Scott Summers x Reader

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Up next: Loki x Reader

Later: Steve Rogers x Requested Reader

    Y/N'S POV

  As I made my way through the halls of the one place I felt comfortable at, someone pulled me into their room. I was pushed up against a wall. That person that had pushed me up against the wall was Jean.

  I instantly rolled my eyes and said,"I do not have time for this, Jean. I have to find Scott."

  Jean harshly pushed me back and said,"Scott does not want to see you. He wants to see me. I loved him first, so you cannot just take him away from me. Watch your back, Y/N, I am warning you."

  I pushed Jean off and walked out of her room, before I continued my search to find Scott.

  I noticed the Professor coming down the hall, and I ran up to him saying,"Professor, have you seen Scott?"

  The Professor nodded and pointed outback saying,"He has been out there all morning, but I am sure you can find out what is going on with him. I have faith in you, Y/N."

  I smiled and kissed his cheek in thank you, before I headed outside. Scott sat down near the lake in the back, and I carefully took a seat beside him.
  After I rested my head on Scott's shoulder, which I normally did to cheer him up, he immediately got up and backed away from me.

  I frowned and said,"Baby."

  Scott continued to take several steps back, while I took that as a sign to stop taking so many steps or just stop walking towards him period.

  I sighed and reached for Scott, while he said,"No, do not come any closer. I...I do not want to hurt you. I cannot control it, Y/N. Every time I try to, I just make things worse."

  When Scott stopped walking and put on his shades, I instantly took that as my opening to try to get through to him. I slowly yet carefully made my way over to Scott.
  Once I reached Scott, he flinched at me touching him. We had been through this plenty of times already, but every time was different.

  Scott tried to move my hands and shakily said,"No, I...I can't."

  I shushed him and slowly brought my hands up to his shades, before I took them off.

  Scott put his head down and immediately closed his eyes, before I lifted his chin and softly said,"Baby, could you please open your eyes for me? I miss seeing them. If you open your eyes, I'll give you these special glasses to keep you from frying me to death. Give me your shades."

  Scott sighed, before he immediately put on the special glasses and slowly opened his eyes. I went to smile, but Scott closed his eyes again and lifted the special glasses to rub his eyelids.

  I brought him closer and put my forehead on his saying,"Scott, I cannot imagine how hard it was for you getting exposed to your powers the hard way, but you are not alone. You would never hurt me, and I know that. You mean everything to me, and I see you the same way I would see any normal guy out there. I do not care whether you are a mutant or not, because I will always love you for the stubborn yet sweet guy that you are, Summers. You do not need to prove anything to anyone, because I have got you every step of the way."

  Scott took a deep breath and I smiled, knowing he was gonna try to open his eyes again for me.

  I rubbed his shoulders and leaned on his shoulder saying,"C'mon, Summers, I have faith in you. Just take deep breaths and look at me."

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