Sam Wilson x Reader Part 2

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Up next: Tony Stark x Reader

Later: Peter Parker x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  In the middle of the night, Sam brought me closer in his sleep. I watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. As I watched Sam, I rested my hand on his face.

  Sam leaned into my touch and opened his eyes saying,"Baby, what is it? Are you okay?"

  I nodded, and Sam pulled me underneath him.

  He placed kisses all over my face saying,"Then, go back to sleep, beautiful!! For me?"

  I awwed, before Sam watched me get comfortable. I smiled and wrapped the covers more around myself. Sam groaned, because I had just taken all of the cover off him. I laughed at him and covered us both up, before Sam tightened his grip around me. I slowly fell asleep and cuddled into him.


  I was woken up by someone pulling me outside of Sam and I's bedroom. When I did not see Sam, I began to panic. I looked up and noticed the guy had a mask on, so I could not use anything to my advantage.

  I managed to yell,"SAM!!"

  I heard Sam's footsteps and breathed a sigh of relief. He took down the guy holding me and checked me over, but someone hit him from behind. I rushed to his side, and tears formed in my eyes.

  Sam was not responding to me, and I began to shake him while saying,"Sammy!! Sam, please wake up!!"

  Sam was not moving, and more tears fell down my face. I went to run and get my phone to call for help, but I felt something placed against my mouth.


  I woke up to be chained to a table. I looked over, and the table was very..familiar. Crap, this was exactly what I was afraid of. I looked over, and my mom sitting in her favorite chair.

  I desperately asked her,"Where is Sam? Mom, where is he?"

  Mom jumped at hearing "Sam," but she chuckled deeply saying,"Oh, Sam, I am going to get rid of him, do not worry. It will not be long, before I find the right man for you! Bring him in, please."

  My mom really was something else. She went through all of this just because she was being racist and would not accept Sam for who he was.
  I rolled my eyes at her pettiness, but she was still my mother. I was starting to look past that, because it was not worth losing Sam over.

  Some men brought Sam in, before he was thrown onto the ground. I gasped, because he looked...horrible. What did they do to him? Mom walked over to him and touched him, which made Sam wince in pain.
  I had to look away, because they had hurt him that badly. Mom noticed and applied pressure to one of his open wounds. Sam yelped in pain and actually started whimpering.

  I yelled at Mom,"STOP IT!! YOU ARE HURTING HIM!!"

  Mom stopped for a second and made Sam look at me.

  She looked at me saying,"You love Mr. Wilson, do you? Oh, darling let's see how long that lasts when he is beaten and worthless. Trust me, you will see just how weak his kind really is."

  I went to go towards Sam, but some of the guards held me back. I tried my best and did everything I could to escape their grip. Mom pushed me back down and had one of the guards hold me tighter.

  I winced in pain, and Sam yelled,"HEY, LET GO OF HER!! SHE IS INNOCENT!!"

  Mom faked a smile and hit Sam in his gut. Sam cried out in pain and spit out blood. I prayed that someone would please get here, because I could not lose Sam.
  Sam managed to send me a smile, but Mom just continued to hit him. She went to do it again, but someone took out the guards surrounding us, including my mother.

  I double blinked and saw Iron Man and Captain America standing there.
  I sent them both thankful nods, before Steve undid my chains and let me go to Sam. I ran over to his side and turned him over.

  I put my hand on his face and cried saying,"Baby, I am so sorry. I should have known. Please stay with me. You cannot leave me."

  Steve put his hand on my shoulder, before Sam managed to kiss me. I did not care about all the blood that was getting on my face, because I just wanted to know Sam was okay. Steve gently pulled me away from Sam, before Tony took Sam.
  I could see the rage and worry in Tony's eyes at seeing Sam like this. Steve looked worse, but I knew it was because of how close Steve and Sam were. I cried on Steve's suit, while he held me tighter.


  Sam had been unconscious for a month now, but I could never lose faith in him. Tony walked out and gave me a smile, which I knew was a good sign. I ran into Sam's room to see him awake already. I hugged him gently, before I attacked him in long kisses.

  Sam chuckled and said in between kisses,""

  I just held on tighter to Sam, before he brought me down with him. I pulled away from the kiss and missed being in Sam's arms. So much...

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