Harsh but Loving Crush #2

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!   

Snow day for me~ lol I dont think I have anything to say lol~

Next lemon choices~

- Hei from Darker than Black

-Markiplier from YouTube

-Ling Yao from Full Metal Alchemist

For the second time in the row we got harsh but loving! It is quite a close call so if all want to have more crush lemons just let me know so I can set up another vote^^

Your POV

I munched on a pocky as tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling. I was a basketball game with a close friend of mine since her boyfriend was playing in it. "Go Tyler!" Sarah cries out from beside me making me cringe and move my head away from her. "Oi Sarah mind toning down!" I sneered annoyed. Little by little the game got less interesting. No one was scoring and its been three minutes already and I was about to ditch Sarah if I wasnt in love with the sport. Sarah is the only one that know that I play competitively until I kind of had a "career ending" injury on my wrist. I used to be the top of my game until that day and I was drowning in the waters of depression that weighed me down since I could not play same as I did. I was good but not as before so I stopped. I finished my (favorite flavor here) covered bread as the whistle blows signaling a change of players. "S-Sorry (Y/n) but I can not help it." She looked at me nervously as she looks back at game and cupped her chin. "Weird I thought he wasn't allowed to play until next game..." I perked and looked over the railing to see (c/n) walk onto the court. "What did he do to get pulled back from the today's game?" I quirked my brow as I watched him smirk and grasped the orange ball in his hands tightly. "Skipping multiple time.." She sighed as she hangs her head as I slipped another pocky stick into my mouth. "Honestly (Y/n), I dont see why your attracted to him.." She whines looking over at me. I did not turned my attention to her as I watched (c/n) dribble across the court and slam dunking finally making the game interesting. "And I dont understand how you are attracted to Tyler." I stated as I played the breaded stick with my lips. Sarah pouts before focusing back on the game. "Hey he's looking at you.." I was in a daze until she said that. I did not notice I was watching (c/n) the entire time he was in until Sarah pointed it out. The team was surrounding the coach seeing that someone called a time out and (c/n) was not paying attention to the coach but staring up at the stands where I was. "He's probably looking at something behind me." I mumble before closing my eyes and straightening my back and sighed before looking back at the ceiling. "I dont think so~ Theres barely anyone behind us." "Thats still something Sarah.." I reached up and rubbed my temple as the buzzer goes off. 

The game ended and no surprise as (c/n) easily closed the gap between the two teams. I slipped my backpack over my shoulder and waited for Sarah how was watching Tyler walking up the stairs. I blink seeing Tyler with (c/n). 'Are they hanging out together at Tyler's house?' I thought as several other player pat (c/n) back and started to speak to him as Tyler flirted with Sarah playfully. I was back into my dreamland state but I could of sworn that one of the players pointed at me but I wasn't too sure so I could be lying. I snapped out of it as Sarah, Tyler, and (c/n) walked over to me. Sarah clasped her hands together and bowed her head. "(Y/n) I am so sorry but could you possibly head home before me?" I sweated nervously considering she didnt need to make a scene. I waved my hands in front of me awkwardly since I was uncomfortable. She does this when she wants to hang out with Tyler. "I-It is fine Sarah! You don't need to make a scene we have been over this.." I whimper as Tyler threw his head back and laughed as (c/n) smirks making things worse. I waved them off where there was a fork in the road before walking back to my house. I slipped in my house quietly seeing that my parents were at work but it seemed my brother came home from college for the weekend. I peaked into his room seeing him on his computer at his desk. Welcome home~" I smile as I walked in. He swiveled in his chair to see me with a smile. "Hey (y/n)~ I didnt see you when I got home so I assumed you went to game or something." He said as he watched me place my bag down thensit on his bed and lay down with my legs hanging on the edge. "Was it good?" He asked. I shrugged "It got boring until the last quarter." I answered as I sat up slowly and smirked at him. "Ne brother~ want to help me on my science homework~" I teased as i dragged my bag over to the desk as my brother groans. "Now I feel like you came in here to have me help you." "Well I want to learn~ And what is better than listening to the elderly~" Brother snapped his head at me. "I am not THAT old!" I laughed loudly but knew my brother did not take it seriously.

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