Natsu •Halloween Special•

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!!  If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

WINNER WAS NATSU!!!! And Happy Halloween people!!! What are you dressed as?

Anyways! Here's the thing! My friends and I will be picking out 3 requests from my book or my messages after reading one of the chapters!! You! The reader!! Will be choosing the next chapter for this book!!! I will write a lemon for every one or two weeks after a chapter for more lemons!!! I will be keeping the other two that hasn't made made the cut so you guys can vote on it again! If you want different ones the please comment telling me so!!! If you are out voted on that option then I will NOT be changing the requests!!!

For the next chapter:

•Soul from Soul Eater

•Kakashi from Naruto

•Sebastian from Black Butler

This lemon was requested by @AshlynnWritez
!! Thank you for the request and hope y'all enjoy and have a happy Halloween~

I sat at the bar drinking some (f/d), watching members decorate the guild with Halloween decorations. Ezra walks up to me while eating her strawberry shortcake. "Hello (y/n). Have any plans for tomorrow?" She asks while taking a bite out of the strawberry. I scratched jawline and nodded my head. "Yea I have something planned-" I stood up and looked at the clock. "I have to do a mission with Natsu in happy in twenty minute." I said looking back at her. She nods her head understanding. "Maybe you'll be back before the party ends." She mentioned and walked away to help the others. I sighed as I walked over to the big doors and left the guild. I walked home while reading the mission that Natsu asked me to help with. We are supposed to be entertaining children for Halloween. While I was reading the paper, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin because of it. I turn around to see Lucy and gray laughing, holding their stomachs. I glared at them. "W-we got you good, (y/n)!!" Gray laughs as Lucy agrees. I huffed in annoyance. "Whatever." I breath out before walking off. Gray looks at Lucy and she nods before running after me. "Hey (y/n). Don't be mad. It was just a joke." She said in a worried voice. I shake my head. "It's not that Lucy. I just need to home and prepare before my mission with Natsu." I said as I stopped in front of my door. "What mission?" Lucy asked, tilting her head slightly. Not answering, I just handed her the paper. Walking into my home, Lucy grins wickedly before slipping into my house. I grab a bag out of my closet and packed my necessary items into the bag. "What are you planning to be when you entertain the kids?" She asks. I look up and shrug. "Probably rip up an old shirt and rub some mud on me so I could a zombie." I said as i looked through my closet for an old enough shirt. Lucy shakes her head disagreeing with my idea. I raise my brow in question. She points out the door telling me to leave my room. "What? Why?" I asked. "I'll pack your costume. I was going to plan a group costume with you, Ezra, Levi, and Juvia. But your going a mission so you can have the costume I was going to give you. BUT it's a surprise!!" I sighed then smiled gently, nodding and headed out of my room. Lucy placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a serious look. "Promise me you won't look at it until your ready to entertain the kids." I sweat dropped at her but agreed before leaving the room. I hear shuffling in my room and minutes late Lucy opens the door and held out my bag ready to go. I smiles before throwing it over my shoulder. "Well I got to go and meet up with Natsu. Have fun tomorrow, I could be there before the party ends." I smile as her face lit up. After the both of us left my house, I jogged my way to the train station. There, Natsu was sitting in the train looking at the window. Seeing me, he waves like a maniac. I shyly wave back before jumping onto the train and walked over towards Natsu and happy. "Hey (y/n)!! You ready to go?" Natsu screams, excited. I felt a light hue on my cheeks just from seeing him and I smiled, nodding. I sit down across from him and set my bag next to me. I look out the window and felt the train begins to move. I hear Natsu groan so I look over to check him. He looked really tipsy. Happy was sleeping next to him and Natsu was about to collapse on him. I gasped and reached out and grabbed happy, pulling him away from Natsu, and held Natsu's head in one hand. I sigh relieved. Having happy cradled I my left arm like a baby and my right hand held Natsu's head from hitting the hard wooden seat. I sighed once more before slowly sitting up and moved over next to Natsu and placed his head in my lap. I kept happy in my arms. Natsu groans as he looks up at me, making me not think as I pet his salmon colored hair. "Rest Natsu. I'll wake you two up when we get there." I whispered gently. Natsu hums weakly and nods off into a heavy slumber. I smiled gently and looked out the window, watching the scenery pass me.

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