Kurama *Halloween Special*

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

Sorry that it is late, Im extremely busy with projects that I forced myself to shut off communication with roleplayers and most people except my family. Thats why I've been so quiet these past few days and on top of that I was trying to plot an idea for this one. The tallies from the last lemon was difficult for me to tell me who for who so I'm going to have to do it again sorry ; ^ ;

-Sasuke from Naruto

-Torshiro from Bleach

-Akashi from Kuroko no Basuke

Hope you had a happy Halloween! Even for those who dont celebrate which I dont anymore really... Did you dress up or gave out treats?

As a Treat Apology heres an awesome halloween song^^ It.. It doesnt go with the story but I'm treating you to it~

Now the second half of my treat~ Hope you enjoy~

Your Pov~

I sat in my chair talking to my friends, Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, and Neji. There was a rumor that several new students were coming in and apparently a separate rumor says that somehow they were all related in some way. "How many of them are there?" Sakura asked tapping her chin curiously. "Nine I hear, one is supposed to me in this class." I mumble as I leaned back into my wooden chair that I desperately hated. "I know one of them.." Naruto suddenly points out making us snap our heads his way. "How do you know the new kid?" Neji said with his arms crossed. "We used to be close as kids but he moved away to Europe because of family reasons I dont know." Naruto beams. "I would have been better if you had told us idiot." Sakura mumbles huffing. Hinata fidgets in her seat silently. "I just hope they are nice.." She whispers. "Doesn't everyone.." I mumble quiet hoping the same thing and hoping that they are not a complete dick. The bell rings as Naruto and Neji head for their proper seats. Kakashi walked in with a boy with red head that had quite the hair. I bite my lip at the sight and quickly shook off the feeling. "Okay class, as you all should know we have a new student, this here is Kurama." Kakashi gestured to the boy who had an annoyed look on his face as he tugged on his uniform's red tie. I felt bad for the male that have to wear one. "Seat yourself anywhere that is empty boy." Kakashi nodded his head towards us before turning away to prepare his lesson. Kurama looks around and I could tell he stopped to look at a certain someone. I looked over and see Naruto waving at him frantically. I sweatdropped as Kurama silently walked over and sat near him. Soon after that, I was busy daydreaming and thinking about the schools masked Halloween party they were planning this October. The bell ringed again and I quickly gathered my things and headed for my locker to put my stuff away. I turned a corner and bumped into someone and fell on my butt harshly making me wince. "Watch were you are going you brat." A growl followed his words as I looked up. He had sandy blonde hair that was similar to Kurama's and his body was covered in strange markings even seen out of his uniform. "I-I'm sorry.." I stuttered kind of scared because he gave me a harsh glare. A hand roughly grabbed the male's shoulder making him look over his shoulder. "That is enough Shukaku.. That is no way to treat an innocent accident." There stood a somewhat familiar person, Kurama with narrowed eyes. Shukaku shrugged off Kurama's hand harshly. "Whatever man.." He huffed annoyed before walking away with his hands in his pockets. I watched as he walked past me and I turned forward with a hand in front of my face causing me to flinch. "Hurry up already.." Kurama mumbled impatiently making me squeak and quickly grasp his hand and he yanked back pulling me off the ground with ease. "Kurama! (Y/n)!" Kurama quickly pulled away from me as we both looked in the same direction. Naruto slowly came to a stop as he neared us and gripped Kurama's shoulder to lean against it. "I see you met Kurama personally!" He beamed at me making me smile awkwardly. "N-Not exactly. He just save me from a scared situation.." I mumbled as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Kurama huffs silently while scratching his cheek awkwardly. "Eh? Is someone bullying you (y/n)?" Naruto asked seriously as he came closer to me to check me. I flinched and waved my hands in front of me. "N-No! I just bumped into someone that was in a bad mood. I wasn't really paying attention so it was my fault." I tried to say as I backed up from Naruto's close presence. "Well okay thats better than getting bullied I guess.." He mumbled before shoving his hands in his jacket that he wore over his uniform. Kurama nodded his head agreeing with Naruto. "Well hey, Kurama was my childhood friend that I was talking about." Naruto decided to break the tension by changing the subject. "A-Ah really? Well a friend of Naruto is a friend of mine, its a pleasure to meet you finally." I smiled gratefully at Kurama as he turned his head towards me nodding. "The pleasure is all mine.." He mumbles quietly before looking away. 'he looks mean but is surprisingly is a gentleman..' I took note of his behavior and gave him a shy smile. I finally got to my locker and put my stuff away before grabbing my lunch and head for the outside. Naruto, Hinata, and now Kurama were sitting in our usual eating spot under a shady tree and I sat in between Kurama and Hinata. Naruto was talking to Hinata sometimes adding Kurama and me to the conversation as we ate. "Hey (Y/n), what are you planning to be for the Halloween party?" Hinata suddenly asked me and I ponder at the thought. I haven't properly celebrated Halloween in a long time so I'm used to not spending money on costumes. "I haven't thought about it to be honest.." I answered her question after giving it some thought. "Well Sakura and me are going to go costume shopping, come with us?" Hinata offers. I shrugged and nodded my head. "Sure its something to do than stay home." I smile at her. Better get a good one while its the beginning of October.

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