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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

USING THE PHONE BECAUSE NO INTERNET! So as promised I'll continue writing if something were to happen. For a Christmas theme lemon... I have something planned for that one since last year and they waited a long time for it. It's not a choice, that's a hint, but it was a request but last year I had already planned a Christmas theme at the time so I'm doing that request now. So sorry...

- Sasuke from Naruto

- Akashi from Kuroko no Basuke

- Luciano from Hetaila

- Hei from Darker than Black

- Crush from your imagination

Sorry for the absence, it's been tough few weeks but lets get started~


I stood in the library with Ken Kaneki reading in one of the aisles. Actually we are the only two, and we haven't properly met one another. I was a librarian here as a part time job and I happen to see Kaneki almost every day, we just don't speak. Closing the book, I placed it on the shelf where it properly belongs. "Excuse me?" I flinch hearing the sudden voice that broke my concentration. I craned my head back to the voice to see none other than the black haired male. "Yes? May I help you?" I mumble giving him a working smile, pulling a book close to my chest as I turned to him fully. "I'm looking for a certain book.." he explains nervously scratching his cheek. I blinked and tilted my head. "Which one?" "U-uh... Unraveling by Norris I think was the author's name.." he said after some thought. I blinked and leaned over to look over his shoulder at my desk eyeing the said book. 'It's the one I'm readying currently..' I thought before looking back him who tilted his head curiously. I let out and awkward laugh and looked at everywhere but him. "U-um it's on my desk. Are you planning to check it out?" I asked as I slowly walked around him and over to my desk. "Yeah a friend recommended it to me so I was hoping to read it." He explains scratching his head. I set down the book I was holding and sat in my chair and typing in what was needed. I opened the book and was about to remove the bookmark but his voice caught my attention. "Oh! Were you reading it?" He quickly said making me flinch and look up at him. I clear my throat "I was but since I'm here all the time, I have plenty of chances to read it." I said as I finally slip the book mark out and scanned the book. Kaneki nervously fidgeted in his spot. "Is it good?" He suddenly asked as I handed him the book and leaned back into my chair with a sigh. "I find it interesting, a fantasy, mystery, adventure, and with a touch of romance, it's a good combo. I'd recommend it." I answered honesty with a gentle smile. He slowly nodded his head. "Then I'll bring it back as soon as I can." He smiles before waving me off and leaving the building. I let out a heavy sigh and slumped in the chair. 'Guess I'll find something else..'

After that Kaneki would stop by to talk to me about books and had recommended some to me that I haven't heard of. A few weeks in we started to get to know each other more and eventually became friends and hung outside of the library.


But suddenly he stopped showing up


There was times where I stood outside to wait for him so we could walk home together but he never came. I slowly started to feel...


Various LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now