Avengers x Teenage Reader

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Dedicated to Soren_MCSM_TrashBag


Up next: Rocket Raccoon x Reader

Later: Loki x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Today was my first softball game, and I was excited yet very nervous. To ease my nerves, I asked my father, Steve Rogers, and my mother, Sharon Carter, if they could attend my game. I was fine in practice, but this was an actual game against actual opponents. Mom and Dad immediately agreed and ended up inviting everyone.

  As I took deep breaths, I closed my eyes and heard Uncle Tony yell,"Y/N, PRACTICE! PRACTICE!"

  I could not help but laugh and looked over at Uncle Tony. He sent me a thumbs up and Dad shook his head, before Dad motioned for me to keep continuing my breathing exercises. I did this, so I would not pass out or worry myself to death before the game even began. After I was done, I practiced my swinging and catching.
  I watched the other team line up to bat, and I found my place on the infield. My job was the shortstop and I could hear my family cheering me on, even though I was not the one with the bat. That gave me all the confidence I needed that I could deliver, and they would see how great I was.

  The first person hit a home run, and Uncle Sam yelled,"SHE CHEATED! SHE CHEATED!"

  I let out a giggle and Dad nudged Uncle Sam, trying to keep him from blurting out something that would get someone else's mom upset. Uncle Sam's eyes met my own, and he nodded to me before I nodded back.
  When the next person hit the ball, I thought for sure it was going to be out, but one of our girls dropped the ball. She threw it to me, and there were two ways I could have thrown the ball. I threw it to the pitcher, before he threw it to third base. Then, the third base girl threw it to the second base.

  Dad yelled,"GOOD CALL, Y/N!! GOOD CALL!"

  Aunt Nat yelled,"THAT'S MY GIRL!! THAT'S MY GIRL!"

  Aunt Nat, Aunt Pepper, and Aunt Wanda cheered from the top of their lungs. The two teams switched out after it took a minute for us to get another out from the other team. It did not take long, before it was my turn to bat. I firmly planted my feet on the ground and took my position that felt best for me.

  The whole family stood up, even Uncle Rhodes, who had suffered after what happened back when Dad and Uncle Tony had the falling out. They cheered for me, and the first ball went right past me into the catcher's hand.

  My team cheered me on, and my coach yelled,"IT'S ALL RIGHT, ROGERS! YOU'VE GOT THIS! COME ON!"

  The pitcher throws the ball again, and I missed that one, too. I tried not to get nervous, and I looked at my family. They cheered louder, and Dad motioned for me to relax and focus. I did as he said and took a deep breath. Next, the pitcher threw another ball towards me.
  I hit it and got ready to run, keeping my eyes on the ball. However, it went out of the stadium, and I had hit a home run. I smiled, running across all the bases and returning to receive high fives from my whole team and the coaches.

  It turned out my phenomenon ended up helping us ensure that we won the game and with that, Dad and Mom decided that going for ice-cream was a good idea. With that, I could not turn that down.
  When we sat down, I received hugs, kisses, and compliments from the whole family. I thought that this had been a great game and start for the rest of the season. Even if it was not good, having my true family there would be worth every losing or winning game.

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