Black Panther x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to alexshurley21.

Up next: Bruce Banner x Reader

Later: Scott Summers x Reader.


  My name was Anya, and I have had a sort of a confusing background. People often thought of Tony as my father, but technically, he was not. My real father was John Grayson, the father of Richard John Dick Grayson, or really just Richard.
   I was originally from Gotham, but I found myself in a world of different heroes like Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, and...Black Panther. Just thinking about him, I felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

  I felt someone behind me and jumped at seeing T'Challa standing there. He was not alone; however, Tony knew I had feelings for T'Challa and walked out of the room. Such a supportive adoptive father. I did my best to not seem like a nervous wreck, which was not working out so well right now.

  T'Challa sent me a weird look and asked me,"An, are you all right?"

  I cleared my throat and shakily said,"I-I am fine. I guess I am just a little off today. What brings you here, My King?"

  Did I really just say that? I wanted to slam my head into the table so badly right now.

  T'Challa chuckled and kissed my cheek saying,"It is fine, An. I am sure you are just still asleep. Is that the problem?"

  I nodded and said,"Yeah, that is what it is, or am I an idiot?"

  I mumbled the last part, which I was believing at the moment. T'Challa sat down in my chair and looked through my drawings.
  He smiled as he looked through them, which made me smile, too. I actually wanted to know what he was thinking.

  T'Challa looked up and asked me,"You are not from here, are you?"

  I shook my head and looked at T'Challa surprised, because most people would not have even guessed that or thought about it.

  T'Challa chuckled and smiled saying,"When you rule over a place such as Wakanda, you notice a certain way they respond and act towards you. You are very different, Anya, and that is a good thing. I admire that about you."

  I blushed, and T'Challa sat down right beside me.

  He rested his hand on my cheek saying,"Well, where do you come from, Anya? I am curious as to how you ended up here."

  I smiled and said,"I am originally from Gotham, but I moved here after everything that happened to me. My childhood was not like many others but very tragic. I guess you could say I am close to the Dark Knight himself, but he did the best he could to watch over me. Things happened and I thought it best to not bring everything on him, so I moved here and wanted to start fresh. Luckily, I still keep in contact with my brother, and he is all right. Here, there are more opportunities for me, and I will not be reminded of the pain so much."

  T'Challa cupped my face saying,"Well, now, you do not have to go through them alone. Anya, the truth is: I love you and want to be able to protect you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

  I squealed and attacked T'Challa in kisses, before he smiled and kissed back.

  I pulled away slowly and said,"I would love to be your girlfriend, T'Challa. I love you, too. Does this mean I am royalty? Oo, I get a real crown and get to do the fancy walk."

  T'Challa laughed and kissed my forehead saying,"Not yet, Anya, but we will get there one day. Before any of that happens, let's work on your manners."

  I groaned and wondered how T'Challa was going to get through with this; especially, because I knew I was going to need some work to be considered an adult and a trusted figure of Wakanda.
  To be honest, I acted like a child and teenager at times, so it was going to take some time. I knew T'Challa would be the one to help me out. After all, who would not want the King of Wakanda by their side?

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