Eyeless Jack•EJ

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Before we start, If you want a certain character to be in this book then you HAVE to request it! Otherwise I am not motived to do the Lemons!!  If you have a request please use either the request board or just message me. I would really appreciate it! If you want me to not mention you then please tell me along with your request cause I will be happy to not mention you. I WILL be mentioning this in every single chapter so please read if you have not read just FYI!!!!


IMAALIVE!!! sorry ive been busy with final project for college ; ^ ; please im seeking pity... Was requested by demonintraining! Thanks for the request! Honestly my internet kind of sucks right now... so I dont know when this will be up... so yeah...






Does anyone that reads this like foxes? *raises hand* Its actually my favorite animal XD and they just happen to want a fox nekoXD


I look out my door and stepped out and walked out of the house. I walk to the woods and lung forward making my body glow, landing on the ground with my new padded feet. My (f/c) fur shone against the moons light as I escape from my care takers. I start a light jog and wandered the woods mapping it out in my mind. I stepped into a small clearing with a large rotten truck that was laying on its side. I trotted over to it and sniffed the inside of the trunk. I flinched when I hear sounds coming from the inside, and I was about to bolt.... but it sounded like they were crying. Very slowly I walked in, squinting to see a darkened figure curled up in the middle. I continued forwards interested in what was going on and sat in front of the figure. The figure must have not seen me because it only trembles and cries. I slowly crept closer and nudge what I was guessing was its arm. The figure flinches and looks at me, my eyes widen because there was no eyes, just a dark abyss. "Are you scared too?" it said with a croaked voice. My ears flattened, 'People are scared of me too...' I slowly scoot over to him and nudge him. The figure growls weakly but I know it wasn't trying to be scary, hes lonely.... like me. I lay my head on its lap and purr twitching my ears. I watch his hand reach out slowly trying to not scare me so i leaned in and nuzzle his hand. The figure weakly chuckled and slowly grabbed me and placed me in his lap which I curled up in. The figure chuckles and pets my fur with more confidence which made me smile and purr at. I look up at him with my (e/c) eyes into his empty ones and somehow we need we need each other....

Flashback ends

That night, I found out the figures name was Jack, but to him having the lack of eyes, people called him Eyeless Jack or EJ. I stayed by EJ through out our time together cause I somehow knew we would need each other. EJ actually gave me a name and started calling me (y/n)... I never had a name before so it was weird to hear it instead of a number. I never changed back into a human because I did want to look strange... so I stayed in my fox form. Every now and then when when EJ leaves me to do something quick, I would change but only to let my human body stretch otherwise it would ache and my fox form will disappear without me knowing. I sigh and open my eyes, yawning. I looked over to see EJ still sleeping, so I get up and stretched before I hopped off of the bed, padding my way over to the bathroom. Poking my head in, I slowly walked in and used my head to close the door before jumping up and flipping the lock. I sigh before I hear static, I turned my head towards the computer EJ set up in here when he was giving me a bath. I hate baths and EJ found out that I calm when I'm listening to music. Still hate baths though...

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