Tenya Iida

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Welcome to the next lemon!! This is lemon was requested by miss MadHatter!! Remember, when I ask for help in coming up with the plot for one of the chapters, you will be mentioned unless requested not to and get a chance to have your request become the next chapter! Thank you all in participating for the last chapter!! Next lemon will be the great Sinbad from Magi!!!! Hope to see you in the next lemon, happy lemoning!!

Your POV

I watched from a dark alley way as I watched Twice laugh manically towards the sky. I roll my eyes at the scene before shifting my weight onto both legs and emerged from the shadows. "Are you done with everything Twice? You have been laughing for a while now." I stated out of basic boredom. Twice twitched and snapped his head at me. Even with the mask that hid his face, I could tell he was smirking. "Isn't it a nice evening (y/n)?" He ignored my question and I look up at the cloudy night sky and breathed in a sigh. "It is... I love the night sky don't you?" Twice snapped his neck and soon reached took off his mask with a huff. "Best time for a drink.." Said Jin as he rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. I looked back at him boredly and nodded. "I could use a drink.." I said quietly. "Where's Dabi?" I asked looking around. "He headed back as soon as he took down those heroes you requested to take down. Surprised you actually got him to do shit." He said as he walked along side me as we head back to the bar. I smirked at his words. "They don't call me the Devil for nothing Jin~".

We entered the bar. Kurogiri was making a drink just as Dabi sat down in his usual stool. Toga was playing with her knifes on the couch. Don't know where the blue hair baby bitch is at. I pat Dabi shoulder for a silent good job before sitting down in my stool, just as Kurogiri passed me my usual drink. I sip the strong beverage before letting out a content sigh. "The devils beverage. So many human beings fall under into its claws. It's a lovely sigh to see peoples personalities change off of this." I mutter with a content smile. Kurogiri glances at me and straighten himself. "How did the mission go? I am guessing it was success." I gave him an annoyed glance. "Of course it was a success Kurogiri. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. Those heros will be in the hospital for at least a year at most." I waved my hand at him. Kurogiri is like a father to me but I notice sometimes he doesn't really know how to act around me anymore over the years. Kurogiri hums not bothering to annoy me any further. I spent an hour drinking my life away before heading back to my old apartment. I walk up the steps of the bar with my hands in my pockets and slinked my way down the street. I am a well known villain know as the 'The Devil', no one has seen my face which allows me to walk the streets freely without the stress of getting caught by heros. My work needs be swift and usually I leave the scene after burning all the evidence that I was there. My quirk is called Hell's Child. I have a pair of horns and an arrow like tail when I activate my quirk. I can produce flames and use a trident as my choice of weapon. What do you expect when you are called the spawn of Satan? The thought of my childhood made smoke come out of my nostrils out of hatred. I tried being a hero. I tried to play nice. I tried to be on the right side. But what's the point when everyone shuts me out and made me feel like I am the villain. Well guess what bitches?

I am one.

A crack of rolling thunder in the distance made me look up at the dark clouds. I sigh. "It was a nice night too.." I mumble under my breath before it started to drizzle before getting heavier by each passing minute. I jogged underneath the closest shelter. I shuddered as the wind blew against my new cold wet skin. I didn't bring anything with me except for my phone. I huff in annoyance. I started to slowly produce heat with my quirk slowly but stopped immediately hearing someone panting and stopped beside me to get out of the rain. My eyes widen as I watched the man place his hands on his knees to suck in a breath before straightening his form. He blinked as he finally noticed my presence. "Oh! Hello miss! I see you too are trapped here due to the down pour." He said using hand gestures. I was bit taken back by his bizarre behavior. I nodded my head slowly as I take in his looks to see if I recognized him. He is a hero for sure, but which one? Upon looking at his tall lean figure. He face structure looked strong while wearing a pair of glasses and a nice shade of dark blue hair, almost the color of black. I look down at his outfit and noticed his engine like costume. 'Does his quirk have something to do with technical stuff?' I sweat at the thought. I don't do well with technology in general. I have trouble with working with my own phone. "It's rude to not answer someone when they are talking to you." I snap at the sound of his voice as he waved a hand in front of my face. I scowl and gently swat his hand aware. "Is it not rude to wave in a strangers face?" I growled before looking at him in the eyes. "Anyways sorry I zoned out. I was trying to figure out where I saw you. You are a hero are you not?" I asked calmly as I shifted my weight on one of my legs with a hand on my hips. His posture stiffens as he bowed at a right degree angle. "Apologizies! I am Tenya Iida! I am a recent graduate of U.A.. I am known as Ingenium." He stated loudly before he stood straight. I crossed my arms and tapped my skin with my pointer finger as I try to remember where I hear that. "Ah.. You have a brother that had an accident right?" He expression frowns at the memory and nodded his head. "You hear correctly miss..." He trailed off as he adjusted his glasses. I blink and thought for a minute. 'Should I tell him my real name? Whatever.' "(Y/n). I am not a hero so I cant really say anything.." I said slowly. I watched as he set his helmet on the bus bench. "Do you have a quirk?" He asked tilting his head as he continues his strange hand gestures. I chewed my lip. "Nothing too big. I never practice my quirk. I can do this though-" I held up a finger and a small flame burst, like a small torch. "Pretty much all I can do." I lied as I shoved my hands in my pockets after burning out my fire. "Have you ever considered becoming a hero and practicing your quirk." He asked. I narrowed my eyes and turned my body to where I was facing the heavy rain. "That's a bit personal.." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. I see he wanted to say something since he kept opening and closing his mouth. I hear something buzz and I glance over to see him pull out a phone from his pocket. I turned my head back to watch the water flow into the sewers as the hero started talking. I wasn't really paying attention before I felt a presence behind me. I turn my head around before something fuzzy brushed against my cheek. "You can have this miss (y/n). I have urgent bussiness to take care of so I need to leave." I hesitate, surprised at his gesture. I carefully take the towel from him. It was the same color as his hair and it was well taken care of. I looked up to look at him as he was putting his helmet on. He faced me and waved his hand before stepping out into the pouring rain and disappeared before I could blink. "His family has the the engine quirk I believe... Guess his quirk doesnt have anything to do with robots.... Even though he kind of act like one." I sweat as I remember his hand gestures. I look down at the towel and noticed his name was finely stitched into the fabric of the towel. "Tenya... Iida." I read before slowly starting to dry off with it as I waited for the rain to lessen.

Various LemonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora