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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!! If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me alongside with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!

This lemon was requested by @soul_keeper12 ! Thank you for requesting and I hope y'all enjoy! Cause it's going to be rough! Trying something new!!!

I walked into the sabertooth guild with a tired sigh. I just finished a S class mission that required my type of magic, dragon slayer magic. But I'm pissed cause on the paper, they didn't tell me about about the few giant monster attacking their village. Telling at the last minute is a fucking no go! I sat down and rested my head on the table. It was loud but I able to drown them out as I slept. My ear caught the sound little feet pitter pattering on the wooden table I sat at. I look up to see my exceed, Aoi. His fur was grey and has a white muzzle. "Hey Aoi." I muttered. He crossed his tiny hands over his chest. He's mad cause I didn't tell him I was out on a mission, I asked sting to take care of him sometimes when I go on a dangerous mission. Did I mention that he was mute. He can't speak cause I found him injured during a mission and his voice box was crushed. I saddened at the thought but sat up straight and picked Aoi up. "I'm sorry. I just don't want anything happening to you." I whispered. Aoi responses by patting my shoulder, comforting me. I feel him crawl up onto my shoulder and sits as I sat up to go talk with sting. Walked up to the door of his office, hearing laughter of sting. I knocked on the door to see rouge open the door. I blushed lightly before nodding my head to him. He did the same and opened the door wider for me. I felt Aoi poke my face. I look at him to see his little smirk. I scowled at him causing him to go back to his usual poker face. Inside sat sting and a few fairies. I quirked my brow as sting looked at me with a big grin. "SIS!! Your back!" He gets up to greet me with a hug. We are not really brother and sister. A few months since I first joined sabertooth, he started calling me sis or sister. It was annoying and confusing at first but I got used to it after about.... A year. I slowly hugged him back telling him I'm back. He pulls away and sits back down. "So how did it go?" Sting asks. "Let's just I would have been back here earlier if those damn villager didnt mention faint beasts that was attacking their village at the last fucking minute." I growled. I was injured badly so I forced to stay a couple of days back in the village. Sting frowns at this and looks at rouge then back at me. "Well (y/n)! Your just in time then!" Sting smiles and throws his arms in the air. I quirked my brow as I leaned against the wall. "Some fairies here, invited us to a party that they are throwing this evening!" He chuckles as he gestures to the fairies sitting across from him. I recognize them as Ezra and levy. I nodded towards them as the waved at me. "And why do I-" "your coming (y/n)." Rouge interrupted me. "I see. Well then I should get ready. I'm a mess at the moment from the long ride." I said. Sting nods as rouge opens the door as I leave. My face flushed once the door closed. Aoi smirks before pulling out the door and all the way to my house. I walked into my room and place Aoi on my bed. He walks around the bed and gets comfortable and getting out his favorite book called 'Tigers Curse' (this book was amazing for more info on it I'll leave a description on it at the end) when I made sure he was comfortable, I go and take a shower and get dressed in a mid night blue crop top, a pair of jeans, and brown high boots, leaving my hair down. Putting on my silver serpent dragon necklace I got from my dragon, Frostine, on I walked out of the bathroom and see Aoi placing the book in his little black bag. With his crushed voice box, he can't play in most of their games so he reads most of the time. I smile as he flew and watched as I put on a light jacket on and lands on his spot on my shoulder. "Ready?" He smirks and nods. I scowl at him but chuckled and started to head off to fairy tail. I open the door to see some people already drunk and passed out on the floor, some were talking and some were rough housing. I cringed at the sight and looked for sting or rouge cause they were the only ones I knew were defiantly coming. I see sting to the master of fairy tail and walked up to him. "Hey sis! Glad you made it." I smiled as I placed Aoi next to me so he can get comfortable. Suddenly a girl with blonde hair stands on the table and shouts "SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!" Causing everyone to cheer. The loud blonde made me wince as she made everyone put an item in the bag. Once it got to me I placed my necklace into the bag. Next each one of us got a random number to see who goes first. I was number six so I'm going to have to wait. I sat at a table as minutes go by. At one point, Aoi gave me an extra book he thought I might like so I ended up reading instead of what I was about to, sleep. Suddenly I hear my name being called. I look up to see my necklace being closely looked at by rouge. I blushed as I stood up and slowly walked towards him and sting. "This is yours right?" Sting asks, grabbing it from rouge. I grabbed it and nodded. "GREAT! Well rouge picked your item so get in the closet!" He cheered, pushing us into the tight room. "Seven minutes!" A girl screamed, giggling. My thumb traced the scales of the silver dragon necklace with sad eyes. Frostine was my dragon that took care of me, but she left me with this necklace the day she left. A cough interrupted my thoughts as I look toward the source of the noise. "How have you been?" Rouges rough voice broke the silence. "I've been alright. I've rested a couple of days at the village I went to but I just wanted to be home the whole time I was there." I muttered a sigh. "How come?" Cause I missed seeing you. "Cause I left Aoi with sting." I hear him grunt. It sounded closer than it was last time. I try to put my necklace back on but I couldn't see where the clip saw. I suddenly feel hot breath on my neck. "Need some help?" I flinched but I nodded thinking he felt my head move up and down. I feel his large hand trace down my arms to the tips of my fingers, grabbing the metal chain that hold its masterpiece and slowly hooks it into place easily. "T-thank you rouge." I stuttered. My face burned yet I couldn't see it. I hear a growl and before I could turn around, rouge pins me facing the door. He bites my neck cause me to arch me back and my mouth was left ajar. No sound came out of my mouth. Just squeaks here and there. He bit harshly but licks and kisses it as an apology. I felt his hand slip into my crop top over my breasts and squeezed them. I moaned in pleasure. "TWO MINUTES!" I flinched at her voice. I was going to tell rouge to stop, even if I didn't want this to end, but he grinds my ass, making me moan.  His lips touched my ear and whisper "freeze the hinges and the lock." I blushed madly but did as I was told. Anything to keep this going. I place hands on the door and frost spreads out of my hands, freezing the door shut tight. "Good girl~" he whispers as he slowly removes his shirt. I looked behind me but I couldn't see but I felt his abs against my back. I groaned at the feeling. "What's my name?" "Rouge~" slowly rouge unbutton my jeans and pulled them down along with my panties. "What is it that you want (y/n)~" I shivered at his husky voice. God it was sexy but I can play that card too~. "I want you daddy~" I purred hearing his breath hitch and a sexy low growl. He chuckles. Feeling something hitting my upper thigh I nearly fell to my knees. Suddenly we hear people banging and trying to open the clothes to door. "Don't mind them baby girl~ you and I are going to have some fun~" he then thrusts deeply into me cause me to moan in pain. Blood crinkles down my legs as he roughly pounds into me from behind. I moaned loudly as he reached out and roughly squeezed one of my breasts while the other rubs my clit, sending waves of pain and pleasure down my spine. I'll admit I have pleasure for pain but only when it's mixed with pleasure. I screamed as he changed the position. He spreads my legs far and wide and in the air. He smacks my ass hard as he roughly pounds into me. Slow and hard. Perfect. I feel the banging stop on the other side of the door, guess they gave up. Soon enough rouges thrusts became sloppy. He leans into me and pants. "I'm the only one who makes you feel this good~"  oh my god~ I cummed at the sound of that. "Oh daddy~" soon after me he came. Riding out our orgasm, I passed out from exhaustion. Rouge pants heavily and runs his hand threw his hair, getting them both dress. He sat down and placed me in his lap. "You are daddy's favorite."

Okay! Little aggressive but I was trying something new cause I have a friend that's into saying 'daddy' to her boyfriend and suggested to me. So there you go! Thank you guys for reading and for the person that requested this! The book I mention earlier will be below this! (I'm on the second one!) Thanks again!

Tiger's Curse by: Collen Houck

The last thing Kelsey Hayes thought she'd be doing this summer was trying to break a 300-year-old curse. With a mysterious white tiger named Ren. Halfway around the world.
But that's exactly what happened.
Face-to-face with dark forces, spellbinding magic, and mystical worlds where nothing is what it seems, Kelsey risks everything to piece together an ancient prophecy that could break the curse forever.

This is a 4 book series:
Tiger's Curse
Tiger's Quest
Tiger's Voyage
Tiger's Destiny

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