*(30) Patronus and Plans

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Overflowing with affection, he held her tighter still, their connection growing stronger as they embarked on a shared journey within the realm of dreams.

The sweat that formed between them gradually dissipated, leaving behind a comforting warmth as they lay still for half an hour. As the first class ended, the bustling energy of students filled the air, their voices mixing with the shuffling of books and belongings. Sophie continued tracing her finger along Severus' chest, savoring the remnants of their intimate connection, while her mind swirled with contemplation about the profound significance of the moment they had just shared. It was a defining experience for both of them, their first times intertwined in a delicate dance of vulnerability and discovery.

Lost in her thoughts, Sophie nestled closer to Severus, unwilling to let go of this newfound closeness. She rested her head on his shoulder, finding solace in the familiar scent of parchment, quill ink, and the potions classroom—a scent that had become intimately intertwined with their shared moments, second only to the hints of cinnamon or coconut that added a touch of sweetness to their encounters.

Severus stirred, his eyes fluttering open, and Sophie positioned herself gently on top of him, her chest softly pressed against his. Their lips met in a lingering kiss, still moist from their previous embrace, and as they parted, Sophie met his gaze with her eyes wide open, fully present and locked in on him.

A genuine smile graced Sophie's lips as she gracefully rose from the bed, the euphoria of the moment still tingling in her veins. She headed towards the bathroom, her steps light and purposeful, grabbing her torn bra from the floor along with her gown. The need for privacy had diminished after the depth of their connection, and she left the bathroom door ajar, a symbolic gesture of trust and acceptance. With a touch of magic, she transformed the torn gown back into her collared shirt and mended the bra, making it whole once again. She slipped into both garments, then retrieved a fresh pair of panties, a skirt, and her black flat shoes from her neatly organized belongings.

Caught by her reflection in the mirror, Sophie couldn't help but smile at the woman she had become, her heart overflowing with love and contentment. She watched Severus through the mirror as he dressed himself, curiosity sparking within her about his Patronus, wondering if it had evolved over the years, fixated on a different form.

The thought of her own Patronus crossed her mind, and she looked down at her wand resting next to the sink. Though hesitant to produce it in such an ordinary setting, she yearned to know, to unlock the mystery within her own being. Raising the wand into the air, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and with a strong, vivid tone, uttered the incantation, "Expecto Patronum," pouring all her thoughts and emotions into the image of Severus. Slowly, she opened her eyes, witnessing a burst of blue aura erupting from her wand, swirling around her head and body before darting out of the open bathroom door.

With a final glance at herself in the mirror, Sophie stepped out of the bathroom, only to find Severus surrounded by the same ethereal blue glow. But there was something different—a soft graze of light lightly touching his face. He turned towards her, a smile playing on his lips, and spoke with a hint of wonder, "I didn't know your Patronus was a Tundra Wolf. That's quite impressive compared to mine."

"W-What's your Patronus, Severus?" she asked, anticipation brimming in her voice, already sensing the answer she longed to hear—a doe.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. With a pause, he stood up, retrieving his wand from his pocket. "Expecto Patronum," he intoned. Once again, the blue aura emerged from his wand, taking the form she recognized. The creature was smaller than she had expected, fluttering around her with an air of delicate grace. She strained to get a clearer view, and it stopped right in front of her face, its eyes flickering with intense energy.

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