Car Accident

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Everything happened in slow motion. Your instincts kicked in and you pushed Masons hand away and jerked the wheel of the car. Adrenaline coursed through your veins and you watched as the car swerved to the left off the road right in front of Gale.

"(Y/n)!" Mason yelled as he reached his arm out to make sure you stayed in your seat. The next thing that met your ears was glass shattering and you couldn't see anything but white. Airbags flew up and the force of the crash sent your head into them.

You sat there for a few seconds in complete shock, adrenaline and fear still coursing through you.

"-n). (Y/n), answer me. Are you okay?" Mason said softly as he looked over at you.

Slowly turning your head, you looked over at him with a vacant expression. You inhaled sharply as tears came to your eyes and the back of your throat felt like it was closing up. He quickly undid his seatbelt and leaned over the center console, wiping away some of the tears.

"Hey, you're fine. I'm sorry, okay?" He searched your eyes for any sort of emotion. "(Y/n), you're safe. Listen to me."

"You almost killed him." You whispered hoarsely.

"What, Love?" He asked, cupping your face.

"You almost killed him!" You yelled, your cries turning into hysterics.

"(Y/n)... You need to calm down... " He said, trying to keep your attention.

"No! I'm not going to calm down. Gale almost died because of your selfishness! Im sitting in a crashed car because of you! It's always you!" You pushed him away and grabbed the door handle. Pushing it open you stumbled out of the car and towards the road.

"(Y/n)!" Mason called before he cursed and opened his door too.

You got a few feet before you fell to the ground, just looking at the road.

They're psychotic. They're going to end up killing me.

Someone touched your shoulder and you flinched, "Get away!"

"(Y/n)... are you alright?" A voice asked worriedly.

You looked over to see Gale kneeling down beside you. At the sight of him you started crying more.

"G-Gale I'm so sorry. You could've been dead right now on that road and it would've been all my fault."

"Shhh. (Y/n)... were you behind the wheel?"


"Then it wasn't your fault." He said soothingly. "The car swerved off the road, was that because of you?"

A nod.

"You saved me then. Try to calm down, I'm going to call Master Gabriel and someone should be here soon to check your injuries."

"I don't have any-"

"There's multiple small cuts on your face." He cut you off before he stood up.

You could see him shake slightly as he walked away and you returned your gaze to the road. Right where Gale was previously standing was Mason and he was staring at something on the ground.

You slowly stood up as well and walked over, scared and intrigued at what Mason was so intently staring at. What you saw made a fresh wave of distress wash over you and you choked back another sob.

Mason looked back and ran over to you, blocking your gaze from the dog laying on the road. "Hey, no. Don't come over here. Let's go over near the trees and wait for a doctor, okay?" He guided you away from the road and over to the line of trees near the car.

"I-Is he...?" You trailed off quietly. You could see Mason hang his head a little.

"Just sit down and try to calm down. Focus on your breathing." He said before he walked away.

I need to get out of here. I can't stay here anymore, they're breaking me. I need to get out....get out... get out! You ran your hands through your hair.

He was fully prepared to kill Gale... What does that say about him as a person? They're all psychopaths!

Glancing over at Mason who was talking to Gale, you slowly stood up. The sound of a car could be heard and you backed up into the trees. A silver car appeared and pulled over on the side of the road, and out stepped Gabriel, Josephine, and Sean.

Gabriel and Sean's face paled when they saw what was lying on the road but Josephine pushed past them and went to the two boys. They started talking while Sean and Gabriel knelt down next to the dog.

In your observation of the three Roes you failed to notice a second car pull up, one filled with the other boys. Out stepped Elijah, Xander, and Vincent, all wearing expressions of worry. They glanced around trying to find you, but you stepped behind the tree.

I'm leaving... One way or another... You said as you went farther into the woods.

"I'll find my own damn exit." You murmured wiping at the stinging sensation on your face.

You could hear the boys yelling back near the road but didn't care anymore. If they found you, you'd just be thrown back in your room and you could try again.

Where does this even go? I wasn't paying attention to the road. You walked a couple hundred feet and just stopped. Peering around you sighed and leaned against a tree, feeling drained.

I could just lay here and starve...? Is that bad?

"Where the hell is she?!" A voice yelled which brought you back to your senses slightly.

Uh oh... Standing back up, you started walking again.

I'm away from them right now.... They don't know where I am. I can't lose this opportunity.

Stumbling a few yards more you winced and pressed against your temples. My head hurts.

"(Y/n)!" You could faintly hear someone call your name.

Shut up.... You thought.

"(Y/n)?" The voice got louder.

"Shut up..." You mumbled, grabbing a tree for stability.

To your left a bird was disturbed and flew into the air, cawing loudly.

"I said shut up!" You yelled, watching your vision go blurry.

The world started to tilt and you slowly fell to the ground, feeling your knees give out.

What's happening? I'm so tired....

Vincent and Xander crashed through the trees and stopped abruptly when they saw you.

"(Y/n)?!" Vincent said as he knelt down beside you.

Xander felt your pulse and sighed, "I'm going to assume she fainted from the adrenaline."

"What do you mean?"

"A sudden increase and decrease of blood flow to the brain caused her to faint."

"So she's okay?" Vincent moved a few strands of hair out of your face.

"Yes, but we'll have to take her back to get checked by a real doctor. How she got out this far is beyond me." Xander explained, eyeing the cuts on your face.

Vincent picked you up off the ground and started carrying you back the way they had come, Xander following.

A/N: I-... Y'all really thought I was gonna kill off Gale huh? Sike, I like him. So we've done favorite and least favorite character..... now i'm gonna ask whos the character you don't care about at all? As always, thanks for the support!

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