Peter Parker x Reader Part 2

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I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!! Mine has been amazing, but I'm sure there's much more to come!! Would you all do me a favor, please? Please read meleaj book, Marvel's Avengers/ Sebastian Stan Imagines!!

Up next: Bruce Banner x Reader

Later: Civil War x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  The next morning when I woke up, I immediately wondered what Peter was doing.

  No, YN!! He hurt you!

  He is just like everyone else!

  But I miss him so much.

  I was snapped out of my thoughts by Wade softly saying,"Y/N..."

  I did not even realize by now, I was crying and somehow had managed to be holding Wade's hand tightly. I immediately apologized and let go of Wade's hand. Wade kissed my cheek, before he walked out of the living room.
  I wrapped the covers around myself and let my tears fall. I did not know where to go from here, but every thought and clue led me to go back to Peter. Of course, I still loved him, but I..I just did not want to get hurt again.

  Wade sat back down beside me and put an orange juice in front of my face saying,"Ugh, don't cry, babe. Here, have some orange juice. It is good for you and makes you strong!! I drink it, so you should drink it."

  I decided to play around with Wade and checked my drink.

  Wade pouted and whined saying,"Why you gotta be like that, Y/N? I promise I did not do anything to your drink, Geez!!"

  I giggled and hugged Wade in thank you saying,"Thanks, Wade. I really appreciate your concern for my health."

  Wade chuckled and waved it off saying,"No problem, beautiful. Want something?"

  I nodded and smiled up at Wade, before he sent me a wink and walked into the kitchen. After Wade left, I walked upstairs to the bedroom I was staying in and walked outside to the terrace.
  The cool breeze was very nice, but it reminded me of the many times Peter and I would spend together on our balcony. Whenever one of us needed time or something to do, we would just sit outside on the balcony and enjoy each other's comfort. We did not have to say anything, because sometimes there was nothing to say.

  Peter would just wrap his arms around me and keep me warm, while I leaned into his embrace and stared out at the moonlight glistening over New York. It was moments like those I could never forget. I cherished them. As I thought about Peter, the tears were back.

  I put my hand over my stomach and softly cried, before I heard a soft voice say,"Hey."

  I immediately jumped at the voice, but I turned to see Spider-Man hanging upside down. I did not know what to say, but I was so glad to see him. He swung down to me, and I took a few steps back.

  He took off his mask and looked me in the eyes saying,"Baby, I am really sorry about everything I said. I know I was wrong, but please give me another chance. I promise it will not happen again. I need you more than anything. Please.."

  I did not know what it was, but I let Peter walk up to me. He pulled me close and intertwined his fingers with mine. I just could not hold it in anymore. I broke down and just hugged Peter.

  Peter hugged back and shushed me saying,"It is all right, babe, I got you. It is okay. Just let it out."

  I held Peter tighter and cried saying,"Why are you such a jerk? I...I trusted you, and you cheated on me. Am I not good enough for you? What did she have that I don't have? Peter, I thought I was the most important girl in your world. You said-"

  Tears poured down my face, before Peter cut me off by kissing me passionately. I kissed back.

  I slowly pulled away and said,"I love you so much, Parker. Do not do it again."

  Peter nodded, and I noticed his suit looked different.

  I sniffed saying,"Nice suit, it really looks good on you. I love that red."

  Peter chuckled and kissed me saying,"Thank you, honey. That means the world, especially coming from you. Y/N?"

  I hmmed in response, before Peter kissed my nose and lifted my chin saying,"How about we go spend time together like old times, huh? I promise to keep you warm and cozy, but just do not drool on me!"

  I giggled softly and leaned on Peter's chest saying,"I love you, Parker, so much it hurts. Do not drop me, okay? I am still a little dizzy from your last game."

  Peter smirked, and I rolled my eyes. I held on to him tightly, before he swung us home. Once we made it, I immediately headed out to the balcony. Peter soon joined me and I smiled, knowing that I was where I needed to be. While I laid down with Peter, I hoped Wade loved the gift I left for him. I did not know if he would like it, but I hoped he did.


  When I walked back into the living room, Y/N was not there. I frowned and checked under the sofa cushions, before I looked all around the house. I even looked inside the trashcan!!

  I sighed and said,"Where did she go? Uh oh..."

  I went to call Spidey, but she could handle herself. I walked back into the living room and almost missed the present sitting on the floor.

  I gasped and wiggled my eyebrows yelling,"A PRESENT!! FOR ME?!! NO!!"

  I rushed over to the present and shook it repeating,"Please be money!! Please be money!!"

  I tore open the present, and it was money!! That was not all folks. There was more. Wait, no she did not?!!

  Tears formed in my eyes, and I pushed it away saying,"Do not fall for it, Wade. Do not let her win."

  As one tears fell down my face, I was completely thrown off by a camera flash going off. I ran outside and saw Y/N standing there, smirking over at me.

  I sighed and facepalmed, while Y/N ran over to me and kissed my cheek saying,"I love you, too, Wade. GOTTA GO, BECAUSE I AM IN TROUBLE WITH PETER AGAIN!! BYE, POOL! STAY INTELLIGENT, WADE! Wait, you are not intelligent."

  I gasped at Y/N's comment, before she chuckled and sent me a wink.

  I leaned on my car and sighed saying,"Wow, what a girl.."

  My heart stung from her comment, and I shook my head saying,"She did not mean it. Do not get upset. Keep it together, Wade."

  She did not mean it...

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