You scowled and starting walking through the courtyard, "Just forget about it. I'll be fine." It made you angry that Mason couldn't keep his mouth shut when it came to your personal business. You didn't need everyone knowing that you lived alone for the time being.

"(Y/n)! Wait! I'm sorry!" Vincent ran to catch up with you, "I really mean it. I didn't think you would get angry."

You glanced at him and sighed, "I'm not angry at you, just Mason. Your dorm isn't this way Vincent, go home."

He ran a hand through his hair, "Are you sure you'll be alright?"

You nodded, "I'll be fine."

He gave you a worried look before he sighed and turned around, veering off to a path on his left. You watched him for a few moments before you sighed and turned to walk down the path to the bus station.

Your ribs still ached in protest as you walked down the path, but you tried your best to ignore it.

You scrolled through your phone aimlessly, not really paying attention to your surroundings until you ran into someone.

"Sorry." You mumbled, wincing slightly at the increasing pain.

"Well if it isn't (Y/n) (L/n)." A voice said and you looked up to see Riley standing in front of you.

"Go away Riley." You scowled and tried to walk around him. He put an arm out to stop you and you gave him an annoyed look.

"Why would I? I heard about the little fiasco in the courtyard at lunch today. Someone finally put you in your place, huh?" His tone was mocking.

You glared at him and stepped back, "No one put me in my place you wannabe delinquent."

Riley glared at you, "Wannabe? I am one. Maybe I should give you some payback for the punch you dealt me the other day and prove how much of a delinquent I really am."

You scoffed and went to step around him on the other side, "Drop it Riley. I'm not in the mood."

He stepped into your path and scowled, "You're not in the mood? Sorry I don't think I was in the mood to get punched but you did that didn't you?"

"You were asking for a fight." You replied, finally matching his glare.

"And I'm asking for one right now...that is unless you got too injured during your last one."

You rolled your eyes, "Go back to your stupid dorm and let me get home."

"You're not objecting."

"Saying no doesn't mean yes." You snapped as you crossed your arms.

He hummed, "I suppose you're right but-" Suddenly his fist was flying towards you. You instinctively reached your hand out and caught it.

Why does everyone want to fight me?! Am I that bad of a person?

You scowled, "Had your fun? Can we be done now?"

He pulled his hand away and glared, "You're extremely cocky for someone who got their rear end handed to them this morning."

"I'm tired and I don't want to deal with you." You shot back. "I'm not being cocky."

"Well (Y/n), I figured you're gonna get expelled sooner or later so I have to pay you back now." He threw another punch.

You twisted out of the way and winced, "What makes you think that I'm going to get expelled?"

He threw another punch, "Hm, I guess I know a rumor that you don't then."

You caught the punch and glared, "What do you mean?"

Riley smiled, "That's for you to find out."

You turned on your heel and started heading back down the path, "I'm done with this."

"What's rule number one in fights (Y/n)?" Riley growled.

You heard footsteps run up behind you and your eyes widened. He tackled you to the ground and a cry of pain escaped your lips. You tensed up, keeping your head down as you felt Riley get off.

"What's wrong? I didn't hurt you did I?" His tone was mocking.

You focused on steadying your breathing and ignoring the immense pain in your stomach. It felt as if someone was stabbing you.

"Cat got your tongue (Y/n)?" He laughed as he pulled you up by your arm. "Damn, you look like you're in pain."

You clenched your teeth and glared at him. He let go of your arm and you fell to the ground again.

"See, this is much more fun now." Riley bent down next to you, grinning. "Do I meet your criteria for a delinquent now?"

"Riley..." You growled as you went to stand up.

He tusked and stood up, pushing you down to the ground with his foot, "Stay down (Y/n). Give me a few more seconds to memorize your defeated look."

Anger flashed in your eyes and you pushed his foot off you, sitting up, "You literally tackled me. That's it. Stop talking as if you're strong."

A fist connected with your stomach and you screamed out in pain.

"By the sound of your voice, I'd assume that I'm plenty strong."

You coughed and fought to catch your breath. Your stomach felt as if it was on fire.

"I think you're really hurting now (Y/n). Should we keep going? I could-"

"I think you've done enough." A voice snapped and you vaguely recognized it.

"Go away, this doesn't have anything to do with you." Riley snapped.

"I think it does. I'm going to have to ask you to walk down that path and leave before I lose my composure."

"Why would I-"

"Now. Or you'll find yourself having a miserable experience later."

You whimpered as the pain increased and you leant forward, your hair falling around your face and touching the ground.

"I swear to god if you hurt her..." The voice growled.

"Hey, chill out. It's not that serious..." Riley trailed off, "You know what. I'll go. See you later (Y/n)."

You could hear a pair of footsteps walking away from you and suddenly someone knelt in front of you.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

You slowly lifted your head to see brown eyes filled with worry. You sighed in relief and then winced at the pain that once again shot through your stomach.

"Say something." The voice said softly.

"Elijah." You whispered, "What are you doing here?"

He visible relaxed and smiled lightly, "I was walking back to the dorms when I heard you scream. I ran here and saw...whatever was going on."

You nodded slowly, "Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" He murmured as he rested a hand on your shoulder.

"I don't know. I feel like I should be saying it." You looked away from him.

"Nonsense. Here, let me take you to our dorm and we can get you fixed up." He smiled reassuringly.

You went to protest but he positioned his arms around you and slowly lifted you up, cradling you.

This is the second time today he's carried me...

"There isn't any unneeded pressure on your ribs, right?" He glanced down at you and you shook your head.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" You asked, your face growing red.

He laughed and started walking toward the male dorm, "Don't worry. I enjoy having you in my arms."

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