Laxus •Holiday Special•

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me alongside with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

Hey~ Happy Holidays everyone~ This request was a year old and it goes out to UnendingChaos! *Pops a party popper* Ive been saving this request for this years Holiday Special so sorry for the long wait *Laughs nervously*


Dear God its almost New Years... if you guys want the next lemon can be a New Year Special so if you guys want one then the last request (Kaneki) hold several choices for the next lemon and comment if you want a New Year version on that character! Ill cook something up I guess

I played this as I was writing it so it gave the feels as I was writing... I don't know about you.. but enjoy if you want

Anyways hope you all have a Happy Holidays! Enjoy~

Your POV~

'Dear. God.' I thought as I sat on my couch with my head hung low and my hand clenching onto a strip of paper. 'why him?~' I whine loudly, mentally.


"Alright everyone!" Makarov tapped his staff down on the wooden table several times to gather everyone's attention. I look from the bar with my glass of water near my lips but froze to listen. "This year's Christmas tradition for Secret Santa is ready~" Makarov smiles brightly and pulls out a jar. In the jar was filled with small strips of folded pieces of paper with some sort of name written on it. Makarov shook the jar and shoves it in my face because I happened to be the closes one to him. I blinked in surprise and looked at Makarov who had a wicked wide smile like the cat from Alice and Wonderland. 'Creepy old man...' I thought as I reached into the jar and grabbed a slip before pulling my hand out. Soon after, Makarov jumped off the bar and runs off, shoving the jar in peoples faces like a happy drunk. I look down at the paper in my hand and rubbed the texture in between my fingers. "Who did you get?" I flinched and looked up. "I haven't read mine yet Cana." I chuckle as I glance at her, feeling her stare burn holes into my skull. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours~" Cana smirks chugging down her booze happily. I quirk my brow. "But what if you have me or I have you?" I mumbled. "Dont worry about me because I dont have you~" I nodded slowly finally in an agreement with her. "Okay!~" She slipped her paper over to me and I took a peak. "Jet?" "Yeah... What the hell does that boy even like anyways?" Cana mumbles looking over at Jet. "Maybe some shoes? He does run." I suggested making her look at me and nodded. "Sounds good to me~" She smirks before leaning in near me making me lean back. "Your turn~ You dont know I might be able to help you~" It was a good idea since I recently joined and didnt really know anyone. I looked down at my piece of still folded piece of paper and handed it to her. She takes it into her hand and opens it. Her eyes widen and quickly hands it over to me. "Yeah I dont think I can help you with that one.." She nervously scratches the back of her neck making me confused as I looked down at the name.


My eyes widen as my body shook. Laxus terrifies me. His large figure and his scowl was enough to make my body shake. "I-I-I dont know anything about L-Laxus." I said in a harsh whisper. "Well your going to have to, you picked him." Cana mumbles looking at me. I groan and placed my head on the wooden bar so I can start my thinking process.

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