*(20) The Return

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Or had her existence, her spirit, transcended the boundaries of reality, leaving an indelible mark upon their lives that would continue to haunt them in the days and years to come?

She could feel nothing, say nothing, do nothing. Numbness consumed her, as if she had been trapped in a frozen void, cut off from the world. The chilling draft that permeated the chamber sent shivers down her spine, while the musty scent of stagnant water clung to the air, assaulting her senses. How had she not been washed away by the filth that surrounded her? It was as if she was ensnared in a colossal spider's web, a labyrinthine trap spun by an unseen predator. Only, the spider had no interest in feasting on her; instead, it reveled in its twisted sense of reality, toying with her like a puppet on strings.

After what felt like an eternity, she summoned the strength to do something she hadn't done in ages—she opened her eyes. At first, her vision was hazy, the world a blur of indistinguishable shapes and colors. But as her senses adjusted, she began to discern the emerald green of the chamber's walls, the cold grey of the stone floor, and the ominous black of the shadows that danced along the chamber's edges. It dawned on her that she was still in the chamber beneath Hogwarts, hidden away for an unknown duration. However, she surmised that no one would dare search for her now, especially not Severus. No, she was alone, just as she had been in her wretched reality.

Her eyes wandered around the chamber, taking in the details of her surroundings. Slowly but surely, she felt the rhythm of breathing return to her, each inhale and exhale a reminder that she was still alive. A surge of warmth coursed through her veins, bringing her back to life. She wondered if Tom still lingered in the chamber, his presence an ever-present specter that haunted her thoughts.

Since Tom had petrified her, she didn't know how many years she had been trapped in this frozen state. Her body felt different now as if it had aged along with the petrifaction. Instead of the strange fantasy of an eleven-year-old, she was now her true age of eighteen. She examined her body, her movements cautious and deliberate. Her torn and tattered robes, once ill-fitting and too short for her, now hung loosely around her frame. Fortunately, her wand remained safely tucked away in her inner pocket. Slowly, she sat up, testing her limbs to ensure everything was intact before rising to her feet, the steady throb of adrenaline fueling her determination to escape. Her knees wobbled, weakened by years of inactivity, and her stomach rumbled, reminding her of the hunger she had endured. But she pushed forward, defying her body's protests.

Waving her wand over her head, she cast the spells "Reparo" and "Engorgio." Her robes and clothing were repaired, the seams rewoven and now tailored to her adult size. Her body, once frozen in time, had returned to its normal state, with all the curves and contours that came with adulthood. She shook off any lingering thoughts about her preteen body, focusing solely on her escape. With newfound strength coursing through her veins, she traversed the long chamber, plotting the easiest route to freedom.

Every few steps, she coughed uncontrollably, her lungs struggling to readjust to the outside air, her body racked by spasms. She leaned against the chamber wall, inadvertently crushing more mice bones beneath her weight, the eerie crunch accompanying her every movement. With each cough, she fervently hoped that Severus hadn't graduated yet, that he would still remember her, and that their connection had transcended the barriers of time and absence.

Her thoughts shifted to the Marauders, the mischievous group she had missed during her years of absence. The broom incidents, the food fights, the dares—they had woven a tapestry of memories that now seemed distant, bittersweet reminders of the camaraderie they had once shared. And then there was the dreadful memory of the Shrieking Shack, where they had forced Severus to go while Remus transformed, leaving scars on everyone involved, both mentally and physically. The pain of those memories tugged at her heart, a reminder of the darkness that had overshadowed their lives.

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