Atsushi Murasakibara •Holiday Special•

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Happy Holidays everyone^^ Hope you guys got what you wanted this year and hope everything going swimmingly. Atsushi crushed the others by a lot and I dont blame them since he is one of my favorite characters in the anime which we can all relate to right?^^

Then next lemon after the Christmas special is going to be Dark Link!


The next vote for the lemon after that will be along with that lemon so if you want to fill in the empty slot beside Eren from Attack on Titan and Ceil from Black Butler, just message in the comments for a chance to get your favorite character/person to be on the next list!^^

Happy Lemoning~

Your POV

I wandered through the hallways, loitering till the next rang. My friend, I guess I can call (him/her) that since (he/she) follows me around everywhere even when I told (him/her) to 'Fuck off', tagged along and hummed a Christmas song. I growl lowly as a warning. (He/She) lifted their arms in a surrendering pose. "S-Sorry (Y/n).." (friend name) stutters nervously. I scoff, "Christmas music is annoying, I am surprise people can even stand it for more than month when December rolls around." I grunt as I leaned against the wall. "J-Jesus, do have a thing against Christmas?" (friend name) asked with a worried expression on (his/her) face. I glanced at (him/her) and shrugged. "Not really, I just hate the god forsaken music it produces... I dont really celebrate it really since my family is pretty much poor." I mumbled looking up at the ceiling. I hear (him/her) hum in understanding. "But its not about the things you get. Its about giving and joy!" (he/she) chirped happily. I sigh. "I know that. Besides I dont like people giving me things... makes me feel guilty cause most of the time I have nothing for them." I looked away depression in my thoughts and telling myself I am a shitty person. (friend name) howls with laughter. "Theres nothing wrong with people giving you something. It just means they thought of you."

I hum as I shook out my negative thoughts and not let them get to me and just as they disappeared, the bell finally manages to ring. "I got to go. See ya!" "Fuck off." I mumble with a soft smile before walking (him/her) leave before departing to my own class. I opened the door and located my desk. I walked over to it and noticed something on it. It was an object wrapped in a shiny green foil that usually hides chocolate. I blinked at it and looked around the classroom to see if its anyone's but they didnt bother to bat an eye at me. I scowl and turned to my desk mate. "Oi." I called out to face the blonde, skinny male who flinched at my voice and coward at my presence. "Do you know whos this is?" I as pointed at the shiny green ball. The boy shook his head rapidly. "Its mine I guess.." I grumble as I sat down ignoring the silent cries from the boy out of fear. Lets just say, I am usually never a happy person. I inspected the ball and picked it up. It was about the size of my palm and I was able to wrapped my fingers around it like a baseball. Carefully, I started to remove the foil and noticed it was indeed chocolate inside. I took a big silent whiff of the sweet aroma and started to noticed there were split lines that reminded me of a pizza with various slices, When I pulled one out, it was like an orange slice. "This is interesting.." I mumble to myself.

The teacher finally walked in as I pushed the chocolate aside and grabbed my notebook for class. I popped the slice of chocolate I had into my mouth and nearly choked because I wasnt expecting a fluid coming out once I chewed into it, "Is everything okay ms. (lastname)" I wave her off and coughed lightly as I swallowed the sweet treat. "Peachy." I mumbled loud enough before she goes back to her lesson. I pressed my tongue on the roof of my mouth in thought as I remember the flavor, 'Pear..' I thought as I look down at the chocolate and notice words on the wrapper from where I took the slice. I shifted the chocolate so I was able to read the words.

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