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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!!  If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

This person wished not to be mentioned so I will be respecting their request^^ Congrats though!


Exams are coming back to bite me in the ass! So starting SUNDAY, Ill will trying to make SEVEN different lemons for each day! So lets see what choices we have...

-Sasuke from Naruto

-Akashi from Kuroko no Basuke

-Luciano from Hetaila

-Kyo from Fruits Basket

-Hei from Darker than Black

-Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul

-Crush *Will be creating a vote for personality after posting lemon* from your imagination

So starting Sunday these seven will be you choices and will NOT be replaced. I will try and get them done as close as possible. On the last lemon there will be three new choices from you to choose from^^ Yay EXAMS!

~Your POV~

I jump from roof to roof in the soul society. I panted heavily clinging to my zanpakto in my hand and a large sack that hung over my shoulder. Several people from the Eleven Division chased after me and they were hot on my heels. Gritting my teeth frustrated as I pull my zanpakto out, displaying its sharp beauty. Mumbling a chant, the blade vibrates and turned into water. Coming out of the hilt of my zanpakto, it took the form of a sea serpents and with great speed it attacked my chasers. Once my zanpakto was back as a blade, I put it back and picked my pace hearing shouts. I smirked thinking how much of a handful I am being right now before crouching and jumping highly over a the wall laughing. "Maybe next time~" I giggle before landing on the ground gracefully.

I jogged over to the village where people lived in peace unlike where I just was where they eat till they are full and throw away their scraps. I slowed down till I came to the middle. Dropping the sack, people looked out their windows eyeing me but upon seeing me they smile and rushed out. I greeted several and opened the bag to plenty of food and toys I snagged from the other side of the wall. Giving toys to the kids, I saved half of the food that were poor and those who couldnt look after themselves. I entered an old looking house with various items in my arms. I opened the door and peaked in seeing several children huddling around an old man. I slowly walked over with a reassuring smile. "Hey guys" I whisper kneeling and setting the stuff down and dug for a certain item. "(Y/n)!" The kids smiled and rushed over to me as I pulled out a blanket and tackled me. I groan colliding with the rough wooden floor. "H-Hey guys. Hows grandpa?" I asked trying to get a look at him. "cold, we tried to warm him up!" A small girl frowned looking at the old man. I ruffled her hair giving her a sad smile and sitting up. I removed the kids as they started to look my sack that I brought. I grabbed the blanket and crawled over to him wrapping it around him and made sure it covered his body fully. "Grandpa?" I whisper to him making him blink awake and his eyes met mine. "(y-y/n) your back?" he mumbles watching me nod and lay the zanpakto beside him where it belongs. "I brought you guys back food and the thickest blanket I could find" I reassured him as he shook his head. "I dont want my child to steal.." He mumbled quietly making me step back. "Im not stealing... I am giving!" I countered gritting my teeth standing up. The old man looked at the children that looked at us worriedly that we were suddenly fighting. I watched as he nodded his head towards the door and listened to the many feet running into another room. I formed a fist with both of my hands as I shifted my eyes away from the old man. "Stealing is wrong.""Like I said Im GIVING, theirs a difference!" I hissed. "You giving other peoples things away.." "They can just purchase it again with their bloody money." I spat and after that it was quiet. The old man pushed his zanpakto towards me that I used. "If you keep up your so called giving then the divisions will be after your head.." I stayed quiet as I watched him lean back ending the conversation with that. I narrowed my eyes as I hesitantly reached and grabbed the zanpakto and silently left on my own terms.

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