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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!  

*Requester did not want to be mentioned*

Here we go again! Another lemon~ Lets get it on~

Next lemon choices~

- The mighty baldy!~ Santaima from One Punch Man

- His presence is chilly!~ Toshiro from Bleach

- The famous hacker!~ 707 from Mystic Messenger

Im going to stop and say that you are all the sweetest readers I've encountered T^T well most of you anyways >^> I dont care about the votes really but Im glad to get them but I love hearing your guys feedback it makes my heart jump! So I want to thank you for helping continue this series ^^ I hope to make more for yall in the future so stick with me! 

I sat with Laxus's group as we erupted the upper floor with laughter, well besides Laxus, who just had a scowl on his face. I slowly died down and faced Laxus with a confused face but still kept my smile. "Laxus, babe? Are you okay?" I asked him sweetly only to huff. Laxus and I have been dating for about three years now and slowly I began to realize he is becoming less and less.... compassionate, you can say. His love for fairy tail was fading into something dark and it is worrying me to no end. "He's thinking, its best not to bother him dear." Freed comforts me with a sad smile, which was also confusing the way he expressed it. I slowly nodded and looked at Laxus who was glaring at the wooden floor. Sighing, I looked back at my drink and pushed it away from me, losing interest in it. "Are you alright (nickname here)?" Evergreen presses staring at me. I gave her an innocent smile and nodded. "Yes I might head home early, I haven't been getting enough sleep lately-" I smirked and cupped my mouth and whispered. "-because of Laxus's snoring~" I cooed making everyone snicker loudly. Laxus looked up and his scowl hardens. "Whats so funny?" "Nothing~" Bisklow sang with his babies repeating after him. Laxus glares at him before he felt pressure on his cheek. "I'm heading home to get some rest. I'll see you when you get home..." I said as I got up to leave once I hear him grunt again. I head down the steps and looked over at Makarov who gave me a stern look. My smile fades and walked over to him. "Is there something wrong Master?" I asked with a rare serious expression. Makarov's eyes shifted quickly after hearing me and looked me in the eye. "I'm worried about Laxus... and I fear that I a favor to ask you.." He mumbles while taking a sip of his mug. "Anything." I said crossing my arms as I watched him down the rest of his drink and slammed it down on the counter before leaning against his staff. "Don't participate in the Miss Fairy Tail competition." He said calmly. I quirked my brow but sighed heavily, nodding slowly. "Fine. I will not argue with you master.." I whisper. "Please understand that I just have a theory and I don't want to hurt my future daughter-in law~!" He suddenly smiles and sways his body. 'There's the alcohol kicking in...'  I thought before nodding with a red face because Laxus and I were not engaged. I quickly put on a smile and waved goodbye before leaving for the house I shared with Laxus.

I woke up to the door opening and closing. I propped myself up with my elbows and see the back of Laxus sitting at the end of the bed taking his shoes off. I crawl over to him and hung my arms loosely around his neck from behind. "Welcome home~" I mutter into his ear and kissed it gently. I smirked hearing his breath hitch. "(y/n)." He mumbles not facing me. I placed my chin on his shoulder and hummed with my eyes closed. "Don't participate in the Miss Fairy Tail." He suddenly said. My eyes open and I frown but didn't move. "Why is that Laxus?" I asked after a good pause. "Because I don't want men staring at you." He quickly countered causing me to hug him tighter followed by a slight chuckle. "Alright Laxus, I won't participate." I mutter to him and I can feel his chest suddenly fall as if he was holding his breath. "You got to sleep first, I need to work on some stuff downstairs. Come down if you need me.." He grunts before slipping out of my arms and left for downstairs. I watched as he left and sighed before going back to my original position I was sleeping in, letting sleep take me once more.

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