*(76) What of it?

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The night continued like it normally would after a birth: they took turns resting and watching over the precious new life that had entered the world.

As exhaustion passed like a baton from the weary wizard to the fatigued witch and vice versa, the tension inside the small dwelling intensified with each passing second. The atmosphere crackled with the unspoken competition over who would be the first to savor that life-affirming cup of coffee, and heated arguments erupted over who deserved the coveted opportunity to bask in the steamiest shower.

When Sophie's turn finally rolled around, she hastened through her shower, rushing to ensure Lily would have the luxury of warmer water afterward. With a sense of selfless dedication, she donned a pair of jeans that bore the wear and tear of numerous adventures and an oversized cardigan made of soft sweatshirt material.

As Lily emerged from tending to baby Harry, she entrusted him into Sophie's capable arms, relieved to have a moment of respite. Lily craved the indulgence of a long, soothing bath, a hearty meal to replenish her energy, and a few sips of that precious coffee before resuming her maternal duties.

Seated in a gently-crackling rocking chair, Sophie couldn't help but beam as she gazed down at Harry's cherubic face. The scar on his forehead had not yet become etched by fate, and his button nose displayed early hues of pink and red.

Yet, guilt gnawed at Sophie's heart amidst the moment's serenity. Holding this innocent child, the newborn of two dedicated members of the Order, she felt a surge of regret for even being there. A marked enemy of the Order, she held the child of those whose ambitions aligned with the forces she worked against.

Aware of the problematic reality, she was acutely conscious that any Death Eater who discovered her presence in Godric's Hollow, let alone in the company of three members of the Order, would swiftly denounce her to the Dark Lord. Her fate would be sealed, branded as a traitor, and punished instantly for failing to eliminate them.

Caught between two opposing worlds, she felt like an outsider, not wholly belonging to either side—a renegade agent trapped in the void between light and darkness.

Back in the bedroom, clad in a soft robe, Lily noticed the intensity of Sophie's gaze fixed on Harry, and concern lined her features as she spoke, patting her damp hair with a towel, "You alright?"

Sophie's eyes fluttered for a second, like delicate butterflies dancing around her thoughts, and then she looked up at Lily, her gaze searching for the right words. "Oh, yes. I was just... contemplating about children, is all," she replied, trying to sound casual, though a hint of longing lingered in her voice.

"Ah, ready to have one, I see?" Lily teased playfully as she gracefully transitioned from her robe into more comfortable clothing. Thanks to the skilled spellwork of her friends, Lily's belly had reverted to its standard size, and she could comfortably fit into her regular attire.

Sophie hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Well, I wouldn't say that I'm not ready, but... I just don't want to bring a child into the world during times of war and chaos," she explained, her words carrying a mix of vulnerability and conviction.

Lily's eyebrows arched with interest, realizing that Sophie was opening up to her, delving into the depths of her feelings, especially on such personal matters.

"So... have you and Severus...?" Lily gently probed, bouncing baby Harry in her arms as she inquired about Sophie's relationship.

"Yes, we have, but not... using the baby-making method," Sophie chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. She moved gracefully, sitting on the corner of the bed and elegantly tucking her legs up underneath herself, settling into a more comfortable position.

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