Chapter 15: Come Back To Me

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"Alright," Josh yelled, "I need stage crew over here. That package can get dropped off at nine. Can someone call Nathan? Thanks."

"Josh," Uriah called, clearly out of breath, "have you seen Caroline anywhere?"

"Caroline hasn't worked here in two years," Josh laughed. "What's wrong, Uriah?"

"I got a phone call," Uriah stammered, "from Caroline, saying she was in some sort of trouble."

"Why'd she call you?" Josh frowned, his nose wrinkling.

"I'm her husband," Uriah laughed. "Why wouldn't she call me?"

Josh stared blankly in shock. He felt a twinge of pain in his heart. There was a time when he knew everything about his friends, big and small. They confided in him. Ever since his raise, it felt like no one knew him. And he didn't know them. "What kind of trouble?" He frowned, handing a clipboard to his assistant.

"I don't know," Uriah sighed. "Something about her dad."

Josh was suddenly paying close attention. "Her Father?"


Josh felt his knees buckle. "Uriah, what did she say?! Exactly?!"

"That he's back."


Mari loaded the groceries into the cart and gave a sigh. "That's not as easy as it used to be," she mumbled, trying to catch her breath. "I need to work out or something."

"Excuse me, Miss," a man's voice came from behind her.

Mari turned around, her blonde hair bouncing off her shoulders and framing her smile. A smile which soon dissipated into horror. "No," she stammered, stepping backward, "it can't be."

"Did you miss me, Miss Steele? A lot has happened since we last met."

"Get away from me," Mari said firmly, "or I'll scream."

"Scream?" Isaiah laughed darkly. "And risk the life of Isaac Taylor? No, I think you'll do as I say."

"I can't trust you. You almost killed my best friend," Mari spat, slowly backing up towards the car door. "What makes you think I'd listen to you?"

"You know who your dealing with," the man hissed.

"Yes, but apparently you don't," Mari smirked, getting into her car and driving away.

"So easy," the man smirked.

The same mistake twice.

Mari gave a heavy sigh as she approached the red light. She tried to apply the brake and her face filled with terror. "No, no, no, please, no," she whimpered, banging on the break. She laid on the horn as loud and hard as she could.


"Pick up, Josh," Catherine muttered, pacing back and forth and holding the phone to her ear.

"Hey, Cath. Perfect," Josh sighed. "Listen, I think we might have a situation-"

"Get to the hospital quick. I'm here with Mari. She was in an accident," Catherine explained hurriedly.

What?!" Josh stammered, trying to maintain composure.

"Just hurry. I have to call Matt and let him know. I'll see you in a bit."

"What hospital?!"

"Paris Regional," Catherine said quickly. "Get here as fast as you can."


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