*(13) The Cupboard

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Silently, they vanished into the halls, their destination unknown. Two days passed, and Sophie had yet to encounter Severus.

Remus had vanished the day after Sophie successfully administered the potion. Relief flooded her as she realized her brewing skills had been flawless, even with a touch of assistance from the enigmatic dark wizard. He had merely observed, while she poured her heart and soul into the intricate process.

Two days later, the swelling in her foot had subsided, and Sophie could walk with ease once again. Unfortunately, Madame Pomfrey had run out of Skele-Gro, and her wand, sent for repairs on November 18th, was yet to return. Today was the 21st, and Sophie found herself embracing the virtues of patience, akin to any ordinary muggle.

To her surprise, those boys—the ones she anticipated would pester her relentlessly—kept their distance. Instead, Lily arrived, bearing all the assignments from the previous Friday and updating her on the impending exams in Potions and Herbology. While both subjects posed no challenge for Sophie, she expressed her gratitude to Lily for her thoughtfulness.

Time seemed to crawl within the cold confines of the infirmary. Sophie resorted to counting carts and beds, reciting small spells with her wand to keep her skills sharp. The lack of entertainment left her with limited options.

However, now that she could walk freely and Madame Pomfrey had just returned her wand that morning, she managed to alleviate the remaining swelling and numb the pain to a mere whisper. Skele-Gro was no longer necessary, and with a note from Pomfrey, Sophie was free to leave.

"Before you depart, my dear," Madame Pomfrey began, tidying up the bed where Sophie had spent two long days, "Some boys left a note for you. It's right there on your way out."

"Thank you, ma'am," Sophie replied, grabbing the letter.

As her eyes fell upon the parchment, she immediately recognized the distinctive handwriting—Sirius and James, the Marauders. The note unfolded before her:

'Dear S.B.,

We are delighted to inform you that a present awaits you in the depths of the dungeons, within the creepy halls of the Potions classroom. May the unveiling of your gift bring you immense joy.



Sophie stood there, utterly astonished. She realized the intriguing coincidence—her initials matched those of Sirius Black. Shaking off the strange thoughts, she neatly rolled up the parchment and tucked it into her infirmary nightgown. Her clothes had already been returned to the common room, courtesy of Madame Pomfrey and Narcissa Black, the closest Slytherin when Sophie arrived.

With no time to change for the day, Sophie forged ahead toward the dungeons. The halls felt colder than ever, her simple nightgown offering little protection, and the absence of shoes and socks sending shivers down her spine. She could hear intermittent banging, the echoes reverberating through the corridors, distinct from the usual tap-tap-tap.

The noise grew louder as she approached the potions classroom. Being the weekend, she knew no professor would dare set foot inside, let alone Slughorn, likely enjoying his fifth butterbeer in Hogsmeade.

Pushing open the classroom door, the clamor of a banging cupboard and faint screeches reached her ears. Sophie moved closer, her heart pounding, until she heard a desperate voice cry out.

"Please...." The voice, though faint, was clear, a plea for escape.

The person behind the voice seemed weakened, burdened by grief. Sophie attempted to pry open the door with her bare hands, but her efforts proved futile. Pulling out her wand, she practically yelled, "Alohomora!"

The lock yielded, almost detonating in the process. The handle fell to the ground, and as Sophie swung the door open, a whirlwind of dust and wood shavings engulfed her, revealing a figure obscured in darkness.

"Oh my god, Severus!" Sophie's cry pierced his reddened ears. His disheveled hair and swollen eyes bore witness to days of squinting and weeping. He rose to his feet as she knelt, their embrace fierce, a clawing hold that offered solace. His trembling hands clung to her back, and she welcomed the sensation, understanding his vulnerability. She enveloped his upper body, cradling his head beneath hers, providing comfort in a moment of desperate need.

"It's alright, Sevy... you'll be okay... you'll be okay..." She whispered, her voice laden with tenderness, striving to soothe him further. They remained there, locked in each other's arms, minutes that felt like hours, their embrace a respite from the torment he endured. And at that moment, Sophie's eyes caught sight of a pamphlet of parchment lying on the floor beside Severus.

She picked it up, her eyes scanning the damning words:

'Hereby we, James Potter and Sirius Black testify that Severus Snape, after enduring two days of captivity within this very cupboard, not only pleaded for his wretched life but also wept and humiliated himself like a helpless babe, henceforth earning the name "Snivellus." In the name of the Board of Examination: James Potter and Sirius Black,'

An additional notation followed:

'He was crying - Remus Lupin (witness)'

And a final line:

'He begged and cried and was wet - Peter Pettigrew (witness) November 21st, 1971'

Disbelief coursed through Sophie's veins, fueled by a burning fury. She vowed to confront the Marauders, to make them pay for their cruelty, be it later that week, that day, or even within the hour.

Severus loosened his grip on her back, his trembling subsiding as he found solace in her presence. They stood together, a sanctuary against the bitter coldness of the atmosphere, their embrace offering respite akin to seeking shelter after a drenched day, curling up under a cozy blanket beside a warm fire, indulging in one's favorite snack while losing oneself in a cherished show.

It was a sense of completeness that Severus savored, emerging from the cage that had held him captive for two agonizing days—a void of food, water, and companionship. As she looked down at the top of his head, Sophie couldn't bear to see him haunted by the thought of "Potter" or "Black" in his future. She was determined to prevent true turmoil from consuming him.

Gently, she lifted his chin, meeting his eyes, his obsidian orbs longing for solace. At that moment, the being within her couldn't bear to witness his yearning any longer. She knocked away the stray hairs off of his face and wiped the tears forming in his eyes with a gentle touch.

Severus leaned up, his movement deliberate, his lips met her cheek. It was a gentleness that defied her expectations. The innocence of the situation made her feel like Severus was a dove she nurtured back to health that was cooing to thank her.

In the middle of the potions classroom, they stood, the silence broken only by the murmur of their shared breathing. Amidst the bitter coldness that cloaked the air, they basked in the warmth of each other's embrace, two souls intertwined.

As Severus released himself from her, he straightened, standing taller than ever before. Sophie, her eyes closed, surrendered to the whirlwind of unexpected actions.

With a gradual opening of her eyes, she beheld Severus in a new light—a brighter form, an evolution that had already begun to reshape his very essence.

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