*(7) Flying and Nearly Dying

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Checking the time, she realized there were still ten minutes until the start of the flying lesson. It was time to face the Marauders once again.

Nerves pulsed through her as she contemplated the upcoming flying lesson. This would be her first time ever attempting to fly on a broom, and she knew she had to brace herself for whatever the mischievous Marauders had in store, considering their antics during Potions earlier that day.

Back in her time, she had been on rides involving brooms, but those machines moved on their own, requiring much less focus than she was about to exert. Balancing properly and mastering the technique would be crucial for success.

Navigating her way through the courtyard, she eventually located the grounds where the lesson was set to take place. Several students, both Slytherins and Gryffindors, had already gathered, but their names eluded her. Severus, who appeared slightly out of breath, happened to be behind her.

Turning around, she greeted him, "Oh, hey Severus. I didn't realize you were right behind me."

"Who would?" chuckled a boy from the group of Gryffindors, none other than Sirius. The Marauders are always present.

"I swear, one day you'll appreciate Severus more than you could imagine. Both of you," Sophie declared, assuming a defensive stance in Snape's favor.

Sirius's eye twitched, well aware of what she was doing for Remus. "You may be right, but that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun."

Advancing forward, Sirius shoved Sophie, nearly causing both her and Severus to stumble. However, she managed to hold her ground and grabbed Severus's arm to steady him.

"Thanks," he mumbled, brushing off his robes for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day.

Taking their positions on the grounds, they awaited the arrival of their flying instructor. Sophie glanced up and noticed Remus casting an intrigued gaze her way. He had come down with Peter, a pairing she still found peculiar.

She offered a subtle wave, catching the attention of both Severus and Sirius. Jealousy flickered in Severus's eyes, while Sirius seemed utterly astounded. First, a Slytherin girl spoke to them, and now she was willing to lend them a hand? Sirius found the situation rather baffling.

Sophie couldn't help the fact that she had been sorted into Slytherin this time around. It was then that Sirius nudged James's arm, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. They shared the same thought: it was time to pester Severus.

Casually, they both reached for their wands, casting spells in his direction. Severus was suddenly struck by a stunning spell, collapsing to the ground. Sophie swiftly rushed to his side, but it was too late. The two boys synchronized their levitation spells, causing Severus to float higher and higher. If they stopped, Severus would undoubtedly sustain severe injuries upon landing.

"You little..." Sophie began, summoning a nearby broom with the 'Accio' charm. It was time to see if she could fly. The broom swiftly flew into her hand, and she gripped it tightly. Mounting the broom as instructed, she kicked off with just the right amount of force. Hovering effortlessly for a brief moment, she leaned forward, gaining acceleration as she ascended toward the levitating Severus, who wore the most terrified expression she had ever witnessed. Never before had she seen Snape so vulnerable.

James and Sirius halted their casting when the flying instructor emerged at the entrance to the grounds. Severus began to descend, hurtling toward the ground at great speed. Sophie increased her velocity, turning back to witness Severus about to land on his back. Inches away, their fingertips brushed, and she leaned forward once more, firmly grasping his cold, bony hand.

Their hands clasped, and she held onto him with all her might. She pulled him up until he could grip the broom with both hands. Slowing down, she allowed Severus to climb onto the broom, positioning himself behind her and straddling it.

"Are you alright?" she inquired, her voice slightly breathless. His only response was a tight hold on her waist, determined not to fall again.

Leaning forward and downward, she glanced down at her stunned classmates. James and Sirius wore expressions of devastation and disgust. They had wanted him to fall.

'Sirius should know better than to do this... James... I have no words for that scumbag,' she thought, touching the ground. She landed successfully, with Severus still clutching onto her, resting his head on her back. A shiver ran down her spine because she had never seen him like this before. Once again, vulnerable.

As she planted her feet firmly on the ground, she reached down and took Severus's hand. "We're on the ground, Severus," she calmly informed him, attempting to dispel his raw emotions. 'No wonder he hated James and Harry so much,' she thought, swinging her legs off the broom and assisting Severus off as well.

"You did something remarkable for your classmate," the instructor, Madame Hooch, acknowledged.

"For my friend," Sophie corrected, placing the broom back on the rack.

Hooch smiled, then gestured for Sophie to follow her. "I want you to come with me."

"I will, but can we take Severus with us? He needs to be thoroughly checked after that near-death experience," she replied, glancing back at the mischievous Marauders.

"Very well," Madame Hooch agreed, leading the two Slytherins back into the castle. "Don't worry about those troublemakers back there. I charmed the brooms to expel anyone who tries to tamper with them."

Sophie and Severus exchanged slight smiles as they continued toward the infirmary, following Hooch's guidance. Upon arrival, Severus was promptly admitted, leaving only Madame Pomfrey and another student with a dislocated leg.

"Report?" Pomfrey asked, her tone urgent.

"Prank involving flying, but no significant harm. Just give him some of that peace juice, and he should be fine," Hooch stated, crossing her arms.

"It's not called 'peace juice'," Pomfrey clarified, holding up her fingers, "It's a calming draught." Retrieving a small blue vial from one of her cabinets, she handed it to Severus. "Drink up, dear. It should soothe you in an instant."

Severus obediently consumed the potion without question. By the time he finished, Hooch had already started ushering Sophie out of the nurse's wing.

"Don't worry; you'll be back in here before you know it," Hooch reassured her, attempting to make Sophie walk on her own. Straightening up, Sophie followed Hooch, who was leading her to Dumbledore's office, although they took a different entrance, one near the Great Hall instead of the Phoenix statue.

Sophie had spotted this location on the Marauder's Map but had never seen anyone take this route before. Stepping through the entrance, they found Dumbledore at his desk, engrossed in writing a pamphlet of sorts.

"I have news, Albus," Hooch began, capturing Dumbledore's attention. "We have another outstanding first-year flyer, but that's not my main point." She motioned toward Sophie "We have a student who stood up to those troublesome Gryffindor first-years. She deserves recognition, and I believe I have just the thing," Hooch explained, approaching Dumbledore. She whispered something to him, though Sophie couldn't make out the words.

"That does seem fair to both sides," Dumbledore replied, crossing his arms and resting his chin on his hands. "She should be put to work right away. I trust you'll be spontaneous in this role?" Dumbledore inquired with a slight hint of amusement.

"Job, sir?" Sophie asked, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

Dumbledore smiled warmly, replying, "You are to keep the Marauders in check."

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