Death The Kid

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

This Lemon was requested by @LadyAkioAkuna ! Thanks for the request and sorry for it being late! I have been running around because of meetings..... but while I was doing that I am trying to refresh my memory for the next request and these two plots!! So I hope you enjoy!!

I was walking with my boyfriend of one year, Death the Kid, at a out door flea market. Everything was great expect when Kid goes nuts when something is unsymmetrical, which causes me to laugh at his actions. Kid promised me that he will try to keep his symmetrically self to himself cause we were kicked out a few stores in the past. I met Kid through my cousin, Soul Evan Eater. Soul and I are both weapons, he is a scythe and I am a large sword. Our meeting was kind of...cute.

Flash back

I huffed as I finally made it to my cousin and his roommates apartment. It was pretty hard getting here since I'm from (random location here) but it was worth the trip I guess. Soul called me over saying that he hasn't seen me in a long time, and that's true I haven't, and that I should visit him and meet his friends and hang out. I was debating in my head cause I knew for a fact that it was a lot of money to get to Soul's house to just visit him. My thought were made up when Soul told me the traveling arrangements will be paid by him. Now I hate it when people pay for me but I'd like to see my cousin. So I finally agreed and begun to pack for my trip. Things were great so far as i gently knocked on the apartment door, soon hearing gentle footsteps. 'I doubt that's Soul's footsteps..' I thought as the door opens revealing a small girl a little shorter than me. She had sandy blond hair and big eyes and wore a big t shirt and pajama pants. "Yes?" She asked with confusion in her eyes. I smiled gently, "Hey I'm (y/n) Eater. Soul's cousin. By any chance, is this Soul Evan Eater's apartment?" I asked politely. Her eyes widen in surprise. "So your the girl Soul has been talking about? Sorry i didn't expect you two to be cousins, you guys don't look the same. Come right in! Soul is in his room down the hall and on your left!" She chirped. I smiled happily as i entered the room, taking off my shoes, but stopped. "I'm sorry uhhh-" "Sorry! I'm Maka! Soul's roommate." I nodded my head before continuing "Well I wanted to ask where can I put my stuff?" "You can just set it in my room. Its just across from Soul's." she said. I nodded again before heading towards the hall and turned to my right, which I believed was Maka's room. I sent my stuff down on the floor away from the door near the wall before quickly leaving to greet Soul. I knocked before hearing a bored 'come in'. I slowly opened the door to reveal my cousin's back at his desk. I crept towards him, straightening my right arm, forming it into a blade quietly. Once I was behind his chair, i swung at him...The sound of metal brushing against each other filled the apartment, making Maka run into Soul's room. There she found me and Soul clashing our blades together, just as she was about to speak, Soul and I laughed. Our blades changed as we hugged each other, Maka looked at us weirdly. Soul pulled away first to look at Maka. I see you have met my cousin, (y/n)!" Soul said happily. "What happened?" Maka asked cautiously. "Nothing. We were just having fun!" Soul and I laughed as Maka suddenly brings out a book and smashes Soul's head with it, saying Maka chop? Weird...Soon after Maka left as me and Soul talked to catch up on each others lives. Soul talked about his school and how he will one day become a death scythe, mention his friends every once and a while. I listened carefully as he explained his life, the one that got my attention the most was talks about Lord Death's son that goes by the name of Death the Kid or just Kid. The way Soul explained him was quite interesting, from his personality to how he looks. After Soul finished, Maka called for us, so we walked out of Soul's room to see Maka with a book and comfortable outdoor clothing. I stared at her, confused, until I hear Soul running back and closing his door. I stood there confused as Soul comes out with an old t shirt and basketball shorts. "Let's go!" He yells, baring his sharp fangs as he drags the still confused me out the door and down the streets, Maka slowly following behind us. We suddenly came to a stop and ended up at a basketball court. I quirked my brow as I looked around and what caught my attention was a man with light blue hair jumping around and posing. Sitting down, was a girl with long black hair and shy like eyes with a bright red hue showing from her cheeks as she smiles up at the energetic boy. Next, you were guessing that they were twins, stood next to each other with bored or rather annoyed looks as they stared at the same boy.... well not much from the smaller twin, she looked happy go lucky, without a care in the world. The last person was a boy with black hair with three white strips going horizontily half way aross this hair and he just watched the same man with bored and disturded eyes. My thoughts were broken when Soul called out to them, getting their attention. Some walked and some ran over to us as Maka, who finally arrived walked past them to sit on the bench to read. The group of people soon circled around us and Soul patted my shoulder, grabbing my attention. "Guys? This is (y/n), my cousin! (y/n)? This is Black Star, Tsubaki, Patty, Liz, and Kid." Soul says as he pointed at each one of his friends. I mentally repeated there names so i remember them correctly before smiling gently and nodding, showing that I understood. Soul nodded before a basketball was thrown at his face. I stared at him worriedly as he stood up, rubbing his head. He growled as he marched over to his friend Black Star. I then hear a loud laugh and looked behind me seeing the smaller twin on the ground, laughing while Liz giggled staring at Kid that was blushing a bit. Soul suddenly calls my name, so as I turned my head around, the basketball was near my face before i grabbed it out of instinct. I stared at it in shock and confusion as Soul waved his hand in my face, grabbing my attention. "Hey? Could you play basketball with use cause the girls don't want to play and I figured you would, so could you?" He asked walking up to you, smirking. I clicked my tongue, debating. 'I don't know how to play basketball though..' I thought before shrugging. 'Ive seen people play, how hard can it be?' I thought once more before nodding my head at Soul, who's smirk widened. "Cool!" He says grabbing the ball and walks over to the guys, followed by me. "What?! You got your girly cousin to join? Why not let your God win for the both of us!!!" Black Star yells, posing. I smirked before playing his little game. "Hey Black Star?" He looked over at me confused. "Do you know why God created man first?" "Cause men were better than girls that's why!!! hahaha!!!" he yells as i shook my head and grabbing the ball. "Its cause-" I ran towards the hoop and jumped making a slam dunk before landing on my feet. "God needed a rough draft before making his final draft." I smirked as the boy's mouths hung and the girls watch me. "Lets play?" I asked before checking the ball with Soul. He smirks before nodding and began to play with his friends and me. Hours past and Soul and I won by a land slide. We sat down drinking water rapidly. Patty, Liz and Tsubaki left cause they had better things to do then watch the boys and me play basketball, while Maka stayed and finished her book. Black Star left with Tsubaki right after the game which left us with me, Soul, Maka, and Kid. Kid... He was pretty interesting when he played. I noticed everytime he shoots hes at a certain angle and the way he gripped the ball was even. He actually complained everytime I fell to the ground. Found it strange but I grateful that he cared. Maka sudden stood up and faced Soul. "Soul! We have a mission." She demanded. Soul suddenly drops everything and faces me. "Hey (y/n)! Mind taking our stuff back home!? Thanks!" He yells as Maka drags him off till he was out of sight. I blinked at the sudden actions that just happened, until I heard Kid coughing behind me. I looked back at him to see his face a little red before he opened his mouth. "Ill walk you home. It was rude of Soul to just dump everything on a beautiful lady." he muttered as he started picking up Soul and Maka's stuff and carries them neatly. I blushed before helping him. "Thank you very much Kid." I muttered still blushing. He hums in response before waling towards your cousin's apartment.

Flash back ends

I look around the flea market and saw something that caught my eye. It was an infinity necklace, by the looks of it, it looked expensive. So I ended up, turning around and going back home with Kid. Once we arrived home Patty and Liz dragged him to do a mission they needed to do. Kid apologizes and watched as i smiled and nodded understanding before giving an apologetic smile before rushing off out of the house. I yawned and stretched as I walked into the kitchen and made myself some dinner. After eating, taking a shower, and getting dressed, I layed in our shared bed, touching the empty spot that laid next to me. My thoughts were broken when our door was opened, I looked over carefully and saw Kid shuffling around and starts to get changed. He kept muttering about having everything symmetrical, which caused me to giggle mentally before getting up and shuffle over to him and wrapping my arms around him. He tensed up a bit but relaxed as i place my head on his bare back. I rubbed my thumbs against his abdomen, making him shiver a bit as he turned around to embrace me. I blushed feeling his member touching my thigh lightly. I turned my head to the side seeing his face buried into my shoulder, clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't mean to think dirty things." he muttered causing you to blush. You stood there in the embrace and sigh before grabbing the sides of his face and kissing him passionately. His golden eyes that adore so much widen and kissed back with just the right amount of force. I moved my hands from around his body and slowly moved them up his chest, making him shiver in delight, up to his neck and tugged at his black hair. He groans lightly before breaking the kiss and threw me on the bed. He slowly crawled over to me to hoover over me with half lidded eyes. He kissed you deeply once and you took notice that he wasn't complaining about everything being even as they kissed, I got used to that three months into our relationship. He slowly moved removing the shirt that I was wearing along with my shorts. I shivered as the cold air prickled my skin cause Kid to rub and message them. I sat up and kissed him again as I hooked my pointer finger around his pants and his briefs, dragging them down. Kid know I'm a straight forward type of person so I don't waste my time teasing, though we have never done this before.... This could get interesting, I gasped for air as Kid ripped my panties off of my body and placed me straight over his throbbing member. He laid me down before lining himself up. He hesitates. He looks up at me and I slowly nodded my head. He nods before slowly entering me,, causing me to whimper in pain as my hymen tears and blood trinkles down my ass. I hear him groan as he leans on his elbow for support. I smirked and chuckle through the pain cause of his actions. Seconds turned into mintues, before I could nod my head, signaling that i was ready. He huffed before bucking his hips into mine, causing both of us to moan. "K-Kid?" I asked as Kid started at a painfully low speed. He grunts in response "F-faster! Please!" I moaned as he bucked harder into me. He smirks before picking up his speed quickly. I moaned loudly and grabbed the sheets near my head, as he placed my legs on his shoulders, making him go deeper, making my coil a huge threat. "Mm-mn~ K-kid-" I moaned his name he hits my g spot really hard, making me cum. The new feeling of my seed on his throbbing member seemed to trigger him, causing his load to pour inside of me. We both collapse on the bed, tired and worn out. My eyes dared me to sleep so i let myself fall into a deep slumber. On the other hand, Kid finished controlling his breath and looked at his lover beside him and smiled gently. He got up from his side of the bed carefully before grabbing something from the dresser and heading back on the bed. He carefully wrapped, the same infinity necklace at the flea market, around (y/n)'s neck and kissed her forehead gently. "Your are my infinity (y/n)."

Here we are! Sorry it was a bit late! I have a lot of meetings to go to and my dad is heading back to LA on Monday and I wont see him till November most likely. So I was going to spend some time with him also even though me and him are not each others favorite people. Yeaahhh I'm not exactly on good terms with him but not completely enough for me to actually hate him. :( and i don't want that..... But thanks again for the request!!! I hope ya'll enjoyed this lemon and ill continue the next request once I refresh my memory!!! Thanks again!!!!

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