Chapter 33: Not Much They Can Do

Start from the beginning

"Two boys together at once, yes, but separate is different."

"At least Logan will be happy," Catherine shrugged. "On the down side, I will have two unhappy girls to deal with. I wonder if I can bribe them with cake."

"Cake always works."

"I'm starving," Catherine sighed as they left the building and got into the car.

"Josh gave us that extra food from his fancy shmancy dinner out."

"Yuck," Catherine gagged, wrinkling her nose. "I want Indian."

"That's a dumb idea," Matt mumbled. "Spicy food induces labor."

"Then I won't get anything too spicy," Catherine shrugged. "Please."

"I suppose."

"Thank you," Catherine said with a cheesy grin.

"I love you," Matt said, grasping her hand. "No matter what highs or lows may come, I hope you remember that."

"I love you too."



"Do you you think I'm a good man?"

"Of course I do."

"Sometimes I wonder...I don't know."

"What goes on inside that head of yours?" Catherine chuckled. "There is no doubt in my mind that you are a good man."

"I've done some bad things."

"It's in the past," Catherine shrugged.


"Mom?" Amy yelled loudly. "Mom, where are you?"

Mari peaked her head out of the kitchen. "I'm in here. Is there something you need, Darling?"


"Amy, I'm right here," Mari sighed.

Amy turned around and cracked a smile. "There you are. I can't get this question right. I've been watching the video for ages."

"Let's see."

Amy had the volume turned up to maximum and she pressed play.

"Hon, that's a little loud."

"No, it's not. You're just sensitive about stuff. I don't understand what he's saying," Amy huffed.

Mari frowned. "Is your hearing okay?"

"I can hear him fine," Amy said impatiently. "I'm fine. Now, come on. Can you help? Please?"

"Okay," Mari sighed. "Grab your paper and a pen, and I'll show you."


"Amy, I think you're going to have to see until Jack."

Amy's brow furrowed. "Why?"

"Because I can tell you're having trouble hearing me."

"I'm just distracted, Mommy. I miss Daddy. He always helped me focus."

"Go up to our room. He'll help you."


"Nothing," Mari sighed. "I'm going to go talk with your father for a minute. Work on that math problem."

"Alright," Amy nodded.


"Cath? Can I talk to you?"

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