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You stirred slightly and slowly opened your eyes. The sun was higher in the sky than before and casted your shadow on the ground in front of you. You slowly became aware of a weight on top of your head and your ears picked up on the faint sound of snoring. Vincent's head was resting on yours.

We both fell asleep...

You softly nudged Vincent a few times, causing him to stir as well. He slowly lifted his head and looked around for a few seconds, wondering where he was until his gaze landed on you.

You smiled at him, "I guess we both didn't sleep well last night, huh?"

His face went a light shade of red and he stood up, "Yeah...W-We should probably get back to class..."

You frowned slightly, remembering why you were out here in the first place, "...I guess you're right."

The two of you walked silently back through the courtyard and the cafeteria, emerging into the hallway.

"Do you know where you're supposed to go?" Vincent asked as the two of you climbed the stairs up to the top floor.

You laughed, "No clue. I'll probably just ditch all of it and maybe slip into my old classes."

He glanced at you as he stopped in front of a door, "You know, not everyone in the top class is bad."

You smiled, "I know. You're pretty nice and you're in them." You waved and turned on your heel, heading back downstairs.

He watched you slowly disappear, his cheeks turning more and more red.

How does she do this to me...I want to keep seeing that smile...I want her to only smile at me...

He stood in the hallway for a few minutes before he silently slipped into class.


"(Y/n)!" A voice hissed as you slipped into your old English classroom. You waved at Layken and took a seat beside her.

"What happened!? You were gone for homeroom and math!" She harshly whispered, "I thought you got expelled!"

You winced, "Sorry Lay, I'll explain it to you at lunch. Just don't draw attention to me, okay?"

She gave you a look of anger and concern before she focused back on the teacher. You sighed and sank into your chair, waiting for the class to be over so you could talk to Layken.

"You've got some major explaining to do." Layken said as the two of you walked down the stairs towards the cafeteria.

You glanced at her, "Well, do you remember how we pissed off Mason Northview yesterday?"

She nodded.

"He kind of...well...transferred me to the top class to get back at me." You didn't want to tell her the real reason why he'd done it because you just wanted to forget about the event yourself. Layken wouldn't let it go if you told her that Mason had trapped you in the bathroom.

"Transferred?! To the top class?!" She yelled as she stopped to look at you.

A few people paused in the hallway and stared at you.

"Will you be quiet!" You scolded as you dragged her down the rest of the hallway and into the cafeteria.

"I don't understand! You don't have the capabilities to be in that class."

Advanced Plans (Yandere Boys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now