Chapter Seventy-Five

Comenzar desde el principio

Michael furrows his eyebrows, "What?" He asks.

"Did you not hear that girl? Is it Michael's? The hell!" I irritatingly say.

Michael frowns, rubbing my back. "I know, babe. Don't worry about them.. They always want to get on our nerves." He sighs.

I cover my face, "Who asks that question? I would never cheat on you, Michael. You're my husband!" I stress.

Michael looks at me, "And if I wasn't your husband?" He curiously asks.

I glare at him, "You're mine, Michael and I'm yours. I would never ruin us." I say.

Michael weakly smiles. 

He clears his throat, "Mother and everyone is at the Ranch. I only sent them home from the hospital because I thought we needed alone time." Michael explains.

I frown, nodding. "Thank you." I squeak out.

"We did need that alone time." I furrow my eyebrows.

Michael rubs my back again, "I know. It'll take time b-"

"I'm scarred, Michael." I blurt.

Michael glares at me, "What do you mean, babe?" He worriedly asks.

I look up at him. "I-I never even saw my baby b-but she was in me.. You know? She was apart of me." My voice wobbles.

"I'm so haunted by this." My voice cracks.

I cover my face, "I just can't even think that.." I stop myself as a few tears fall from my eyes.

Michael holds me closer to him. "Shh.." He holds me.

"I know it hurts now, Mia. Remember, she's in a better place." Michael softly says.

I gulp, holding onto him tightly.

"With her brother." I whimper.

Michael nods, "Yeah." His voice cracks.

"With her brother." He whispers.


"Baby." Michael nudges me.

I groan, squinting my eyes open. 

Michael smirks, "We're home, babe." He smiles.

I smirk, "I feel asleep?" I hoarsely say.

Michael chuckles, "I don't blame you. You don't have to talk to everyone for long, okay? I know you're tired." He explains.

I hold onto my stomach, "This hurts too. I'll need some medication for the pain." I say.

Michael frowns, "Okay, Mia. Once we get inside, I just want you to say hi to everyone, pass April to me and head to bed. I have some pain medication in the bathroom." Michael says.

I nod, "Thank you. Are you sure that'll be alright? I feel rude just going in and sleeping.." I frown.

"Baby, I'm sure they'll understand. Mother will defiantly understand the most!" He chuckles.

"She's had many children. You need rest. You've been stressed since birth, alright? I don't need anything else to happen." Michael frowns.

I smirk, "You're good, Mr. Jackson." I grin, laying on his chest.

Michael chuckles, "I just happen to know how my wife is." He smiles, kissing my forehead.

"Let's get going. Be careful, Mia." Michael sternly says, opening the car door.

A cesarean section left me in stitches that just hurt! I'm surprised the pain is only coming now. They did have me hooked up on pain medication for a long time. 

Michael opens the car door for me, gently grabbing April's chair. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to take her in?" I quietly ask.

"I should at least do something.." I frown, feeling bad.

Michael smirks, "No, Mia. You're fine. Just go inside, say hi and go to bed." Michael explains.

I sigh, "Alright.." I mumble, slowly getting out of the car.

"Are you ready April? Welcome home." Michael grins as we walk to the front door.

"Are you doing alright?" Michael asks, opening the door for me.

I weakly smile, placing one hand on my stomach. "I should be fine, babe." I breathe, walking inside.

"There's the happy couple and their new baby!" I hear Jermaine cheer.

I force a grin, "Hello." I say, waving at everyone. 

Katherine walks in front of everyone, "Oh! Let me see my new Grand baby!" Katherine chirps, reaching towards April.

Everyone surrounds Michael, staring at April. 

"Oh, Mia.. She's so beautiful." Katherine smiles. 

"She looks just like you too." Janet comments.

I blush. "Thank you." I shyly say. 

I guess Michael explained to them about what happened at the hospital. That's good, I guess.. Leaves me from having to explain to them what happened.  

"If you all don't mind, I must get going to bed." I shyly say.

Janet smiles at me, patting my back. "I don't blame you!" She chuckles.

"Go on! We'll keep an eye on April with Michael." Janet says.

Just like when Mike was born.. 

"Thank you all." I force a smile as I walk down the hallway.

I hear them chatter away but I can't make out a single word. I don't care, actually. I'm just heartbroken. I feel so immature to be doing this. What's going on with me? Why am I taking a dark turn now? I've heard about mother's going into depression after birth.. Why me? It can't be me! We've been wanting this! 

I rub my forehead, walking into the bathroom.

Just take the medication and sleep, Mia. You'll figure everything out tomorrow. 

I frown, taking a few pain killers.

I haven't been able to take you little guys for a while. I smirk, drinking water.

I turn the sink on, splashing water on my face.

I stare at myself in the mirror.

Look at yourself, Mia. You're getting more sick each day..

How much more can you take? I sniffle.

Don't cry over yourself because it's not about you. 

I turn away sharply, causing a sharp pain to go through me.

"Ah!" I loudly say, holding onto my stomach.

Fuck! I whimper, slowly walking out of the bathroom.

Just sleep, Mia. You'll feel better soon.

It's a good thing I ain't having anymore children. I can't handle another cesarean section. I groan, sliding into bed.

Oh, this feels nice.. My sparkly, cold bed..

I've missed you. I snuggle against my pillow, closing my eyes.

I sigh. Give it a day. 

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