Chapter 33: Not Much They Can Do

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"There's my Amy!" Josh grinned, outstretching his arms.

"Hi, Daddy," she smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I brought a friend over. Aunt Cath has that doctor's appointment."

"Hi, Amy," Logan grinned, peeking his head around the corner.

"Who?" Amy frowned.

"I'm over h-here," Logan chuckled.

"Turn around, you goof," Josh laughed.

Amy swiveled on her heels. "Logan!"

Logan excitedly wrapped his arms around her. "Lotte's here t-t-too somewhere."

"Slow down," Amy giggled. "I can't understand you when you talk that fast. Lotte's here, what?"

"S-somewhere," Logan repeated.

"Do you know if your having a sister or a brother?"

"M-Mommy is t-t-twelve weeks, so she's g-g-getting a test to see."

"Wonderful," Amy chuckled.

"I want a brother."


Catherine sat in down, playing with her engagement ring impatiently. "What do you think it is?"

"Girl," Matt replied, reading a magazine

Catherine sighed and texted her sister, "How are things?"

"Lizzy just went down for a nap. Have you found out yet?" Charlotte texted back.

"No. I'm bored and Matt's reading some girly magazine."

"So, he whines to be included and then doesn't talk? Nice husband ya got there, Sis."

Catherine chuckled softly.

"This one's cute," Matt said, handing the magazine to her and pointing at a white crib.

"Yeah, I like it," Catherine nodded.

"And you? Any preference?"

"To what?"

"The gender."

"A brother for Logan would be nice, but I also know how badly Lizzy wants a little sister."

"Are Lizzy and Lotte squabbling again?"

"Actually, no. Things have been great with them," Cath grinned.

"That's good," Matt chuckled.

"I think Lotte's finally realized that we aren't getting rid of Lizzy," Catherine laughed. "Logan just silently loathes both of them."

"Not loathes. Just doesn't understand."

Catherine smirked. "Sure. Let's go with that."

"Okay, maybe a bit if loathing."

"I'll say," Catherine chuckled. "At least he isn't mean to them, though."

"Talking behind their back and complaining about them is still pretty calloused," Matt chuckled.

"I'd say it's better than being mean to their face. They both love him, so it's better this way."

"I guess. I'm still going to talk to him about it later."

Catherine shrugged. "Alright."

Just then, Jack entered the room. "Congratulations," he grinned. "It's a boy."

"Yes!" Matt said excitedly, fist punching the air.

Catherine chuckled and shook her head. "I remember when you said that two boys were your worst nightmare."

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