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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

Okay! This lemon was requested by- Framioniesreal ! Okay this one I will um, have to apologize on cause I have ZERO knowledge on threesomes!! So I'm going to apologize now and at the end of the lemon. IM SORRY IF IT SUCKS! Now about the picture, I know only laxus and lucy are the only ones on there. I know, I know, but when I tried to look up a good picture of the three..... I wasn't really pleased. I tried to put both pictures of Laxus X Lucy and Gajeel X Lucy on the same chapter but I somehow cant! So I chose this picture cause IT. LOOKED. ADORABLE! Now. On with the lemon! (Will be in Laxus's POV)

I watch her write notes while the teacher explains some stupid problem that we will never use outside of school. I hear my best friend, Gajeel Redfox, do his weird chuckle making me smirk. He knows what I'm thinking and I know what he is thinking. Gajeel and I are both in love with the same smart blonde. Lucy. Just the thought of her name can give me hard wood but I hide it perfectly. "Mr. Dreyar." I look up to see my teacher giving me the stink eye and points at the board. I started to sweat. I don't understand any of this. I hear someone drumming their fingers on their desk to gain my attention. It was my blondie. Lucy pushes a underneath her arm showing the answer to the problem. I smirked at the teacher after memorizing the answer. "(f)x= 42 y=27." I said with confidence. I know the teacher was suspicious of my knowledge and she has the right to be. Cause I did somewhat cheat, thanks to Lucy. She nods, giving up, before giving out more problems to the rest of the class. The bell rings, everyone stands up quickly to get out of the class quickly before our teacher gave them homework. I rushed over to Lucy and tapped her shoulder. Her sun colored hair whipped around and her scent hints my face like a truck making me groan mentally. She cocked her head to the side with that perfect smile she has. "Hey Laxus! Whatcha need?" I feel Gajeel walk next to me waiting for me so we can go to our next class. "Just want to thank you for earlier beautiful." I smirked seeing her blush. I chuckle before Gajeel asked her about our next class. "You ready for that test in Science?" I started sweat. I knew Gajeel was too, cause instead of studying we played video games. "I'm always ready for a test! It should be a breeze." Lucy cheered as we walked through the doors of science. I mentally groan seeing the tests on our desks. Gajeel pats my back before nervously chuckling and took his seat. Its a good thing we sat next to each other cause we are best friends but it sucked for the both of us to be separate from Lucy, shes on the other side of the room. I flip the sheet of paper around and looked at the alien writing. I see graphs and a bunch of equations. I started to sweat buckets but started to guess on the test.

I finally turn my test in shakenly before going back to my seat. I sit the chair that seemed like hours, just watching my teacher grade the tests. I hear the final bell and quickly sat up along with Gajeel. Just as Lucy turned in her test confidently and was about to walk out but our teacher stopped her. Out the corner of my eye, I see Gajeel quirking his brow in confusion as he puts stuff in his backpack. Lucy starts to blush and nods before standing behind our teacher. Now its time for my brow to be quirked as the teacher looked at us. I see in his eyes that screamed 'Come. Here. Now. Both of you.' I look back at Gajeel look at teacher with disgust. In the end we walked over to him and stood in front of his desk. It was piled with tests that were separated into two stacks. He scratched his mustache and straightened his glasses before folding his hands to rest on the wooden desk. Lucy focused her sight on the teacher as we approached, waiting for him to explain. The teacher coughed gaining our attention once more. "Well Mr. Dreyar. Mr. Redfox. You two have failed the test miserably." He said roughly. Me and Gajeel scowled as I shifted my feet. I was about to explain but he said something that caught both me and Gajeel's interest. "I have asked Mrs. Heartfilia, to tutor the two of you." I had to stop myself from thinking of dirty thoughts cause I just saw the cutest face on Lucy once he mentioned her. "You two must listen to her. I will allow you two to retake the test on Monday. Do I make myself clear gentleman?" Me and Gajeel both nod and we watched Lucy nod in agreement. The old man waved us out of his classroom and followed Lucy to her locker. Once we got to her locker, Lucy asked us a question. "Okay. Where do you guys want go so we can start?" That was a pretty good question. "We can study at my place." Gajeel offered and he gave me a wink. I smirked at his idea. He lives alone. I shrugged and agreed and waited for Lucy's answer. She just shrugs before grabbing her backpack and placed it on her shoulder. "Alright. Lets go!" Lucy smiles waiting for us to go a head. Gajeel and I start walking as Lucy trailed quickly behind us.

Various LemonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon