Chapter 32: Same Difference

Start from the beginning

Mari came back in and bit her tongue to keep from crying audibly.

"Just calm down," Jack said softly. "Josh, the road to recovery isn't going to be easy."

"I should call Cath," Mari stammered awkwardly, leaving the room again.

"No, Jack should leave!" Josh yelled angrily. "Leave and try to find me a way to get the entire year of my life back! Huh, Jack?!"

"Mon dieu," Jack moaned. "Can you shut up so that we can discuss your medical condition?"

"To heck with my medical condition!" Josh yelled, flipping over the small table next to him.

"Don't be an idiot," Jack muttered. "You can get back to loathing me after we discuss how we are going work through this."

"I want my wife," Josh threatened.

Mari peeked her head in the door. "Cath um...didn't pick up. I left a message."

"Come over here," Josh ordered her, his hand twitching in rage.

Mari walked over and gently put a hand on his arm. "Yes, Honey?"

Josh authoritatively grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her down, giving her a firm kiss. "That's for scaring you," he mumbled apologetically.

"It's okay, Sweetheart," Mari smiled softly, touching a hand to his cheek.

"Now," Josh said, closing his eyes, "can you please tell me what's going on?"

"You fell, Hon. You're hurt," Mari sighed.

"How hurt?" Josh's ragged voice asked.

"You broke both legs and you have a concussion," Mari recalled, remembering what Jack had said.

"That bad, huh?" Josh mumbled, his voice cracking slightly.

Mari nodded. "Jack said you'll make a full recovery, though, it won't be easy."

"I- things will go on as normal, though, right?"

"Once you're recovered," Mari nodded.

"How long will that take?"

"Six months at least. Possibly longer."

"I'll be right back," Jack sighed, leaving quickly.

Mari turned her attention back to her husband. "Honey, you've gotta stop being so hard on your brother."

"He's not my brother anymore."

Mari rolled her eyes. "Just don't be so hard on him."

"He took you away from me. For an entire year, Mari. Do you know what kind of torture it is not to-"

"Shh. Just relax," Mari sighed.

"How can I relax, Mari? I just got back, and now they're telling me what, that I have to be on crutches for six months?"

Mari grimaced. "Wheelchair, Hon."

Josh's eyes lost their spark. "What?"

"Babe, you broke both legs. You can't walk."

"Course I can walk," Josh frowned. "What kind of idiot can't walk?" He sat up and winced. "I just need some motivation, that's all."

"Woah," Mari frowned, pushing him back down. "You're not going anywhere."

"You are not the boss of me."

"I'm your wife. Same difference."

"Mari? How are we gonna do this?" Josh mumbled, putting a hand to his head.

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