• Request Board #3 •

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Hey guys! Don't worry a lemon will be put out later tonight (6/19/2017) but the problem is I had to redo my request book because my cousin who is 2 took it and drew all over it with marker to the point that I couldn't read a darn thing!!

Now there will now be rule when it comes to requesting because I don't know where some of the characters are from! BUT I want to try and do the character that you love and I don't want you guys not to be saying "oh she does know him/her so I will request another and/or not request at all.." please don't think like that! If you have a favorite character but I don't know about him/her THEN REQUEST HIM/HER!! I will be more than happy to research you favorite character and/or anime to give you a chapter that will love to read!!

Now as for the rules because some people put characters that I have no clue who they are or I just know multiple of the names because they can be common!


Please write it down with first name and last name of your favorite character and where they are from!


I want Kyo Sohma x reader from Fruits Basket

Or just

Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket

I want to experiment what I can do so please request your characters big or small I will research them so I put smiles on faces because they can fall in love with their character!!

And if you have a plot you want with it that you want me to add then PLEASE TELL ME!! IT HELPS ME THINK!!

The lemon I was talking about above will be out soon so please don't worry!! I'm just busy and I have been having continuous rain falls so eventually the electricity went out so I apologize!

Well that's everything...

I think....

So I hope y'all can hang tight because the next one is coming out soon and I hope to hear from y'all! ^^

Yours Truly~
<( • w • )>

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