*(12) Uplifted Trust and Broken Bones

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Entering the infirmary, she was taken aback to find Remus already there.

Remus lounged on one of the comfortable beds, the room bathed in a soft glow. Sophie's entrance disrupted the tranquility, as the fading charm on her foot revealed the telltale signs of her approaching Remus. A gentle limp accompanied her steps, capturing his attention. His eyes followed her as she gingerly approached him, his wand twirling above his head, conjuring a tiny orb of light that danced with otherworldly grace.

Caught in the awkwardness of her presence, Sophie chose to bridge the distance, settling herself on the edge of the bed. Her fingers reached into her bag, retrieving a collection of potions. "Here you go, Remus," she whispered, unveiling a cascade of vials. "A cycles' worth of anti-werewolf potion. I'll make sure to make some more before the next cycle."

Adjusting his posture, Remus sat up, unveiling faint scars etched across his collarbone and upper neck. Before he could express his gratitude, Sophie, with a flick of her wand, uttered an incantation for healing. Anxious and filled with trepidation, Remus's heart skipped a beat as the wand traversed his neck. The thin, scabbed lines gradually faded, giving way to the ghostly imprints of minor scars. Imperfect as they were, they served as testaments to her earnest efforts.

With a flask in hand, Sophie uncorked it cautiously, refraining from taking a whiff of its contents. She extended it towards Remus. "Drink up. Every precious drop counts when it comes to this potion."

Touched by her act of kindness, Remus felt a welling of emotion, causing his eyes to glisten. "How can I be sure it's not poisoned? You are a Slytherin, after all... and the history between our houses..." The distaste in his voice tainted the air, momentarily unsettling Sophie.

Suppressing her scowl, she responded firmly, "Dumbledore put me in charge of all of you. I'm not about to poison anyone. And you guys have got to stop with this idea that every Slytherin is evil."

Madame Pomfrey reentered the room, her arms laden with a list of herbs and ingredients to be replenished. "Oh my, what brings you here so early? The day has just begun," she remarked, her gaze shifting between the two young souls.

Sophie attempted to rise from the bed, only to be greeted by a wave of pain that etched a grimace across her face. Her eyes darted downward, meeting the sight of her foot, swollen and discolored. Shades of deep purple intermingled with hues of navy, capturing her attention. 'I didn't expect it to be this bad,' she mused, settling back onto the bed beside Remus. As her fingers grazed her foot, a surge of agony intensified the suffering.

"Sorry, ma'am. I nearly had my foot crushed by a rogue staircase earlier. I guess it didn't want me to go to class early," Sophie explained, weaving a partial truth into her words. Remus, with a raised eyebrow, silently acknowledged her fabricated excuse, fully aware of her schedule and the two consecutive free periods she possessed.

"Oh, never mind that. Let me tend to your injury, dear," Madame Pomfrey interjected, swiftly rolling a bed towards Sophie and guiding her onto it. Sophie managed to hop onto the bed with relative ease, finding a position of temporary comfort. Though not the most luxurious of beds, she settled in, bracing herself for what lay ahead. Remus and Sophie now sat facing each other, their eyes locked in an unspoken understanding.

"Thank you, once again. I don't know the effects of this potion, but knowing it came from a genuinely good Slytherin already makes me feel better," Remus expressed, ensuring a pillow provided support for his head.

A slight smile graced Sophie's lips as her gaze shifted, catching the sight of shadows emanating from behind the curtain. Familiar voices accompanied the approaching figures. "Oi, come on, we can't keep him waiting," the voices merged in perfect harmony. Their arrival was marked by their playful banter, James, Peter, and Sirius.

"Aw, look at our little Remus," Sirius taunted, landing at the end of the bed with youthful exuberance. James circled around, taking a seat in an adjacent chair, while Peter lingered at the foot, observing the scene.

"What's got you looking so grinny this morning?" James inquired, resting his chin upon his hand, his eyes searching for answers.

Remus extended his hand, pointing in Sophie's direction, redirecting their attention. She, no longer focused on the quad, gazed off to the left side of Remus's sitting area, where Madame Pomfrey diligently cast a charm upon a parchment, gathering the items she needed.

"She helped me," Remus spoke softly, the weight of gratitude resonating within his words.

"You're joking," Sirius exclaimed, drawn to Sophie's location. Swiftly, he slipped behind the curtain, attempting to startle her. "Well, hello there."

Sophie turned, her smile faltering slightly. "Oh, it's you."

Sirius's brow furrowed, his playful demeanor momentarily subdued. Meanwhile, James approached Sophie's bed, placing his hands gently on her feet. A reflexive wince caused her to draw her legs closer to her body, revealing the swollen and vividly colored limb.

"What on earth happened to you?" James questioned, inspecting her foot with intense curiosity.

"I... uh..." Sophie stammered, her voice trailing off.

Sirius interjected, tenderness dancing in his eyes. "Come on, speak up, or I might just give it another push." He half smiled.

The mere thought caused Sophie to cringe, prompting her to draw her legs even closer. Summoning her resolve, she replied, "It was nearly crushed by a moving staircase, alright?"

A frown formed on Sirius's face, while James's expression shifted, growing more mischievous. "You're lucky to have it intact," James remarked, his attention now returning to Remus.

Sirius, pausing momentarily and shifting his weight onto the end of the bed, asked, "But how did it happen?"

"Well, the potion for Remus was complete, so I had to bottle it up today... That's when it happened," Sophie explained, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "I rushed to finish the task, taking my chances climbing the staircase when it began to move..."

"Not the most skilled at stair-climbing, are you?" Sirius quipped, a mischievous smirk adorning his face. Joking was in his nature, but showing genuine remorse wasn't quite a muscle memory for him.

Sophie playfully attempted to nudge his arm, but he retreated with a grin, returning to Remus's side. James followed suit, while Peter moved closer to observe Sophie's injury.

"Ouch, that looks incredibly painful," Peter remarked, wincing as his gaze fixed upon her foot.

Summoning a forced smile for the future betrayer, Sophie made a request. "Peter, could you do me a favor?"

He nodded in response, his willingness to assist evident. "Sure, what do you need? A pillow fluffed? The sheets changed?"

Shaking her head, Sophie clarified, "No, nothing like that. If you happen to see Severus today, let him know where I am. Madame Pomfrey is awaiting a fresh supply of Skele-Gro, and I must wait until it arrives." She skillfully wove her lie, unaware that the three Marauders had planned to meet Severus that day, albeit for less virtuous reasons.

As James, Sirius, and Remus exchanged their plans for Severus, Sophie focused her attention elsewhere. Little did she know that Peter had rejoined them almost instantaneously, his curiosity piqued, eager to catch up on their conversation.

Lost in contemplation, Remus weighed his options. Should he reveal the plans to Sophie, exposing the shadows lurking within their camaraderie? Or should he honor the bond of friendship, preserving its delicate thread? Regrettably, he chose the latter, placing loyalty above his own concerns and forcing a smile.

"You should carry out the plan as soon as you encounter Severus. That way, the effects will last longer," Remus advised, mustering a smile that barely concealed his inner turmoil.

"Great idea, Remus," James concurred, initiating their departure from the infirmary. "Let's get going before you know who heals," James whispered, setting the stage for their secretive mission. Sirius followed suit, a burst of energy propelling him forward, while Peter bade Remus farewell, before joining the other two.

Silently, they vanished into the halls, their destination unknown. Two days passed, and Sophie had yet to encounter Severus.

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