*(18) The Spot

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It would continue to grow over the years, their bonds tested and forged in the crucible of friendship, until a dark wizard arrived to unleash terror upon the wizarding world, leaving an indelible mark on their lives and forever altering the course of their destinies.

Sophie's mind became a whirlwind of emotions, each one carrying her on a tumultuous journey. "Oh, crap," she muttered under her breath, a tinge of panic creeping into her voice as she realized she had forgotten about the potions. The weight of her forgetfulness settled upon her like a heavy cloak, threatening to suffocate her. Maybe she could ask Tom, the ever-present enigma, to grab them for her. The thought flickered in her mind briefly before she shook it off, determined to rely on herself and not be entangled in his web of mystery and manipulation.

Dusting off her robes, Sophie couldn't help but notice the lingering stench that clung to the fabric, a mixture of aged parchment, ink, and a faint hint of sweat. It would remain until her first class, which was still an hour and a half away. The scent acted as a constant reminder of the academic challenges that awaited her, mingled with the realities of her mundane existence. But now, it was time to join Severus, to escape the realm of musty corridors and engage in a world that held the promise of friendship and understanding.

Approaching the dark-haired boy seated beneath the massive tree, Sophie felt a surge of warmth flood her being. The sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, creating a kaleidoscope of patterns on the ground. Brushing her hair out of the way with her fingers, she noticed Korax, the raven perched beside Severus, humming a soft melody that resonated with the tranquility of the moment.

Sneaking up behind Severus, Sophie's fingers found their way into his slightly greasy hair, entwining with the strands as if seeking solace in their darkness. It wasn't too greasy at the moment, but she knew the battles he fought would only exacerbate his neglect, leaving a residue of untamed locks in their wake. Goosebumps appeared on the back of his neck as her touch sent ripples of unexpected pleasure through his senses, momentarily unaware of her presence.

"Oh, hey, Soph," Sevy said, setting down his Defense Against the Dark Arts book, his voice a melodic sigh that broke the silence of their secluded spot.

'Oh my god... he gave me a nickname,' Sophie mentally squealed, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and giddiness, trying to contain the bubbling laughter that threatened to burst out loud.

"What took you so long?" Severus asked, turning to face her more fully, his dark eyes capturing her attention like swirling vortexes, drawing her deeper into their enigmatic depths. They seemed darker yet clearer, more intense than usual as if reflecting the emotions that stirred within him, inviting her to unravel the intricacies hidden within their depths.

"You know who was up to no good," Sophie replied, her voice laced with a hint of amusement, mentally laughing at how her words applied to two different people—Tom and Sirius. "Dumbledore did give me a task, after all. It would be terrible if I couldn't handle a simple assignment from him," she said, cutting through the layers of small talk and settling down next to Severus, her body sinking into the cool grass, the earth beneath offering a comforting embrace.

He gave his signature side smirk, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes, and said, "I got your present. Thank you." He pointed to Korax, who tilted his head in acknowledgment, a grayed beak poised in silent gratitude.

"I just got him this morning, believe it or not!" Sophie practically squealed with excitement, her voice filled with a childlike wonder. "Newt Scamander came and gave him to me as a token of appreciation."

"No way, the Newt Scamander?" Severus asked, his voice laced with a mix of awe and curiosity, sitting up straighter, his gaze fixed on the raven as if he held a piece of living history within his hands.

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