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This Lemon was requested by rachchilipepper ! Thank you for your request! But sadly I cant really remember the whole plot of the fate/zero series.... Its been four years since I've seen this show but for this lemon I was able to remember what he likes and dislikes! I guess that's enough so for this lemon I will not be doing the actual plot of fate/zero, but instead, I will be doing a King! Gilgamesh X Assassin! Reader for this lemon! Thank you and I hope ya'll enjoy!

I grunted. Throwing harsh kicks and punches towards my sparring partner. Since the day I could walk, my father forced me into self defense and I wouldn't have disagreed with him if he thought I wouldn't. I enjoy what he wanted me to do. Well, self defense wise, other than that me and him are not on really good terms. I grabbed my sparring partner and threw him over my shoulder making him grunt in pain. I huffed as my small body. I turn to walk away and head home but heard my partner. "Demon Lady!" My eyes narrowed at the nickname. I was called that cause of my strength and power that people considered me as a demon. They called me a 'Demon Child' or 'Demon Lady' cause they think I killed my mother. She died while giving birth to me and when I first started to understand what a mother was.... realizing that I don't have one and watched mother carry their children lovingly... I blamed myself completely but my father told me 'God had a plan for me and gave me life.' I was confused and a bit anger at his words but then again I was only four. But the name Demon Child and Demon Lady stayed and I got used to it eventually. I took my sweet time walking home. Enjoy the scenery around me and heard the sound of dogs barking and the sound of heavy hooves beating the soil. I stopped for a male deer rushed out of the trees with fear in his eyes. He stopped when he saw me thinking I was one of them maybe. He watched me carefully as a slowly held up my hands saying I meant no harm to him and that I am unharmed. The sound became louder as we stared at each other. I slowly held out my hand and watched as the deer moved closer to my hand and sniffed it before placing its muzzle into my palm, letting me pet it gently. The sound of horses neighing broke both me and the deer's actions. I made the deer face me gently, "Run. Ill distract them for you to get away far enough that the hounds wont catch your scent." I whispered and patted his neck before watching it run off into the woods. I look down to see the deer's tracks so I grabbed a dead pine branch that laid near me and swiped the ground, making the tracks disappear. Just as I threw the dirty to the side, hounds pounced and sniffed me, growling, smelling the deer on me. I watched the hounds blankly until a white stallion galloped towards the hounds and stopped once he saw me. "Woman!" He yells pointing at me. My face scrunched up as I looked to my left and then to my right to see no one. I looked back to see him still pointing and quirked my brow in confusion, "Yes?" "First you must bowing to me!" He declared. That's when my eyes widen, confusion written completely on my face. "Miss! Do as the Prince commands!" A guard runs up, huffing and puffing, followed by a few other men dressed like him. 'Prince?' I looked back at him and he was around ten. He smirks until his stallion suddenly became frightened and neighs, standing on his hind legs. The guards go to calm the stallion down, while I looked down to see what spooked the handsome stallion. I looked to where the sound of hissing and growling was coming from. The hounds were growling at a long snake. The snake was curled into a defensive position and hissed and striked  when the hounds got to close to it. I looked at the snakes colors to realize the pattern. Black. Yellow. Red. A Coral snake. The second most venomous snake in the entire world. People mistaken its pattern with a snake similar to its pattern, just in a different order. I walked closer blocking the sounds of men yelling at me to stop to hounds growling. I only watched and hear the sound of the Coral snake. I kneeled to it, keeping my hands in front of me, just like I did to the deer. The venomous reptile watched and loosened its defenses. "KILL IT!" The blonde Prince yells, frightened. My eyes widen and watched as the guards and the dogs slowly moving in on me and the snake. I stood my ground, protecting the serpent. I reached to my shoe and grab a dagger I hid in my boot. The snake watches me closely and a hound pounces towards it. I tackled the mutt to the ground. I love animals so I hesitated but there was not need to kill a snake that was just passing through. The boy's eyes widen at me actions. "Woman! Step away from- from that THING!" I stood my ground and not answer to his words. The mutt I tackled seemed to disappear cause it was slowly coming from behind me. The snake picked up its movement and stricked at the mutt, successfully biting it. It howled in pain as the snake quickly lets go and slithers to me and coils up my leg. I jolted at the sudden feeling and watched as the snake makes it to my hand and watches the Prince with its coal black eyes and hissed. I watched and noticed it had no plans on hurting me. The guards backed up and the prince scowls but fear was noticeable in his eyes. A guard speaks up "Prince Gilgamesh! Your studies are in fifteen minutes!" 'Prince.... Gilgamesh.' I scowled at the thought of name. Gilgamesh grits his teeth, scowling at the snake. He then grunts before whipping his horse and ran off towards the castle. I growled the way he treated his horse, before looking at the snake as it stares at me. I squatted down and moved my hand to the ground for the dangerous snake to let go and leave.... But it stayed in place firmly, coiled around my arm. I huffed  before pulling it near my face so I can look at it in the eye. "Well if your coming home with me then I guess Ill give you a name." I muttered, watching the snake's body loosen its grip and flicks its forked tongue at me, staring at me. I blinked, deep and thought, "(s/n)?" Once I said that the snake slithered around my body and placed itself around my neck, and laid there. "(s/n) it is." I muttered before running off with my new friend to my house. I open my door to reveal my father. "(y/n)? Come here." His rough voice was quiet meaning this was important. I walked closer and stood in front of him. What he asked me changed my life.

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