Chapter 25: I Love You Too

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"Matt?" Josh asked, placing a few papers on his friend's desk. "Collins? Collins, you alright?"

Matt stared at the wall in silence.

"Matthew," Josh said firmly. "Come on. Look at me, please."

Matt sighed. "What, Josh?"

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're okay," Josh sighed.

"I can't," Matt frowned. "Because I'm not."

"Exactly. Which is why," Josh said, feeling highly uncomfortable, "I'm relieving you of your duty. Go home, Matt. Be with your wife. We're all good here."

"Are you sure?" Matt sighed.

"Positive. We did well enough without you, back in the day."

Matt nodded. "Thanks, Josh. See you later."


"I will not kiss you. 'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you," Catherine sang along to the music playing on her phone as she made some coffee.

"Daddy's home!" Lizzy yelled from the living room, skipping around joyously.

Cath peeked her head around the corner. "Hey, Hon," she smiled, the music still playing in the background.

Matt gave a little nod to acknowledge her. "Get this," he sighed. "Isaac Taylor sent me home from work."

"Good ol' Josh," Catherine chuckled, pausing the song. "I was planning to make those stuffed shells that you like so much for dinner."

"Stuffed shells?" Matt frowned.

"Yeah," Catherine laughed, approaching him. "I haven't started yet, though, so I could make something else."

"Did you break something?" Matt frowned. "You only make those when something's broken."

"I didn't break anything," Catherine chuckled. "I had my appointment today."

Matt attempted to read her face.

Was she freaking out and trying to make the most of the worst, or was she genuinely happy?

"You're trying to soften me up, aren't you?" Matt whimpered weakly. "B-bad news?"

"Lizzy, can you go in the other room for a second?"

"Okay," she sighed, running off.

Catherine moved over and wrapped her arms around her husband. "Honey, I'm fine," she smiled.


"Better than fine," Cath grinned.

"We're all good?!" Matt asked triumphantly, sweeping her off her feet. "Everything's good?!"

"Everything's wonderful," Catherine chuckled, giving him a tender kiss.

Matt set her down and kissed her intensely, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. "Gosh, Cath, I was so worried," he mumbled.

"I know you were, Baby, but everything's okay," Catherine smiled softly. "You can stop sitting up all hours of the night, making sure that I'm okay, like I know you've been doing."

"Thank goodness," Matt sighed.

"I love you," Catherine grinned. "Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father."

"I love you too," Matt nodded, pressing his forehead against hers. "I love you too."


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