*(82) The Reception

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The reception would be something everyone would remember.

Sophie gracefully slipped out of her elaborate wedding gown, carefully hanging it up with great reverence for the beautiful creation she had poured her heart into. The evening breeze had a cool caress to it, hinting at the approaching autumn, and she wanted to be comfortable for the festivities that lay ahead. The dress she chose for the reception was an enchanting transformation of her bridal gown, designed to mirror its elegance while adapting to the jovial atmosphere of the celebration.

The new dress was crafted with intricate lace detailing that adorned the bodice and sleeves, adding a touch of ethereal charm to her appearance. The length of the dress gracefully cascaded to her knees, allowing her to move with ease as she danced the night away. The sleeves, though shorter, still held the same delicate grace as her wedding gown, making her feel like a radiant fairy flitting through the enchanted evening.

After slipping into her enchanting reception dress, Sophie took a moment to marvel at the intricate lace that adorned her figure, accentuating her elegance and charm

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After slipping into her enchanting reception dress, Sophie took a moment to marvel at the intricate lace that adorned her figure, accentuating her elegance and charm. The fabric felt like a whisper against her skin, and she couldn't help but admire the soft moonlight glow that seemed to emanate from the dress itself.

As she made her way back to the designated meeting spot, her heart danced with anticipation. The courtyard was aglow with fairy lights, casting a dreamy aura over the entire scene. The sweet scent of wildflowers hung in the air, enhancing the magical ambiance of the celebration.

Sophie arrived at the location, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Her heart fluttered as she remembered the tender kiss she and Severus had shared during their vows. The kiss seemed to have awakened a spark within her, and she found herself eager to experience more of their new life together.

While waiting for Severus, the gentle rustling of leaves in the cool breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to the evening. The stars above twinkled like diamonds in the dark velvet sky, a celestial witness to their union.

Suddenly, she heard his voice, the familiar timbre of his words caressing her senses. She turned, and there he was, looking dashing in his refined attire. His hair glinted in the soft moonlight, and his eyes held an intensity that only added to his allure.

"Mrs. Snape," he spoke, addressing her with a hint of formality that made her heart skip a beat, "Would you care to accompany me to the afterparty?" His words were laced with affection, and the endearment of her new title filled her with warmth.

Her heart swelled with love for the man before her, her husband, her partner for life. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, savoring the momentousness of this day, and then smiled into his shoulder as she embraced him. The feeling of his arms around her brought comfort and security, making her feel as if she had finally found her rightful place in the world.


Amidst the revelry, Sirius couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as he watched Severus and Sophie twirl gracefully on the dance floor. The way they moved together was nothing short of mesmerizing, and he couldn't deny the spark of jealousy that flickered in his heart. "I still don't understand what she sees in him."

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