*(9) After the Incident

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Together, they walked back towards their common room, seeking solace until the evening feast.

The halls echoed with the occasional rambles and minor chats of the moving portraits, adding a touch of liveliness to the otherwise quiet atmosphere. It felt as though the walls were filled with gossiping teenagers spreading rumors through the corridors, creating an ambient buzz of excitement. Sophie and Severus found it amusing as they made their way toward the dungeon, exchanging witty jokes, infectious laughter, and subtle glances along the journey.

Severus held open the heavy door to the dungeon, allowing Sophie to enter with a graceful gesture. "Where did you learn to fly like that? I've never seen a first-year with such remarkable balance," he remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of awe.

She grinned, stepping inside the dimly lit dungeon. "Believe it or not, that was my first time on a broom."

He chuckled, momentarily captivated by her natural talent. "You must be joking again."

"No, really," she insisted, looking down at her feet as they ascended the stone staircase leading to the first-years' dormitories.

Severus fell silent for a moment, then spoke sincerely, "You were amazing. Thank you."

Returning his smile, she entered her room, feeling an overwhelming surge of happiness and pride. She couldn't contain her excitement, so she threw herself onto the soft bed, clutching her fluffy pillow tightly, and let out a muffled scream of joy, the sheer elation filling the cold, stone room. This day had been incredible, and she couldn't wipe the jubilant smile off her face. Slytherins were not known for their happiness, but she was determined to change that, at least for Severus.

After a few minutes of releasing her excitement, she stood up and changed into more comfortable clothes, selecting a cozy sweater and trousers, while still layering her main robes on top. Grabbing her Dark Arts textbook, she left her cold, stone room and made her way to the common room's main sitting area.

Settling onto a plush couch adorned with emerald green cushions, she tucked her legs under her, sitting up straighter. Opening her book to the first page, she realized how much catching up she had to do. However, she knew studying with Severus would only distract her from her studies, as her mind would be occupied with thoughts of him rather than the lessons at hand.

The first few pages discussed the intricate treatment of werewolf bites, seamlessly transitioning into self-defense against minor attacks. The spell they were to learn was the knockback charm, Flipendo. She momentarily forgot what year they were in, her mind drifting to the memory of Quirrell, before slapping her forehead in mild frustration.

"You idiot, he's just a child right now," she scolded herself, rubbing her temples in an attempt to clear her mind of distractions.

Suddenly, a group of older Slytherins, their dark robes flowing elegantly behind them, entered the common room. Among them was Lucius Malfoy, his perfectly styled platinum hair catching her attention immediately. His silver eyes, not as grey as Draco's but possessing a silvery sheen, seemed to study her like a predator eyeing its prey.

Trying to regain focus, she finished reading the last page of her Defense Against the Dark Arts chapter and looked up, only to find Lucius sitting across from her. He appeared to be biting his thumb, his gaze still fixed on her, an intensity emanating from him.

An uncomfortable silence filled the air, thick with anticipation. She quickly packed up her notes, sliding them into the front cover of her book to avoid juggling loose papers. With everything neatly organized, she stood up, preparing to leave when Lucius spoke up, his voice carrying a confident yet somewhat enigmatic tone.

"There's no need to leave because of me. I won't bite," he said, narrowing his eyes at her, a hint of amusement flickering in his gaze.

"I'm not leaving because of you. I'm done studying," she replied, determined to be direct and not let his presence affect her. Lucius was one of the people she despised most in this world, a figure she associated with arrogance and prejudice.

"Well, in that case..." Lucius paused, rising from his seat with effortless grace, walking over to her, and bowing slightly as he kissed her knuckles, his lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Bussell."

Confusion washed over her as a blush spread across her face, caught off guard by his unexpected gesture. "And who said chivalry is dead?" she quipped, a mixture of surprise and amusement coloring her voice, as he released her hand.

"I hope you'll seek me out if you need any... assistance," he offered, his tone suggestive, as he smoothed his hair back with a swift flick of his hand. Returning to his seat on the couch, he settled back down, his eyes still fixed on her.

Her blush began to fade, and she silently thanked whatever higher power was responsible for that. 'There's no way I just got flustered over Lucius Malfoy,' she scolded herself mentally, brushing off the thought. She swiftly walked back to her room, "throwing" her book onto the bed with a touch of dramatic flair before sitting down beside it, gazing up at the empty ceiling, lost in her whirlwind of thoughts.

Meanwhile, Severus had returned to the common room after a solitary walk, spotting Lucius sitting there with a mischievous grin etched on his elven-like face. Severus ignored his presence, quickly turning around and making his way back to his room. He wanted to keep his distance from the older Slytherins, especially Lucius Malfoy, whose air of entitlement and superiority rubbed him the wrong way. 'Lucius Malfoy,' Severus thought as he landed on his bed, his expression pensive. 'He's a pampered doll.' He didn't feel outright disgust toward him, but he certainly didn't like him either, recognizing the stark differences in their values and beliefs.

As time slowly ticked by, it was soon time for the feast. Severus was the first to leave his room, waiting near Sophie's door with a quiet anticipation. To his surprise, she emerged just ten seconds later, displaying a swiftness and eagerness to be one of the first Slytherins to reach their table. It wasn't just for the allure of delicious food, but to represent their house with respect and pride, determined to prove that Slytherins could stand alongside the primary-colored houses—red, blue, and yellow—the preferred and prestigious houses. Slytherin, associated with ambition, cunning desires, and shrewdness, needed that extra push to elevate their house spirit and challenge the preconceived notions held by others.

When Sophie spotted Severus, her smile was natural and genuine, lighting up her face with warmth. He nodded in acknowledgment, his dark eyes meeting her gaze. "Ready, I presume?" he asked, his voice calm and steady.

She nodded in response, a flicker of excitement dancing in her eyes as she closed her door behind her. Side by side, they slithered through the common room, skillfully avoiding any attempts at conversation from their fellow Slytherins. They reached the exit effortlessly, making their way toward the Great Hall, where the grand feast awaited them, promising a cornucopia of delectable delights and the camaraderie of their housemates.

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