Marshal Lee

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!!  If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

The requester wants to be not mentioned so I will respect it^^ But Congrats though!

Was having some writers block on this one cause I stopped watching cartoons or just TV. I would watch it every now and then but its really rare, mostly TruTV. So my roommates have cable in their room and I can just watch movies on mine that I bring with I want to watch them. Anyways enough of that so before I stopped watching TV I did like Adventure Time but suddenly stopped cause my father hates watching cartoons and he would take over the tv that has cable. So now you see why I don't really watch TV. Though I have seen plenty of episodes of the cartoon just not the Fiona and Cake version.

How think the Fiona and Cake version is better than the regular Finn and Jack version?

*Raises hand and looks around* No? okay.... *Goes and cries in a corner*

*Stands up and wipes tears* O-Okay I'm going to probably going to get a whole lot of hate on that BUT ITS TIME TO VOTE FOR THE NWL!!!!

We have a sexy bald super hero! The man that can destroy anything with JUST ONE PUNCH!



Suprised yet? Okay I'm not sure if Tail Tuft does apple pies in this version... If not now his does.... HAHAHA okay on to the lemon~

(dont play the video just yet! This is just an easy access to those who cant read and listen to it at the same time..... like me in some books I read.... The same video will be posted later in the story and thats when you play it! or just play it... it sounds beautiful....)


Marshal Lee's POV

I wake up to hear loud knocking on my door down stair, making me growl with annoyance as I get up and put on some clothes quickly. My body began to levitate and made my way down the stairs. I pass by my mirror and I slowly float near it and noticed the bags underneath my eyes. Groaning I rubbed my eyes and I wince hearing angry knocks on my door. "I'M COMING! JUST DON'T BREAK MY DOOR!" I yelled just enough for the person to hear. I sighed and continued to make my way to my door. Slowly opening it just enough to see who it was, I smirked and opened it wider to my friends Fiona and Cake. "Yo." I said casually as if nothing ever happened. "Yo. What took you so long?" Fiona asked and she placed her hands on her wide hips. I just shrugged, "Nothing really. Just woke up to loud banging." I said with a deadpan look on my face. Cake laughed as Fiona nervously laughed. "You funny suga! Anyways, we are here to ask if you will be attending the star festival tonight?" Cake asked as she claps her hands together. I ponder over the thought and shrugged. "I don't see why not. Where is it at?" I asked curiously. "They plan to have it in a grove near the Candy Kingdom." Fiona answered with a smile watching me nod in understanding. "If your not doing anything honey, we are heading over to apple orchard to eat apple pies with Tail Tuft." Cake offers. I smiled at the offer. "Sure, I had nothing planned today anyways." I go inside and quickly got proper clothes on to keep me out of the sunlight  and grabbed my bass ax before leaving my house. The three of us began to make our small journey to visit the old elephant. Once we were near his home, we could already smell the sweet apple pies from where we were. I know I can't eat them but I hang around and eat the red from the apples leftover. I noticed Fiona and Cake quickened their pace once the saw Tuft place the pie outside on the table outside. "PIE!" Fiona screams like kid in a candy shop. Chuckling me and Cake finally make it to the table where Fiona was already on hers. "Thank for waiting for us Fiona.." Cake mutters grumpily through her teeth only for Fiona to laugh nervously while I go over to a tree picking some apples. "Are you ready for the Star Festival Tuft?" I hear Fiona say with her mouth full. I sit in the shade near them as I began to suck the red from the apple. Tuft chuckles and nods. "Indeed I am excited! I've been reading about the stars recently and I have read some of the most fascinating myths of "The Star Guardian" ." I close my eyes as I sucked the red out of another apple as I listened closely. Fiona tilts her head as she swallows. "There's a Star Guardian? OH! Maybe its strong! I want to slay it!" Fiona exclaims with adrenaline. Cake shakes her head in disapproval. "I wouldn't do that if I were you hun. Star Guardians arrange the stars and patrol the skies at night. If you slay the Star Guardian then it can't create a constellation know as the Big Dipper." "The Big Dipper?" I opened my eyes and talked loud enough for them to hear me. "It help people tell which way is North. Without it, we wouldn't know which way is North at night." I said. Hearing a long 'oh' I grabbed my bass and strum my bass quietly. "What does it look like?" Fiona asks Tuft. Tuft quickly waddles into his house and comes back with a book of stars in his trunk. Placing the book on the table, I slowly float over it with wonder. Humming, he opens it, flipping a few pages, looking for a good picture of what Fiona was curious about. Finding one, Tuft pushes the book forward so we had a good view of the picture. My eyes were practically dinner plates. The picture of her was clear, she had (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/t) skin. She wore a dress that resembles galaxies and her feet were bare. In the picture showed her levitating over a pond with fireflies surrounding her. She looked... so fragile. "Suga I suggest you close that mouth of yours before you attract flies." I hear Cake say with a chuckle. Shaking my head, I didn't notice my mouth was open. I closed it quickly as Tuft chuckles in laugher. "A beauty ain't she? They say she brings good luck for the rest of your life is you see her!-" I didn't listen after that, I was just continued to scan that picture until it because a solid memory so I can remember it later. "Then again, we are not sure if she's even real. Like I said, I been reading myths." Hearing that made me sulk. There's a chance she might not even be real. "Well thanks for the pie Tuft! We need to help prepare for the Star Festival down at the grove!" Fiona said as she stood up from her seat. Cake followed her actions and talked with Tuft for a bit. Fiona smirks as she walks up to me. "Saw someone to peak your interest Marshy?~" I groaned and punched her playfully. "She's not even real Fi." I muttered with a weak smile. Fiona noticed and frowned. "Sorry I didn't mean to upset you Marshal." I shake my head no. "It's nothing Fi. I'm going to home to prepare myself for the festival. I'll meet you guys there." I said before floating off.

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