*(19) Frozen in the Moment

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And with that petty pinky swear, a seemingly innocent gesture, he began to sow the seeds of darkness, poised to unravel their lives and plunge them into a world of darkness they could never have imagined.

As the sun reached its zenith, casting a golden glow upon the castle grounds, Sophie and Severus knew lunchtime was approaching. The air was alive with the aroma of freshly baked bread and savory dishes, beckoning them back to the bustling Great Hall.

"We should head back, Sev," Sophie said, her voice carrying a hint of reluctance as she brushed off her skirt, the fabric releasing a cascade of clinging blades of grass.

"I guess you're right," he agreed, his tone tinged with a touch of wistfulness. Straightening his attire, he adjusted his robes with meticulous care, a subtle display of the pride he took in his appearance. "We can't afford to be troublemakers in our first year."

For once, genuine happiness filled their hearts as they strolled back to the castle, their arms linked together in a seamless unity, their steps synchronized as if they had known each other for years. The world around them seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them, intertwined without any awkwardness or pretense.

As they turned the final corner, ready to enter the Great Hall, their eyes fell upon a group of older Slytherins loitering outside, their presence eager anticipation of a grand entrance to come. The group exuded an air of superiority and entitlement, their mannerisms a reflection of their esteemed status within the house.

One boy stood out to Sophie, his mere presence commanding attention amidst the sea of dark robes. It was Lucius Malfoy, the platinum-haired aristocrat she had caught sight of earlier. His captivating eyes, the color of polished silver, seemed capable of ensnaring and devouring anyone who dared to meet his gaze. No wonder Tom Riddle sought his allegiance in his sinister cult; the allure of power radiated from Lucius like an invisible aura.

Just as Sophie and Severus focused on reaching the Slytherin table, a strange sensation tugged at her, pulling her back, as if an invisible force sought to unravel their moment of harmony. It was as if the fabric of their connection was being tested, strained by an external influence.

A silver-embellished wand, its handle shaped like a coiled snake, had ensnared her left shoulder, its presence demanding her attention and forcing her to turn around. She instinctively averted her gaze to avoid the fake fangs, tipped with a glimmer of malice, that threatened to dig into her skin.

In the process, she accidentally let go of Severus's hand, their grasp severed by the sudden interruption. Members of Lucius's group, like dark sentinels guarding their leader, formed a barrier, obstructing Severus's view of her. The connection that had bound them just moments ago felt momentarily severed.

"Hmm..." Lucius began, raising his wand to her face with a deliberate slowness that sent a shiver down her spine. With his other hand, he brushed a few stray hairs off her forehead, his touch betraying a hint of possession and control. "I heard some little birds whisper that you got into some... trouble this morning with a few Gryffindors..."

Their eyes locked, two opposing forces engaging in an unspoken battle of wills. The intensity of his gaze, so piercing and penetrating, threatened to draw her into a labyrinth of manipulation. But she refused to let his silvery orbs captivate her, to succumb to his power. Instead, she met his gaze with unwavering defiance, her own eyes filled with an indomitable spirit.

"Not trouble, just intense negotiations," she retorted, her voice laced with a mixture of confidence and a touch of mischief.

He tightened his grip on her shoulder, a subtle display of dominance. "Good," he murmured, his voice taking on a serpentine tone that sent a shiver down her spine. "Let's hope it remains that way... Otherwise, as the head of Slytherin, I would have to discipline you," he said, his words dripping with a veiled threat.

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