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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me alongside with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

OKAY! They messed up my internet again😓but I've been writing this lemon with no internet so I couldn't publish it.... so by the time your reading this it's a Thursday and I start working that day!! Woohoo!!! Here ya go!! Now the contestants to the NWL has been posted on Zen's chapter so go there and vote!!!

Congrats to @AnimeFE !!!!


Now on to the lemon~

"(Y/n)!! Get up!! It's 6!!!" I hear my mother yell from down stairs. I groan softly before getting off my bed. This was normal. Me getting up at six in the morning when school doesn't start till 8:30. Ever since I could walk, my mother made a 'life schedule' or that's what I call it. Everything had to be perfect.
Wake up

Get dressed
Go to school
School activities
Me time

I've grown into the schedule of course after doing it for nearly 16 years all day every day. Well on weekends... minus the going to school to homework and replace that with chores and you got my regular day. All my me time I try and spend it with my boyfriend Haruka, a boy on the swim team. I play soccer and I see him come to my game and then vise versa as he said.

I run my finger through my hair as I walk down the steps towards the kitchen. I look at the time. 6:03. I yawned before grabbing my breakfast off the counter as my mom kisses my head and leaves for work. I eat my meal before heading up the stairs into my room. I put on my uniform and my bag then out the door by door by 8. I look up to see haru looking tiredly at me. He knows my schedule and somehow took it upon himself to walk up and meet me at my house to walk me to school. I smiled in apology before haru shook his head as always before taking my hand gently and headed towards the direction of the school.
Finally at the doors of my classroom, I kissed him gently on the lips as a thank you before heading in. I sit down in my seat and opened my book as I waited for our teacher. Not really going to spill the excitement on my subjects but just some tests and some homework grading then ending it with a lesson. Basically my school life. Lunch came around, and I head towards the soccer field with my bag and my lunch. I open my bag to pull out some textbooks and my soccer ball. Forgetting my lunch, I picked up my textbook for science and kicked my soccer ball around doing tricks here and there. "You need to eat (Y/n). Give me the book." Haru said as he suddenly appears. I flinched before nodding. I give him the text book before haru past me my sandwich. I muttered a thank you before going back to bounce the ball on my knees as I took a bite out of my sandwich. Haru sat down in the grass as looked at the book. "How many chambers has the heart?" He asks. I balance the ball on my head. "Four." "Biggest flower?" "The rafflesia." "Smallest planet?" "Mercury." "What's the earth's core made of?" "Nickel and iron." "Smallest part of an element?" "Atom." "World's biggest reptile?" "Alligator."
We did this till lunch was over and we do this every time we have lunch. I would practice dribbling or tricks for my next game while eating while haru asks me questions for the class I need to study in. Sometimes we go to the pool and do it vise versa except he would eat when he's ready to study.
School ended quickly and haru mentions he will pick me up from practice after he's down to walk me home. I smiled as I past the ball to my teammate.

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