervene at the wrong times.
  Sam was right on my tail. I decided to jump over the balcony and ended up near the front door. I noticed Steve and Bucky talking, while they gave me confused and worried looks for a second.

  I just sent them a smile, before I slid under Steve and hid behind Bucky. Bucky chuckled and grabbed me, which caught me off-guard, and I tried to escape from his tight grip on me. Sam caught up to us and noticed me in Bucky's arms.

  He crossed his arms and gave Bucky a look saying,"C'mon, man, you cannot just steal my girl."

  Bucky smirked and said,"I am not trying to, but I will consider it. I am sure Y/N is interested."

  I blushed at first, but I knew Bucky and Sam were just playing around with each other. Bucky chuckled and kissed my cheek, before he let go of me and Sam smiled over at me.

I smiled back, and he held out his hand for me. I put mine in his, before Sam decided to take us for a slow walk around the outside of the house.

  I giggled to myself, as he said,"Now, this is what I call romantic. Just the two of us taking a nice stroll, don't you think?"

  Sam noticed me giggling and pouted.

  I just smiled and kissed his nose saying,"Better than your last idea, Sammy. Do not worry, this is the best walk you have ever taken me on. You are moving up in the world."

  Sam chuckled and stopped us from walking anymore, and I became confused. Sam turned me around and wrapped his arms around me, while I found myself leaning into his touch.

  Sam said,"Do you ever regret being with me? I mean, I know you love me, but why risk everything for me?"

  I immediately understood what was going on and made Sam look at me.

  I cupped his face and honestly said with every hint of passion and love that I had inside of me,"There has not been a day where I wanted to take back being with you, baby. I know you feel guilty about what happened to Rhodes, but that will not make me love you any less. You are still that lovable man I fell in love with years ago, and I hope you do not doubt how much you mean to me. You are what guides me through my darkest days; especially, when it is that time of the month."

  I rolled my eyes at the thought of that excruciating pain, which made Sam chuckle and rest his hand on my stomach.

  I smiled and stroked his cheek softly saying,"You are what keeps me going, and I would miss Falcon more than anything in the world, if he stopped being a part of my life. I never did mean to say those things to you when we first met, but we were on completely different sides of justice then. I know now that the right team is wherever you are. Baby, I love you so much."

  Sam's brown eyes were filled with tears, before I smiled and went to wipe them. Sam stopped me and immediately kissed me. I kissed back and brought him closer, while I could feel his fresh sets of tears hitting gently across my face.
  I rubbed his arms in comfort, while I slowly pulled away from the kiss. Sam looked away and I knew it was because he was not finished crying yet. He was trying to stay strong in front of me. I shook my head and just hugged him, before he hugged back.

  He buried his face in my neck, while I whispered encouraging words in his ear. Steve and Bucky ended up walking in on our little moment, which caused them to silently apologize and step back out.

  I blew them a kiss in thank you, before I held Sam tighter.

  Sam pulled away from the hug, and I asked him,"Sammy, you okay?"

  Sam did not say anything, but he took my hand and led me inside. We had to go back inside, because it was time to eat, and Bucky and Steve were waiting on Sam and I.
  I wiped Sam's face and made sure I gave him a few kisses, before we made our way inside the dining room. When Sam sat down, he made sure he was holding my hand under the table. I just went with it and ran my thumb across his knuckles.

  Steve said, concern evident in his voice,"Sam, are you all right?"

  I motioned to Steve to drop it, since Sam was not going to say anything. Steve just nodded, and I gave him a smile in reassurance. Bucky was even worried about Sam the most, which caused him to get up and sit down beside him.
   I would have joked about it, but clearly, Sam was feeling pretty low right now. Bucky got conversation out of Sam, along with Steve's help, which caused me to smile at Sam's most trusted allies.

  Eventually, the other Avengers arrived, yet they didn't stay for long. Surprisingly, the other Avengers did not say much, mainly because Bucky and Steve had everything under control.

  After they left, Sam walked up to me and softly said,"I am going to head up. Love you."

  Sam kissed me, and it seemed so different from his usual kisses. I just kissed back, while he held on to me as if he were afraid I would make a run for it. Sam eventually pulled away, before he jogged up the stairs.
  I cleaned up the kitchen, and Sam came back downstairs to handle the dining room. Once we were done, I followed after Sam up the stairs. I changed into my pajamas, and Sam laid down in his spot.

  I smiled and leaned on Sam's chest, as he wrapped his arms around me and tried to make me comfortable as possible.

  Sam kissed my nose, cheek, and forehead saying,"I love you, Y/N. Promise me you won't leave?"

  I looked into Sam's eyes and said,"I promise I won't leave you, Wilson. I promise."

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