*(23) Rendered Numb

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Before James could fully comprehend what his friend had said, Sirius had already departed, stealthily trailing the two Slytherins to an unknown destination, unaware of the transformation that awaited them all.

Sophie's heart pounded in her chest as she and Severus hurriedly maneuvered through the corridors, an ever-present sense of urgency pushing them forward. A mangy mutt trailed closely behind, its unkempt appearance adding to their unease.

"He never knows when to give up, does he?" Sophie remarked, her voice laced with a mixture of frustration and anxiety. In an attempt to create a momentary barrier between them and their pursuer, she gently pushed Severus into the narrow space between a nearby statue and the wall. The cramped area barely accommodated the two of them, leaving them pressed tightly together.

Severus found himself wedged against the back wall, acutely aware of Sophie standing in front of him, each breath she took inching him further into the confined space. His hands instinctively rested on her shoulders, their contact conveying both reassurance and restraint, as any other movement would be misinterpreted.

As the curly-haired boy passed by, Sophie leaned back slightly towards Severus, a hint of fear etched on her delicate features. Sensing her unease, his hands gently slid from her shoulders to the back of her neck, a touch that was tender yet possessive. She almost shivered under his gentle caress but quickly turned to face him within the narrow crevice.

In that moment, Sophie couldn't help but notice the striking contrast between their heights, his tall and imposing figure juxtaposed against her smaller frame. His sharp jawline held an air of determination, capable of cutting through any obstacle. With his hands still entwined at the nape of her neck, he leaned down, their lips meeting briefly before they reluctantly parted ways, leaving the confined space behind.

With no immediate destination in mind until their lunchtime Potions class with Slughorn, Sophie found little interest in the subject at hand.

"So... Mr. Half-Blood Pri-" she began, her voice trailing off.

"Shhh," Severus hushed her, a playful smile gracing his lips as he covered her mouth with his hand. He wanted to keep their conversation discreet.

Sophie giggled, her eyes filled with amusement, as they continued walking side by side. However, their stride abruptly halted when Sophie's gaze fell upon a familiar figure.


A wave of emotions washed over Sophie as she caught sight of the radiant redhead strolling down the same hallway. Releasing Severus's hand, she rushed towards her dear friend, unable to contain her excitement. Lily wasn't attending the class that day due to her Slug Club meeting with Slughorn and other students of notable influence.

Overwhelmed with joy, Sophie dropped her books and hastened toward Lily, their breaths heavy as they embraced, savoring the reunion after years of separation.

"I can't believe it... You're really back, Soph. You're here," Lily exclaimed, releasing the hug first. Sophie held on a bit longer, struggling to find the right words to express her feelings. She simply absorbed Lily's warmth, cherishing the moment. Lily's scent enveloped her—a delightful blend of candlelit dinners, savory roasted meats, and delectable sweets. A dominant note of ginger with a tantalizing hint of cinnamon filled the air, spicy and sweet. Reluctantly, they parted as onlookers gathered, mistaking their reunion for a heated confrontation between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could have come back sooner..." Sophie said, her smile tinged with a hint of bittersweetness.

"Nonsense. You couldn't control your circumstances. But now," Lily paused, glancing back at Severus, "I see you're with him, so... I suppose I'll catch you later. I'll see you again soon," Lily replied, picking up her books and belongings. She placed her hands on Sophie's shoulders, gazing into her eyes and catching glimpses of Severus within them, along with... Sirius and James?

Severus Snape: The Half Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now