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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

Requested by ichiruki-4-life! Congrats for choosing such an interesting request! So I am still sick and apparently I was told it could last up to two weeks and I am not looking forward to it at all T^T.

ANYWAYS! The NWL's contestants will be~

-the charming beast of the leaf- Rock Lee from Naruto

-the almighty Saitama from One Punch Man

-the mysterious red head Gaara from Naruto

Vote now for the next upcoming lemons~

I don't have anything to really tell you that's anything serious but lets just say... It's going to get real dirty~ So wear clothes that you don't mind to get dirty in!^^

I am what you call a floater. I help in all divisions when they need me the most because I would have a wide variety of knowledge. I stop by to meet up with my favorite captain of the thirteenth division, Jūshirō Ukitake. I step in front of his door and gently knocking on the door. I hear a voice behind the screen but I knew it wasn't Ukitake because it was too feminine. I unknowingly scowled but once I heard the screen door slide open, I pulled of a fake smile to this upcoming female that approached from the doorway. "Oh! Miss (l/n)~ Good to see you!" The woman said. She goes by the name Tesla and from what I have observed from her actions and history, she is in love with Ukitake and she has just joined the first division almost a week and half ago. She has been visiting Ukitake every morning before she head off to her division. I could see why mister Shunsui would want her for his division. Tesla had sun kissed skin, brilliant brown eyes even though she wasn't the sharpest one in the bin, and had long wavy coal black caressing her face, but I'm sure the real reason wasn't for any of that..... Just the big breast she had, and comparing them to mine, which I was practically a flat as wood. I subconsciously rub my arm feeling embarrassed, "Good Morning Tesla, did you finish your little check up on the captain?" I asked quietly up to her because I couldn't see past her breasts. All she did was nod quickly, "Yep!~ Though he just needs rest for the next few hours before he need to move. His body was starting to heat up. AH~ Even though he is weak physically, he is just the biggest sweetheart!~" Tesla coos but I wasn't really listening, but it irked me to hear the word 'physically weak' because he has as much strength as any other captain. He... just gets sick easily.... I was about to open my mouth but we heard someone call out to Tesla, most likely from her division. "Sorry miss (l/n), but I have to run! My captain needs me!~" Tesla coos once more before scurrying off in the opposite direction. "Your just sleeping with the captain..." I muttered angrily under my breathe. I continue on in the thirteenth division to see Ukitake sitting outside with a blanket wrapped around his body as he watched the flowers drift from side to side. I sighed and grabbed his medicine and walked over to him. "You will get worse if you sit out her captain." I said making him turn his head to look up at me. "I will be fine (y/n). Besides I just got out here." He said with a gentle smile. Sighing, I hand over his medicine and left to grab a glass of water for him to help the medicine to go down his throat. "What's your plans for the evening today (y/n)?" Ukitake asked kindly as he took the glass from my hands once I made my way over to him. "Just the usual. Spar with mister Kenpachi to decrease his blood lust and most likely helping mister Tōshirō with his paper work that miss Rangiku probably left behind from him to do by himself." I said as I watched the hell butterflies wander around the garden. What I didn't see was Ukitake, glaring at the ground in front of him. I sighed as I look back to Ukitake when he stands up from where he sat. "Well... I hope everything goes quickly for you (y/n)." Ukitake said kindly as he ruffles my hair which I swat at his hand since he messed up my hair. Ukitake chuckles as he watches me fix up my now messy hair with a whine. I then look up at him with a blank expression. "What do you mean by that?" I asked a tad confused. Ukitake flinched briefly but I caught it as he shook his head. "Nothing, just hope you can get home soon so you can rest." He said in a low voice. I stared back at him confused but decided not to push him. "Then I am leaving now.." I muttered as I walked to the door. Ukitake hums as he sit behind his desk shifting papers around. I opened the door but looked back to see him scowl at his paperwork. My breathe hitched but pushed myself to leave the room. I walk towards towards a training field that Kenpachi trains at and sitting on the ground in pure boredom. "Hello Kenpachi." I said to let my presence be known to him. Kenpachi swung his head over to me and smirks darkly. "Finally! If didn't come soon, I would have to hunt you down and skin you." he groans as he stands up. I was unfazed because he would say something similar every time I help him out. I was scared at first but after getting to know him, his dangerous threats to someone helping him were meant to be a joke, or at least I was told by several other people in his squad. "Sorry miss Tesla was holding me back a bit for a conversation." I said as I pull out my Zanpakutō and held it in front of me. Kenpachi only chuckles and held out his beat up Zanpakutō. I attacked first and clashed with his sword. This would go on for a few hours, he was wanting me to makes sure he didn't have any openings for someone to use on him while in a real fight. After sipping down the last of my water and filling it back up, I start to walk over to the other half of my job. I knocked on the door of the captain in charge of squad ten, Tōshirō. I hear a frustrated 'come in' and I pushed open the doors to see work that would have been taller than him if he stands next to them. "This is more than usual.... what happened?" I asked with a quirked brow as I grabbed a great deal of work. "Rangiku was hiding a large amount of paperwork that she said that she took home and never finished and is now due today!" Tōshirō growls under his breathe as his hand made quick swipes as he wrote on the paperwork. I sighed disappointed but started to work none the less. About two and a half hours later, we took a break and it was great that we did because I was starting to get a cramp in my hand. "Thank you miss (l/n). If you were not here I wouldn't have been able to put a dent in this paperwork." He said as he handed me my favorite warm drink. I gladly took it from him as he sits back at his desk, sipping his hot tea. "Thanks to you, I think I can finish everything before midnight. You can leave for the day when your ready." Tōshirō mutters as he flips another page of paperwork. I nodded my head, finishing my drink before standing from my spot. The doors opened to reveal the lazy girl herself, Rangiku and behind her was Tesla peeking him with a stupid smile. Tōshirō looked at her with a murderous glare and was about to scream but I quickly smacked over his mouth with an annoyed sigh. "Please don't yell right now, I have a headache..." I muttered before removing my hand. He nodded slowly but still kept his glare. Rangiku flinched and began to sweat but smiled cheerfully, which annoyed me. "AWE!~ You two are so cute together!~" Rangiku yells which made me cringe with Tesla nodding behind her. Tōshirō and I look at each other and back at them. "....Excuse me..?" we both looked at them like they were on drugs. "You two should go out!" Tesla pushed me towards the workaholic  but I smacked her hands away violently. The two girls looked at me shocked. "I wish you two would know about personal space. Also, know more about who you are pairing with before taking action." I growled angrily before apologizing to Tōshirō and exiting the room to head home for the day. As I was walking, I looked down at myself. I thought about Tesla and Rangiku and their large breasts. I sighed as I pasted by a mirror and saw myself, I was as flat as a board. My eyes sadden as walked away quickly so I can forget about today. "Miss (l/n)! Please wait!" I stopped with a sigh and looked back. Not expecting the boy that takes care of Ukitake to run after me. "Yes?" I asked confused while I turned around fully to see him properly. "Captain Ukitake is wanting your assistance miss (l/n)." My heart pounded against my chest with worry and I nodded before changing my course from home to Ukitake's quarters. I arrive in front of his door and the boy suddenly pats my shoulder and left me, leaving me confused. A muffled 'Come in' was heard which brought me out of my thoughts. I slide the door open to see Ukitake on his bed, looking outside. The orange glow that the evening shined against his face perfectly. "Y-You needed me Captain Ukitake?" I  cursed for my stuttering but kept my composer. Ukitake looks up at me with some sort of blank stare which caused me more confusion. "Come closer my dear.." he muttered, gesturing him hand to tell me to come which I did slowly. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down causing me to yelp in surprise. I blushed as I felt something cushion my back and I open my eyes to see Ukitake staring down at me with a displeased look on his face, almost looked like a scowl. "Capt-" I was cut of with yelp and a stinging sensation on my ass. My eyes widen as I look to my stinging butt to his hand that slapped it. I was in total shock. I never thought Ukitake was the type of person to physically harm his comrades in any way. "Must be quiet shocking." He muttered watching me nod so slowly that it was painful. He sighs and grabs my arms and tied them with a long white cloth that you use to tie a kimono with, to the bed post. I panicked a bit being scared because I didn't know this side of Ukitake, so I tugged and thrashed about. Ukitake growls and held me still, "Please you spare with Captain Kenpachi for god sake." he muttered with a growl as he looks down at me. I looked at him with confused and scared eyes as he moves his hands up and down in my body, which made me tingle in pleasure. Sudden he grasps my hips roughly and pulls the robe I wore open. My eyes widen as my bare skin met the cool air of the outside. "Captain-" I soon felt the same burning sensation on the  opposite side of my ass, but it burned a hell of a lot more because I did't have my robe to take some of the blow from the slap I got from Ukitake. I teared up due to it and I opened my mouth to speak but then I noticed every time I spoke, I'd get slap so I shut up. "Aw~ Little (y/n) has nothing to say~" I hear Ukitake whisper into my ear which made me flinch due to his hot breathe near my face. I felt a burning hue on my cheeks as he licks the shell of my ear. I squeak from the sudden strange pleasure which he pulls away, with a slight.... sexy... smirk. His head lowered down close to my face making me swallow a lump in my throat. "I notice you hang around.... aggressive people (y/n)... and it seems like the nice guy act does not seem to work on you at all." he mutters as his lips brushed against mine before slamming them roughly on mine. His tongue didn't bother asking for permission and forced its way into my unclaimed cavern. I squirmed underneath him, wanting air but earned another rough slap, which made me throw my head back and gasp and hiss in pain. He took this chance to lick up my neck which made me shiver in delight for some odd reason. His mouth circled and clamped onto my (s/t) skin and began to suck and bite in various spots. I would gasp every time he would place his mouth on a new spot because it was his warm mouth colliding with my cool neck which was oddly a wonderful feeling. I moaned once he came to my shoulder in which his sucking around my neck finally slowed. He looked at the spot he just sucked and bit harshly onto it which me scream slightly because he also slapped my ass for letting out a sound. I whimper quietly as his head pulls away and I could feel the blood drip down my shoulder. I panted lightly as Ukitake licks the blood from his lips. "Your blood is strangely sweet my dear~ I like it~" Ukitake purrs as he leans down and laps the blood that dripped from my shoulder. He then moved downwards until he got to my bra which he was not please him as he roughly ripped it off without a second thought. "Hey that w-"


My ass once again burned but strangely it wasn't even painful. I suddenly want it to happen. "Don't speak. Your being punished." He growls as if it was a threat. "Aw is Uki mad?~" I quickly finished my sentence as Ukitake kisses between my non existing breasts. He face hardens and growls as he slaps my ass harder then ever which strangely made me moan out to him. Ukitake looks at me with a surprised look but scowls and slaps harder only to get the same reaction from me. "Ukitake~" I would only moan out with a smirk."Your mad are you not~?" I moan softly at him to earn another spanking. "Damn right I am (y/n).. Hanging out with other men just bugs the hell out of me." He admits as he pulls my perked buds making my back arch with a moan. He kisses and sucks his way down my stomach until he reached the elastic of my panties and grips them with his teeth, pulling them away from me ever so slowly. I groan at the pace he was going which made him smirk in approval. Once he got my panties to my calves, he reached over and grabbed a similar cloth just in a shade of black. I gave him a confused look as he lifts my head up and ties the dark cloth over my eyes which makes my breathe hitch. All I could see is the darkness and feel the softness of the cloth on my skin. I feel Ukitake slap my skin but not in a rough way and rubbed my bare hips, slowly down to my thighs. I shifted a bit which earned me a rough slap, making me gasp. "Don't move dear~" He mutters but I can practically hear the smirk he has on his face right now. He pulls me towards him slightly and I turned my head but it snaps back as I felt something touching my sensitive folds. I twitch violently as he pushed his cool fingers into me and earned another hard slap to my own ass. He pumps his finger slowly yet easily due to me being turned on by this new Ukitake. I bit my lip to suppress the moans I could be letting out right now and I suddenly earn another slap which made me moan loudly. "What was that for Ukitake?" I tilted my head in confusion cause I didn't understand why he slapped my ass for no reason. "Moan." He only growls as he slows his pace down which I hated. "U-Ukitake~" I moaned a whine which I guess he took because he speed up which let me moan a string. "I-I about t-t-" Before he could let me hit my high he pulls out his fingers which left my mouth open in shock. "U-Uktake! You didn't let me finish~" I growl at him but only for him to chuckle at me. I felt something on my lips and notice it was his lips so I kissed back quickly. He slipped his tongue in and I tasted something strange texture yet tastes sweet. Oh hell... I'm tasting myself.. I thought as I dance with his tongue with my own. While our kiss grew heated and intense, I didn't feel the bed shift as he removed his robe leaving him quite bare. During the kiss, I did feel him use his knee to my legs apart. I blush darkly as I spread my legs for his body to flow in between me. He bites my lip and pulls it as he pulled away from the kiss. His hands made their way down, grasping my bare flat chest, and slowly grips my hips roughly. Brushing, to what I am guessing was his member, teasing my folds which made me whimper with want. He suddenly slaps my ass so hard I cried out in pain. "That's for Kenpachi..." I hear him say but then the pain of being split into two happened made me cry as he puts himself in me violently. "And that was for Tōshirō ." He groans that was mixed with a growl. He didn't give me anytime to adjust and started to thrust roughly in and out of me which I had no problem with strangely. The pain soon subsided and I was moaning like a train. Our thrust met each other constantly receiving a few slaps here and there which I found delightful. Soon I finally felt that proud feeling of release. I tightened myself around his member which caused himself to moan loudly and cum inside me causing me to do the same onto his member. I panted loudly as I try and gasp for air as he did the same as he slowly pull himself out. "Mind untying me Ukitake?" I pout at him as I tug on my restraints. I feel the cloth shift around my wrists and loosen so I could get out. I slide the cloth that cover my eyes so I could see and looked over at Ukitake who just stared at me. "Spend more time with me and not the other two Captains..." He mutters quietly, which I thought was cute. I gave him a small smile and and placed a hand  on his chest with a slight smirk. "Maybe with Kenpachi but I can't do that to Tōshirō." I said as I kissed his cheek and suddenly shifts away. "And why is that?" Which makes me smirk even wider as I looked up at him.

"Are you seriously jealous of my brother Uki?~"

Finally! I updated! Sorry it was taking so long to make this I was having a hard time making this due to writers block but i forced myself into finishing it because you guys waited too long! So thanks for requesting and I hope you all enjoyed!!

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