Yami Yugi

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

This lemon was requested by @Dragyn13 ! I'm making yugi and yami two different people!!!! Sorry for the delay was trying to make some plots! And was busy with things around my house! Now I haven't watched yugioh since I was 4.... And I'm 18 so I haven't watched the series in 14 years! And I'm more into Pokemon then yugiho, but still I enjoyed the first ever series but I really hate the new series they came up with so I lost interest. THEY RUINED DIGIMON!!!! WHATS WITH ALL THE FUSION CRAP!!!! *clears throat* now then. On with the lemon.....

I watched as yami gets crowded by the girls in my class. What whores. Yami is from a rich family and I know most of these girl just want him for either the money or just to fuck him. I'll admit, I'd ride him for free, if you know what I mean, without hesitation. I most of have been in deep thought cause yugi snapped his fingers in my face. "Your observing again (y/n)." Yugi chuckles. Yugi is yami's little brother, he sometimes get the exact same attention as his brother but that's only if he is not in the same room as his brother. I shook my head and made a kick stand out of my arm to hold my head. "Sorry yugi. I didn't mean to zone out on ya." I muttered an apology. Yugi smiles in understanding before carrying on his conversation he was trying to have with me, this time was listening. "Well it's almost halloween and our parents are planning to let us have a costume party. They wanted to know if your able to come." I perked with interest. If you must know me and yugi have this brother and sister relationship and his parents love me. "I'd love to! Do you know what your planning to be yugi?" I asked excitedly. Yugi thought for a moment before answering. "I think I'm going as a mummy." He smiles and asked me the same question but I didn't have an answer for him. This is because I don't celebrate Halloween. Strange I know, but my parents were very strict when it came to strangers. "I can help (y/n)~" I nearly fell out of my chair. (F/n) had a smug look on her face. I sighed knowing I'm going to need it so ended up agreeing. She cheered and started took flirt with yugi lightly. I sweat drop at the scene in front of me, and it's kind of awkward so I looked the board of girls in the doorway. Yami has been trying to get through the door for the past 10 minutes. Unlike yugi, me and yami don't have that relationship like brother and sisters. We talk I guess but we are familiar with each other. Yami looks at me with demanding eyes that screamed 'help me!!'. I rolled my eyes at him before standing up and walking towards the hoard of ladies. I poked one on the shoulder. "Excuse me miss? I'd like to exit the classroom but I have whore hoard blocking the only exit." I simply smiled as she gasp at me, making the other face me. Some raven haired chick confronts me and poked my chest roughly with each word. "You. Bitch. Yami ain't yours. And never will be." She speaks in such a sick voice. With her high heels on I had to take a step back to look up at her. I clapped my hands together, impatient and started getting angry. "Okay! First of all! Yami ain't any of yours so back the fuck off.-" I repeated in her tone of voice. "He. Isn't. An. Object! So don't fucking act like he's yours. Cause he ain't! Secondly!" I looked everyone in the whore hoard. "I'm pretty sure that half of all of you have a boyfriend that loves and cares for your unfaithful, ungrateful, two timing bitch ass." I paused as everyone gasps and mutters in agreement. I finally calmed down and spoke again. "And finally. Yami wants to be in the classroom but the whore hoard is blocking his way. So if you would please. Step. Aside." I glared at the whores as they quickly moved so yami can walk in. He looked me in surprise and smirks, thanking me. I go back to my seat to see a surprised yugi and (f/n). "I didn't think you had it in you (y/n)!" (F/n) laughs. I huffed, tired and started to talk to her about my outfit for the party.
(F/n) started applying light make up to finish my outfit. We finally agreed at school what I was going to be. Yugi wants us to be something related to Egypt, and finding it interesting I agreed. (F/n) is dressed as the Sphinx and I was going to be the Egyptian dog God. I had my hair flattened and had tall black dog ear on the top of my head. (F/n) colored my face in black and gold. I wore a short cocktail dress that was black and was beaded on the upper body while my bottom half was gold. I slipped on some black flats and looked at my results. Loved it. Soon enough my Sphinx friend had dragged me into the car and off to yugi and yami's house. I knock on the door and yugi opened up the door. "Hey! You guys look great!" He chuckles as we walked in. Yugi was wrapped in cloth to make him look like a mummy and to be accurate, king tut. "You don't look bad yourself my king~" (f/n) purred before dragging him off towards the dance floor, leaving me. I sighed and I suddenly hear squealing. I look over and I see yami. Sexually dressed as an Egyptian God. And he actually could be one with his tan. I shudder as the thought. Yami catches me and smiles before walking over to me. "Well well well. Looks like I have a loyal companion with me tonight." He purrs looking at my outfit. "I didn't think you knew I was going to be a Egyptian God you stalker." He chuckles jokingly. I clicked my tongue a bit annoyed. Yami thinks I'm one of those whores... The thought of that saddens me. I do have a crush on yami but I kept it to myself cause I knew he was too good for me. Yami must of notice my sadness cause he whispered to me worriedly. "jru(means small dog or pup in Arabic) I didn't mean it like that. I was only joking." Jru was his nickname for me cause I was younger than him first of all and lastly I loved dogs. I nodded my head before leaving to get a drink. Yami followed and we started to talk a bit. There was a point when his parents came over and we talked with them until yami pulled me away from them. Yami turned a corner where everyone couldn't see us. "What's wrong yami?" "Nothing it's just to hot with that many people in one room. Not only that I can't hear your voice jru." I watched as he walks into his room. I followed him and see him flop on his bed. I actually have never been in his room. It smelt like sweet pea and I look over to see a bunch of papers and a trash can full of wadded up paper. "You know. I didn't expect you to handle those girls at school the other day." He muttered as he sits up. I look back at him and cocked my head. "Well someone had to say something. I knew your not going to cause you didn't want to hurt the girls feelings." He grunts before scratching the back of his neck. He looked at me  nodded at the door. "Mind closing the door jru?" I quirked my brow before doing what he asked. Just as I close the door, a large hand was placed over mine while the other, locked the door. "Jru? Can I tell you something?" He whispers against my neck. I swallowed thickly before humming. "I've always wanted to tell you that you are an absolute goddess jru." I felt his lips brush against my skin making me loss my cool. His hands made their way around my waist. "And seeing you tonight-" his hands played with my zipper of my dress and kiss my neck. "Proved my image of you." He slowly started to unzip my dress but I turn around with a red face. Inside, I was confused, happy, angry, and sad. If he is only doing this for fun the. I don't want any part of it. Yami looks at me with confused eyes but waits for me to explain. "Yami? What are you saying? What am I to you?" Yami's eyes relaxed. "Jru. I'm saying that I love you." He said as he sits against his desk and plays with a wrinkled sheet of paper. He sighs. "Yami. If we were to have a relationship... I want it to last forever not just for fun." I choked on air. Yami darted his eyes into mine before shaking his head. "No jru! That's not what was I planning to do with you!" He stood up and looked down at me. He handed me a sheet of paper and it was cover with marks. Erase mark and some words were scribbled out. "Look. I was going to write you a letter telling you this but so far this is the best one I have out of-" he looks at the bin of papers. "That." He looks back a me as I look down at the messy draft.

I'm not sure how to write this but here it goes.  Do you know why me and you don't talk as much as you and yugi do? Well to be honest, I purposely distanced myself from you cause I didn't want to become a brother to you, like yugi did. I was jealous of how close you two became and seeing you visiting on the weekends made my day. Not just on weekends, but on weekdays also. Your smile is like an angel. But to get to my point. I love you. Very much......

The letter ended there, unfinished, and I look up to see his bright face. "It's not done. And it's not my best. I just know how to explain my feelings to you." He muttered as he settles on his bed. I reached for the dog ears and place them on his dresser. "Yami?" I whispered looking at his drooping form. When he didn't respond, I cupped his face and made him look at me. "Are you serious about me?" I asked with a serious look on my face. I feel his head nod in my hands. Getting the answer I wanted, I kissed him. He kissed back quickly as he makes me straddle him and places his hands on my waist and behind my head. I moaned into the kiss as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I pulled on his blonde hair, signaling that I needed air. He grunts as he pulls away slowly and goes down to nibble my neck. My hand slid down his bare chest as my moved up to his shoulders, sliding the white silk fabric down his arms. I felt his hands finish unzipping my zipper, making my dress loose and droopy. "Jru?" I kissed his neck before looking at him. His eyes were clouded with want. "If we continue I might not be able to stop myself." He warns but I just kissed his ear making him shudder. "Actions speak louder than words yami~" he growls before turning us around so that I'm laying on the bed. "Indeed they do~" yami smiles as he slid my dress off. He kisses my chest making me shiver and slid his fingers down south. "Wet already jru?" He playfully whispers. I squirm uncomfortable of his gaze. He chuckles as he's removes my panties while kissing my inner thigh tenderly. "Your skin is so smooth, dear" he whispers as kneaded my skin. I moaned at his touch making him kiss my stomach. He reached for his bottom half of his costume and throws it to the other side of the room. He loomed over me in all his glory. He kisses tenderly from my shoulder to my slowly. My moans hung in the air as he continues his loving actions. He pulls his lips to my ear and whispers "Are you sure, habibtaa?" I didn't trust my voice but I nodded shyly. "Il be gentle jru." He slowly enters me making me wince. He stopped at my pain but I shook my head. "Yami. It will hurt more if you do it slowly." I panted as my eyes were screwed shut from the pain. Yami looked at me worriedly but nodded and thruster inside me. Breaking my wall. Blood trickles down my legs and yami kisses me tenderly and full of passion and apologizes for hurting me repeatedly. I kissed him minutes later when the pain finally subsided and yami soon slowly thrusts. He hissed "f-fuck! Your so tight!~" I blushed as I moaned after each thrust. I knew he was holding back but I wasn't like that. "Yami! Please harder. Faster~" I moaned and yami obliged. The bed squeaked and the headboard banged against the wall as he quickened his pace. Our moans mixed, creating music. The knot tightened soon after yami threw my legs over his shoulder for a better position. "Y-Yami! Please r-right there~ hard!" I screamed as he hit my certain spot. He growled in determination as he pounds just right. He leans over and sucked on my sweet spot making me scream. He bites it gently before removing his mouth to admire his work. He licked the mark in approval before focusing back on my pleasure. I couldn't warn him of my orgasm so I ended up moaning deeply. He groans against my shoulder and cums inside of me. We stayed there, catching our breaths before yami rode out our high. He grabs my waist and pulls me into his warm chest. A knock was heard on his door. "Yami? Some girls want to see you." I hear yugi say. Yami lifts his head up slightly to yell at his brother. "Tell them to fuck off! I belong to somebody!" I blushed madly as i feel his grip tighten. Once yugi left yami closed his eyes. "yami?" I asked as I placed my hands on his sun kissed chest. Yami looks down at me, giving me his full attention. "What does habibtaa mean?" I asked. Yami smiles lovingly before kissing all over my face, ending on my nose. "It means my love~"

EYYY~ hope y'all enjoyed yami from yugiho! Sorry if he's OOC😓.... But thank you guys so much for reading!!! Next up! I'm am going to do the threesome request so I can get it out of the way! I don't really enjoy it! But if you guys like it then if it's requested I will try and do it! This book is for you guys not for me!!!! Anyways!!! Thanks again and thanks for the 10k reads😳😳😳!!! I'm really glad you guys enjoy these!!!! Bai now~

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